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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 General Discussion

Man, I get away with a lot of shit when playing hwoarang online. Still get blown up though.

Also I was thinking of maining Dr. B, but after using him he doesn't feel my playstyle. Feels like a troll character. Unknown looks interesting, but Violet feels very similar to Lee. Not sure what makes them different, but I'm pretty sure someone on here can inform me on that subject.

I'm also going to try to upload some vids of me playing. I definetly need some critique on my gameplay.
Why can't that dude just hopkick that fool?
By looking at the vid, he couldn't even get up. Best thing to do is to not roll back/stand up, but do a low wakeup kick instead to kick him out of it (just a guess lol). Or he could have just tech rolled after getting hit and then hop kicked him to kingdom come.


Getting better with age
I need some of you guys to PLEASE add me on psn and help me get decent at this game.
If I keep getting farmed by the same 2 people all night I'm not going to improve.
3W-15L for the night and 12 were vs Unknown... -_-


Believe in the hop kick
Angel could have been more original. All they did was give her Kazuya's/DVJ's flashy punishable moves and a couple of pokes and a handful of unique stuff, an f3 slightly similar to Lars' f3, a shitty backdash and that's it. A useless character if you are already playing the other Mishimas.

Ancient Ogre has got a shitload of while crouching and WS moves.


Believe in the hop kick
I need some of you guys to PLEASE add me on psn and help me get decent at this game.
If I keep getting farmed by the same 2 people all night I'm not going to improve.
3W-15L for the night and 12 were vs Unknown... -_-
I'll send you a friend request when I get on. I was able to play with Skkra in a 3 bar connection so the distance might not be a problem.

I like to play practice mode matches. It's what I'll be doing most of the time. I just hate losing out of ignorance and zero match up knowledge and it doesn't do my opponent any good either if he/she is able to get away with all the possible cheese and punishable shit strings their character has.


PSN: Skkra
Violet feels very similar to Lee. Not sure what makes them different
Violet is T4 Lee. Hwoarang is a great character but takes a FUCKTON of work to get good with. Check out replays or fight JIMMY675 if you want to see a ridiculous Hwoarang. He also gets punished hard if you know how to deal with his strings... it takes a LOT of matches against him to get it down though.

Angel could have been more original. A useless character if you are already playing the other Mishimas.
Tell that to Kane!... =P

I like to play practice mode matches. It's what I'll be doing most of the time. I just hate losing out of ignorance and zero match up knowledge and it doesn't do my opponent any good either if he/she is able to get away with all the possible cheese and punishable shit strings their character has.
I think you should work on playing real matches. Do player matches instead of ranked… it’s not like it matters if you lose or not there (if you care about your rank). I pretty much never play ranked, I just do player matches. If your opponent is getting away with cheese, they're doing just fine... cheese is very, very real and it works very, very well. It's helping them plenty.

This advice goes for anyone who is learning this game: playing actual matches gives you a LOT of information – how much damage certain setups do, what moves people like to do to end a match, when the best times to tag are, etc. Use practice mode when you’re playing alone. Go through the movelists of characters you’re having trouble with and learn the strings. Use the defensive training to learn how to punish them.

Don’t hate losing, and don’t let it frustrate you. It’s not losing – it’s LEARNING. The matches you’re losing out of lack of matchup experience IS your matchup experience! You WANT to get hit by the same setups over and over in an actual match, where you see how and when they’re applied. This way, you’re learning to recognize those situations in the context of a real match. Sooner or later, you WILL understand the cheese and how to get out of it. I actually LOVE when someone hits me with the same cheesy setup over and over… it only takes a few times before I recognize it and shut it down.

The obvious benefit of playing player matches with people from here is that after a set, we can tell you exactly why you lost, what moves you should’ve been punishing, and what setups to look out for.

I haven’t had any time to play in the past week or two, but I may hopefully pop on tonight for a little bit, so people can add Skkra. If not, I’ll be on on Saturday at some point.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I haven't had hardly any time to dedicate to this game at all, lately. With Halo 4, Black Ops 2, my sudden urge to start really learning other characters in MK 9 outside of Sub-Zero, on top of working 40 hours / week.....my TTT2 disc is feeling lonely.


PSN: Skkra
if things go well ill be able to game at a decent hour tonight skkra. Be ruthless.
Cool man. Friend me. I'll try to hop on. It's 6:00 PM here and I haven't even left the office yet... if I manage to get on tonight, it probably won't be until 9:00 PM EST. I need a drink, what a long day...

Semi Evil Ryu, I hear you man. I don't think I've played since we last played a week or two ago. I'm not even playing any other games... just work and life being too busy. BLARGH. I'd like to go back to being a college kid please hahaha.


