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Tekken 7 General Discussion Thread - OP Updated With All Tekken Info


Dojo Trainee
LOL Honestly, i was kept thinking of DBFZ and saying to myself "Reflect Reflect REFLECT!" then BAM the shit actually worked! The startup is really fast BUT it has a very small window for the parry to take place, so you gotta pick your spot quick or else it will leave you open for punish. Also take into account, it only parries highs and mids I believe, not lows.

I still can't believe that muthafucka decided to taunt on me haha. Maybe he knew he was gonna disconnect if he lost. Whateva....but thanks for the love man. I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to be on commentary for the FGC! Been actually doing research on that shit. If the opportunity persist, I'm so down!
I can't believe he taunted you, then you beat his ass against the wall lmao

I'm sure you can find an opportunity if you keep looking. You just need your foot in the door. I like how you checked his outfit out lol I never notice ppls outfits


Mr. Righteous
I can't believe he taunted you, then you beat his ass against the wall lmao

I'm sure you can find an opportunity if you keep looking. You just need your foot in the door. I like how you checked his outfit out lol I never notice ppls outfits
MAAAAAN then you need to see my videos more often! I always deck out my characters in style. I mean, i made my Eddy Gordo look like Prince ;)

I wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to putting my foot in the door for commentary....i guess going to a offline tourney would be a start liiiiike Wednesday Night Fights maybe ?Question mark?


Dojo Trainee
MAAAAAN then you need to see my videos more often! I always deck out my characters in style. I mean, i made my Eddy Gordo look like Prince ;)

I wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to putting my foot in the door for commentary....i guess going to a offline tourney would be a start liiiiike Wednesday Night Fights maybe ?Question mark?
That's awesome. I don't have that artistic ability lol Eddy looking like prince sounds dope.

Yea offline tourneys will probably do it! I just went to my first, you'll feel empty the first few days afterwards when its over but it keeps the will to compete alive.

Edit: someone on here said you'll get a fever, they were right but can't remember who said it


It's all so very confusing.
MAAAAAN then you need to see my videos more often! I always deck out my characters in style. I mean, i made my Eddy Gordo look like Prince ;)

I wouldn't even know where to start when it comes to putting my foot in the door for commentary....i guess going to a offline tourney would be a start liiiiike Wednesday Night Fights maybe ?Question mark?
Honestly, dunno for sure how you'd 'break in' to commentary, but make some demo vids, take some tournament footage and commentate over it, then look for upcoming tournaments, the further out the better (less likely to have commentary already booked) and contact the operators. Send them your youtube, as well as the demo commentary vids. In the meantime, contact other tourneys and see if you can get re-stream permission, and when they go live, re-stream them on Twitch or Stream.me with your own commentary over them. Just try to build up a base of work and keep contacting people hosting. After you get a booking or two, if your style catches on and tourney operators like you and what you can do, they'll start contacting you and you'll get paid for your work.

That's how I'd do it anyway, if I was trying to get into it. Build a body of work any way you can (just make sure to have full permission for any footage used or restreaming or whatever, you can kill you chances before you even have them by making enemies early) and then get that body of work as much exposure as possible.

Your style is def unique in the FGC, and has a flair, energy and positivity that's going to really grab a lot of people, and of course I mean no disrespect, but it will also turn some people off. I'd say you'd be a Zhi-like commentator in how polarizing you'd be, but that in itself can be a selling point.

Just my thoughts.


It's all so very confusing.
Ok.. So labbing Noctis BnBs and honestly, doing his currently-known optimal stuff actually isnt all that easy.

His Df2 BnB @ 64 damage (unless someone knows of more?) is kind of a bitch to get the ender right. The df1 into ff4 feels really tight. Ive just been going straight into ff4 for 61 damage.

His CH ff1+2 isnt too hard now that I figured out you have to delay your 'landing' 2 as long as possible, but the initial dash-pickup into 4,2 isnt easy, especially in a match.

He has easy alternatives that sacrifice a few damage for ease, but nailing his more optimal stuff is harder than some. I mean, these arent Lee b2 loops or anything, but they are kinda tricksy.

Also, Noctis is pretty gulldern fun


Mr. Righteous
Honestly, dunno for sure how you'd 'break in' to commentary, but make some demo vids, take some tournament footage and commentate over it, then look for upcoming tournaments, the further out the better (less likely to have commentary already booked) and contact the operators. Send them your youtube, as well as the demo commentary vids. In the meantime, contact other tourneys and see if you can get re-stream permission, and when they go live, re-stream them on Twitch or Stream.me with your own commentary over them. Just try to build up a base of work and keep contacting people hosting. After you get a booking or two, if your style catches on and tourney operators like you and what you can do, they'll start contacting you and you'll get paid for your work.

That's how I'd do it anyway, if I was trying to get into it. Build a body of work any way you can (just make sure to have full permission for any footage used or restreaming or whatever, you can kill you chances before you even have them by making enemies early) and then get that body of work as much exposure as possible.

Your style is def unique in the FGC, and has a flair, energy and positivity that's going to really grab a lot of people, and of course I mean no disrespect, but it will also turn some people off. I'd say you'd be a Zhi-like commentator in how polarizing you'd be, but that in itself can be a selling point.

