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Tekken Tag Tournament 2 General Discussion


PSN: Skkra
Good games tonight guys. I'm pretty hammered but hopefully the matches were OK hahahahaha. Out at the bar now but wanted to post up quick!

Bildslash, lets play again soon, maybe even again this weekend? I've have zero experience against Lars and Jinpachi; I'd like to hop into practice and see their strings before our next set. I continually ate huge Jinpachi damage when I tried to attack and strings werent over, plus I think there were some lows that kinda look like mids... I'll have to check! He definitely had some kind of low punch that was destroying me, along with that flight stance to low that I ate about a zillion times... by the end of the session my brain was starting to see it coming but by then it was bar time and I had to go.

If you have any questions about Lili or, more likely, any Zafina stances/strings/bullshit, feel free to ask! I'll try and hop on tomorrow afternoon if you're around.
Good games tonight guys. I'm pretty hammered but hopefully the matches were OK hahahahaha. Out at the bar now but wanted to post up quick!

Bildslash, lets play again soon, maybe even again this weekend? I've have zero experience against Lars and Jinpachi; I'd like to hop into practice and see their strings before our next set. I continually ate huge Jinpachi damage when I tried to attack and strings werent over, plus I think there were some lows that kinda look like mids... I'll have to check! He definitely had some kind of low punch that was destroying me, along with that flight stance to low that I ate about a zillion times... by the end of the session my brain was starting to see it coming but by then it was bar time and I had to go.

If you have any questions about Lili or, more likely, any Zafina stances/strings/bullshit, feel free to ask! I'll try and hop on tomorrow afternoon if you're around.
Good games, got bodied but I learned a lot. I seriously need to stop backrolling though lol. Caught me everytime I did it :(


PSN: Skkra
Good games, got bodied but I learned a lot. I seriously need to stop backrolling though lol. Caught me everytime I did it :(
I'll shoot you a PM with a bunch of matchup advice. I only play Lili/Zafina since I only get to play a few hours every week or two.

Rule #1 though... never backroll against Lili!


Believe in the hop kick
Woah, I maxed out too? Guess I got to make some room as well.
I'd be up for some games right now... I was in a practice mode session with a friend of mine so I didn't reply to your mail immediately and we were showing each other some punishable BS with our characters. The connection with other Europeans isn't any better than with US players sometimes... so I'd be happy to play with you since I don't know much about Steve or Hwoarang.
I'd be up for some games right now... I was in a practice mode session with a friend of mine so I didn't reply to your mail immediately and we were showing each other some punishable BS with our characters. The connection with other Europeans isn't any better than with US players sometimes... so I'd be happy to play with you since I don't know much about Steve or Hwoarang.
I'm not sure if I'll be availible today again, though for hwoarang the main thing you have to worry about is his flamingo stance. It's kind like johnny cages pressure to put it in MK terms. Best thing do to when your in a flamingo is to sidestep then punish, d1 out of it, or make a read and duck his highs and use a while standing move to knock him out of it.

Steve main tool is his b1, and on counterhit can take away half your life (or more). It's a high though, so it can be ducked and punished. Though steve's b1 can even stop an electric on counterhit. TekkenTim told me about it in a chat, went online and did it on a Mishima player...was hilarious. Still lost though :(

Edit: GG Smoke, had fun. Dat Jet Upper! :REO

I want some good games later tonight, add me pls pls pls
I'll try to add you when I get the chance. Sorry that I couldn't get to you today. :(


PSN: Skkra
OK, back and much, much more sober!... well, totally sober... I'd hope I'm not hammered at 8:00 AM, though that sounds fun.

Bildslash, super solid games man, definitely need to play more. I should be on this morning/afternoon for a bit I believe. I want another session with that Lars/Jinpachi. I've had some time to digest and I'm ready for round 2 hahaha. That was fun as hell last night. A ton of our matches seemed to be that whoever got the first hit with a wall carry would just win a round in about 15 seconds!

My girlfriend was hanging out watching TV while we're playing, and I was sitting there chugging drinks between rounds, and any time I'd lose she'd be going, "Put down that damn beer and pay attention!!!" hahahahaha


Goro Lives 
Good games tonight guys. I'm pretty hammered but hopefully the matches were OK hahahahaha. Out at the bar now but wanted to post up quick!

Bildslash, lets play again soon, maybe even again this weekend? I've have zero experience against Lars and Jinpachi; I'd like to hop into practice and see their strings before our next set. I continually ate huge Jinpachi damage when I tried to attack and strings werent over, plus I think there were some lows that kinda look like mids... I'll have to check! He definitely had some kind of low punch that was destroying me, along with that flight stance to low that I ate about a zillion times... by the end of the session my brain was starting to see it coming but by then it was bar time and I had to go.

If you have any questions about Lili or, more likely, any Zafina stances/strings/bullshit, feel free to ask! I'll try and hop on tomorrow afternoon if you're around.
Those were pretty intense. I too had trouble following and reading your strings with Lili and Zafina. Eventhough I've played Mr. Mil a few times, you were using moves he doesn't so got caught by surprise many times.

I still need to improve a lot, I'm playing this practically on a daily basis and only managed to win a few. I'm still figuring out when to sidestep in close combat, so far whenever I'm doing it I still get caught by follow ups and can't manage to get to the side or back.

If you had more time to play I'm sure I would have gotten curbstompped.

OK, back and much, much more sober!... well, totally sober... I'd hope I'm not hammered at 8:00 AM, though that sounds fun.

Bildslash, super solid games man, definitely need to play more. I should be on this morning/afternoon for a bit I believe. I want another session with that Lars/Jinpachi. I've had some time to digest and I'm ready for round 2 hahaha. That was fun as hell last night. A ton of our matches seemed to be that whoever got the first hit with a wall carry would just win a round in about 15 seconds!

My girlfriend was hanging out watching TV while we're playing, and I was sitting there chugging drinks between rounds, and any time I'd lose she'd be going, "Put down that damn beer and pay attention!!!" hahahahaha
I'll try to be there then to catch some more games. I'm probably going to get my ass kicked now that you've had the time to reflect on our matches. xD