PSN: Skkra
Skkra Great info, thanks for the post. I'll definetly check out JIMMY675.
No problem. Definitely check out some of his replays if you can find them online. He has some of the best and most precise Hwoarang rushdown I've ever seen.

Hwoarang is awesome... I've always thought he was a great character... but he can definitely get punished if you know what to do. For example, blocking LFS d+3,4 by crouching the entire time then launching is really, really, really hard to do consistently if you havent play a LOT of matches against him. Everything happens so fast that you need to have seen the animations a thousand times so you can instantly react before you're getting rushed down again.

Baek has some insane rushdown as well, but he's somewhat easier to get around, as you can sidestep a TON of his moves simply by sidestepping to your character's left.


I didn't get out of work until about 8:30 PM last night, so I never got on to play with anyone. I'll definitely be on at some point tomorrow afternoon though, hopefully I'll see some TYMers!
No problem. Definitely check out some of his replays if you can find them online. He has some of the best and most precise Hwoarang rushdown I've ever seen.

Hwoarang is awesome... I've always thought he was a great character... but he can definitely get punished if you know what to do. For example, blocking LFS d+3,4 by crouching the entire time then launching is really, really, really hard to do consistently if you havent play a LOT of matches against him. Everything happens so fast that you need to have seen the animations a thousand times so you can instantly react before you're getting rushed down again.

Baek has some insane rushdown as well, but he's somewhat easier to get around, as you can sidestep a TON of his moves simply by sidestepping to your character's left.


I didn't get out of work until about 8:30 PM last night, so I never got on to play with anyone. I'll definitely be on at some point tomorrow afternoon though, hopefully I'll see some TYMers!
So true, the AI ducks d+3, 4 so often I get scared to use it online, because I always feel I'll get launched punished (I really should play against the AI less and online more). :REO

Also I don't know all the abbreviations for Hwoarang's stances. Could you list them for me, it would really help when reading frame data and guides. (for example does LFS = Left Flamingo Stance?) Thanks again Skkra.


PSN: Skkra
Also I don't know all the abbreviations for Hwoarang's stances. Could you list them for me, it would really help when reading frame data and guides. (for example does LFS = Left Flamingo Stance?) Thanks again Skkra.
Absolutely play online as much as you can. The online is so damn good in this game that there is no reason not to play against real humans.

LFF = left foot forward (default stance)
LFS = left flamingo
RFF = right foot forward
RFS = right flamingo stance


Will there be a decent following here if I get this around Christmas time? It's the only way I'll be able to play it legit since I'll be off all that time alongside RE6...it's either TTT2 or Assassin's Creed 3.

I don't mind putting in the effort, but hopefully I can get decent in about a month's time...or is that too soon? I dunno just curious since I'll be starting my semester back up soon after.
Absolutely play online as much as you can. The online is so damn good in this game that there is no reason not to play against real humans.

LFF = left foot forward (default stance)
LFS = left flamingo
RFF = right foot forward
RFS = right flamingo stance
Thanks again Skkra, you're a life safer. :)

Also, for anyone playing on PSN (I'm not sure if he's on psn or xbox lol GamerBlake90), gamerblake is hosting a stream. I'll see if I can join (if it's on psn).

EDIT: Stream has ended, good games everyone.


Cock Master!!
Will there be a decent following here if I get this around Christmas time? It's the only way I'll be able to play it legit since I'll be off all that time alongside RE6...it's either TTT2 or Assassin's Creed 3.

I don't mind putting in the effort, but hopefully I can get decent in about a month's time...or is that too soon? I dunno just curious since I'll be starting my semester back up soon after.
After nec ill be playing the game 90% of the time until injustice comes out.

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Can someone critique my gameplay, I want to know where I need to improve.


I've also began realizing how effective sidestepping/sidestepping cancelling after a string is (can get behind someone if done correctly), as well as the importance of "While standing" moves. If your a beginner, it's important you know you're characters while rising moves. They're used to punish lows, or high crush (ducking under a move and then punishing with a while rising move if I'm correct)


PSN: Skkra
Protagonist_1, I'll take a look later this evening after work. While-standing moves are a big part of this game... since you basically never want to be ducking in this game (the majority of launchers are mids), you'll basically be using your while-standing moves to punish lows.

I don't mind putting in the effort, but hopefully I can get decent in about a month's time...or is that too soon? I dunno just curious since I'll be starting my semester back up soon after.
If you've never played a Tekken game before, it's going to take you several months to get up to speed. It's a fun game, sure, but its just another game... I'd concentrate on school. Study up. Work on your profession instead of your juggles. Graduate and get a sick job. Get paid big bucks. That ends up ultimately being a lot more fun than Tekken it turns out.

As your academic advisor, I encourage you spend any college time you'd waste playing Tekken just drinking booze and hanging with out broads.