Just my thoughts.
Hmmmmmm...*thinks*...so if i get old footage of tourneys i dont need permission? Only need permission if its a re-stream thats LIVE? Cuz honestly, i dont have any idea on how that works and i really dont want to piss ppl off doing the wrong things at jump.

Turning ppl off of my personality on the other hand....Listen, ive grown to learn in life that everybody is not gonna like you. Its the way of the world. So ive come to peace with that and realized im not going to let that stop my hustle. Of course, i want ppl to like me, duh! Im a loveable negro :) But i really think commentating would be my thing that i know i can be REALLY good at. I've been listening to non-stop commentary from local tourneys to majors to weekly streams, etc. So i pick up on lingo fast, and im funny as shit! So i appreciate your honesty. Very Righteous of you :)


It's all so very confusing.
Hmmmmmm...*thinks*...so if i get old footage of tourneys i dont need permission? Only need permission if its a re-stream thats LIVE? Cuz honestly, i dont have any idea on how that works and i really dont want to piss ppl off doing the wrong things at jump.

Turning ppl off of my personality on the other hand....Listen, ive grown to learn in life that everybody is not gonna like you. Its the way of the world. So ive come to peace with that and realized im not going to let that stop my hustle. Of course, i want ppl to like me, duh! Im a loveable negro :) But i really think commentating would be my thing that i know i can be REALLY good at. I've been listening to non-stop commentary from local tourneys to majors to weekly streams, etc. So i pick up on lingo fast, and im funny as shit! So i appreciate your honesty. Very Righteous of you :)
Even old footage would belong to someone, and youd need to get permission to use it, but Id imagine most people wouldnt mind much, especially if you explain the reason you're using it. You're not monetizing it or using it generate views on YouTube or something, but as a demo to be sent to prospective employers.. If you kept some of the demos entirely to yourself and ONLY passed them to employers or select individuals for opinions/consideration I actually dont think youd need permission exactly, but anything you posted to be viewed publicly, you'd need permission for.

The legal side of this.. copyrights and fair use and all that shit are intricate and weird. I deal with this stuff quite a lot actually because my GF is a professional photographer and people and clients are FOREVER messing with her work, and its always a shitshow. IMO when in doubt, just ask, lol. I dont think it would be an issue for a lot of people to let you use footage and such at all.. and Hell, if you look around for some small private tournaments you may be able to get a couple live commentary gigs under your belt with smallscale online tourneys as well. Id THINK a lot of those would WANT a commentator to volunteer to work for them.

Also, glad you didnt take offense at my polarization comment. I like your style - and I think your unique approach would garner you a strong following. I was just touching on the practicalities of the situation as your advantages and disadvantages to prospective employers would be concerned.


It's all so very confusing.

Is there some trick in treasure battle to getting the new costumes for Noctis? I *really* want the Kings Raiment or whatever it is, and the one with the hood.. and I played like 50 treasure battle matches and managed to get a pair of pants for Raven.. and nothing else... but Im seeing ALL kinds of people running around with Noctis' shiznit. Am I just unlucky? Or is there some other way to unlock that stuff?


Mr. Righteous
Ok.. So labbing Noctis BnBs and honestly, doing his currently-known optimal stuff actually isnt all that easy.

His Df2 BnB @ 64 damage (unless someone knows of more?) is kind of a bitch to get the ender right. The df1 into ff4 feels really tight. Ive just been going straight into ff4 for 61 damage.

His CH ff1+2 isnt too hard now that I figured out you have to delay your 'landing' 2 as long as possible, but the initial dash-pickup into 4,2 isnt easy, especially in a match.

He has easy alternatives that sacrifice a few damage for ease, but nailing his more optimal stuff is harder than some. I mean, these arent Lee b2 loops or anything, but they are kinda tricksy.

Also, Noctis is pretty gulldern fun
RIGHT!? IT ISN'T EASY! I have a hard time landing that ff4 myself. So my BnB as of now consists of...

DF2, 4,2, (delay) 2 (then hit the ground) 2,2,2,2

That combo takes the opponent straight to the wall for more pressure. Im still working on other tricks, but thats basically my go-to combo.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Mmm... Different game soooooo
Not so different. The timing is strict that you need to counter the exact moment the hit deals.

Is there some trick in treasure battle to getting the new costumes for Noctis? I *really* want the Kings Raiment or whatever it is, and the one with the hood.. and I played like 50 treasure battle matches and managed to get a pair of pants for Raven.. and nothing else... but Im seeing ALL kinds of people running around with Noctis' shiznit. Am I just unlucky? Or is there some other way to unlock that stuff?
You mean the Kingsglaive uniform (the future one). About other way, I dunno. This is the only way. Good luck.


It's all so very confusing.
RIGHT!? IT ISN'T EASY! I have a hard time landing that ff4 myself. So my BnB as of now consists of...

DF2, 4,2, (delay) 2 (then hit the ground) 2,2,2,2

That combo takes the opponent straight to the wall for more pressure. Im still working on other tricks, but thats basically my go-to combo.
I'm experimenting with various Enders. The other problem with the max damage B&B even if you land it is it is a side switch, and depending on where you are towards the wall, the aerial portion f**** everything up anyway.

