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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 General Discussion


Get staffed bro
I'd be down, just we ain't had much in the way of casuals to really nail a team for ourselves. And I'm kinda on standby for now until they release Doctor B anyway.. Maybe another tourney of yours would kick things off :)
Good to know dude.

The main reason I did the MK tourney was that there was nothing in the pipeline at the time and didn't want the scene to die. Tekken already has a pretty established scene around London so I'd rather tag onto that tbh.

I'm quite surprised no-one from PND has gone to any so far, if only to get some casuals in and level up. So far that I know of there is:

i47 http://neoempire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13566

360Gaming http://neoempire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13553

SvB http://www.supervsbattle.com

I'm probably going to go to the 360 gaming event and maybe SvB if anyone wants to come along. i47 is too far this time though...
I'm still playing this game, just haven't been online lately. I got to say, playing against the AI(ghost mode) is hella addicting. Though I probably should turn the difficulty up (playing on very hard). I'm so free to hard difficulty though :(

Oh and has anyone playing ghost mode gotten to Tekken Lord yet? I'm wondering how the AI is on that level.


PSN: Skkra
Oh and has anyone playing ghost mode gotten to Tekken Lord yet? I'm wondering how the AI is on that level.
I haven't played any single player. The problem with the AI is that while you can get some practice in as far as your basics and juggles with a character, you don't the the human feel that is so important in fighting games. The CPU can't be trained, it can't be tricked, if it gets thrown it's because it allows itself to be thrown, not because it doesn't have fast reactions, or you had a good counter-throw timing setup.


PSN: Skkra
I am psyched for Dr. B. How psyched?

I have my Tekken 3 disc sitting here in my apartment. I installed it on my PS3, played through everything necessary, and unlocked everyone, including Gon and Dr. B. On occasion, I STILL sit down and practice with Dr. B, even though I'll never actually play against anyone ever again in that game. He's one of the coolest and most original characters I've ever seen in Tekken.

So yeah. PSYCHED.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Man, learning Dr. B definitely aint no walk in the park, gonna be a while before I start busting him out in casuals..


Zoning Master
New tier list from 2ch.

Baraka (from tekkenzaibatsu forums) said:
Heihachi, Devil Jin, Kazuya

Lars, Leo, Nina, Feng, Bob, Kunimitsu, Slim Bob

Dragunov, Jinpachi, Steve, Armor King, Hwoarang, Miguel, Lei Wulong, Forest Law

Jaycee, Bruce, Bryan Fury, Lee, Paul, Asuka, Jack 6, Michelle

Ganryu, Marduk, Anna, Jin, Ling Xiaoyu, Miharu, Angel, P Jack

Alisa, Eddy, Ogre, King, Christie, Zafina, Jun, Baek, Lili, Raven, Marshal Law, Yoshimitsu, Wang, Tiger Jackson, Ancient Ogre, Sebastian

Roger Jr., Alex, Kuma, Panda


Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
That list is kinda retarded. Look at the placement of the Laws... LOL

Kunimitsu also seems way too high


PSN: Skkra
I don't agree with a lot of that tier list. Kuni seems way too high, the Laws and Capos seem out of place... both my Lili and Zafina are listed in D tier?... yeah, they're not great in this game, but that feels too low as well. Anyone on the same tier as Sebastian better be pretty shitty.

I don't even know how Ancient Ogre is playable the way he is now, but God DAMN! Feng Wei is the shit.
Yeah man, he's just dumb. So much good easy shit. Same with Forest this game. Forest is like... the essence of Law. He's all the things that make Law good thrown into one character. One of our Philly players here plays Feng/Law as a troll team and he's totally fine. He started using Forest as his main partner and what a shock, with fundamentals and super cheesy Forest play alone, Forest has a 70% win rate with almost zero practice/effort.