It's actually kind of a shity combo really. Unless you're just midscreen and don't give a s*** and are just trying to squeeze every bit of damage out. I need to experiment with the delayed 2, into something like df4,2. Just mashing 2 is an easy way to get some carry and everything but it eats up all the potential hits in the combo, and the Damage tends to be pretty terrible.


Mr. Righteous
I'm experimenting with various Enders. The other problem with the max damage B&B even if you land it is it is a side switch, and depending on where you are towards the wall, the aerial portion f**** everything up anyway.

It's actually kind of a shity combo really. Unless you're just midscreen and don't give a s*** and are just trying to squeeze every bit of damage out. I need to experiment with the delayed 2, into something like df4,2. Just mashing 2 is an easy way to get some carry and everything but it eats up all the potential hits in the combo, and the Damage tends to be pretty terrible.
I just use the easiest combo because it pushes the opponent against the wall. HOWEVER I'm learning that doing all 5 hits fuck up the pressure allowing the opponent to wakeup kick. So if I do only 2,2,2,2 then I can set up for an oki. There's alot of things im messing at the moment w/ Noctis and leveled up quite a bit last night to Expert :)


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
I just use the easiest combo because it pushes the opponent against the wall. HOWEVER I'm learning that doing all 5 hits fuck up the pressure allowing the opponent to wakeup kick. So if I do only 2,2,2,2 then I can set up for an oki. There's alot of things im messing at the moment w/ Noctis and leveled up quite a bit last night to Expert :)
Interesting. There's, also, another OKI. Didn't take much time to lab this character much as I was focused on perfecting Eddy on the sideways. Now taking a break from the FGs cuz I'm tired AF.

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The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
RIGHT!? IT ISN'T EASY! I have a hard time landing that ff4 myself. So my BnB as of now consists of...

DF2, 4,2, (delay) 2 (then hit the ground) 2,2,2,2

That combo takes the opponent straight to the wall for more pressure. Im still working on other tricks, but thats basically my go-to combo.
It's not that hard. Just think of it as Eddy's FF3. You only need to find the right moment to do it. The hard part is doing the F2+3 after the aerial 2. I adjusted this combo into Armiger ender.

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It's all so very confusing.

Im trying to NOT use the 4,2 222 sequence.. I dont like it. If you're close-ish to a wall you have to make a choice quick, and if you're wrong on the distance you're fucked.. your opponent drops out of the combo and gains advantage.,. Id like to find a universal combo that I can roll in to almost anywhere on the stage.. I hate trying to juggle several combos in my head based on positioning. The best BnBs are the ones that start the same, but have enders you can change up on the fly based on the distance to the wall, or if you want oki, etc.

Some combo stuff for you.. I'll keep adding to this for a bit while I miss around.

df2 4,2 222 df4,2,2 - this actually does 64 damage, same as the optimal BNB but it's got more carry attached and its mindlessly easy. If you're semi close to the wall, DONT do the last 2. Just do df4,2 - it ends in a wall splat. Doesnt seem like a great one, so Im working to improve. You can follow with a df1+2 for a good knockdown and like 67 damage, but that's kinda shitty for a wall splat combo

THERE we go... better. 84 with te damage.

df2 4,2 222 1+2 ~ after wall splat B4,1+2 - 84 damage

The spacing isnt difficult but its some what odd. To give you a general idea, if you start a match, (tested on abandoned temple) from match start you have to take about a step forward before throwing out the df2.. but it has enough carry to end in a wall splat from about half screen, you just wont be able to followup on the splat with anything at that distance.. but its solid carry and great damage. though if you arent trying for the wallsplat followup, id just end with df4,2,2, its a tad more damage and even more carry - but no splat you can do anything with.

Im trying to find an alternative to the 4,2 (air) sequence entirely if you're close to a wall when you initiate, since that ruins wall conversions.

Alternative combo.. same general carry distance, but negates the high flying 2's, so you if youre too close to the wall, this works well.. It only does 1-2 points less than the previous combo so it can replace the previous BnB entirely really.. so you dont have to try and decide what combo to use and can kind of always default to one.. The advantage of this one, is it doesn't carry very far in the air.. so you can modify it based on wall distance if you want.

df2 4,2 (air)2 1+2 S! Dash DF4,2

That combo, from round start, will carry into the wall and splat them, allowing for the b4, 1+2 followup. Total damage is 80~ or so there, which is respectable, if not earth shattering. However, the benefit of this combo is that it starts the same, but you can alter the back half of it to what you need. For instance, if you land this close to the wall, you can do like B1,2 after the the delayed air 2 for a super high wall splat that will let you follow with any wall combo you want. Or you can leave the 1+2 in there for a splat off that.. or you can do the entire thing, or you end with df4,2,2 if you're no where near the wall, for max damage. Lots of options and the damage is so close to the max damage optimal stuff, Im liking this combo more than the current one I see everyone doing. It's more versatile.. and hell, it can roll in to the current one if you want it to.

Its tricky at first though. You have to REALLY delay the air 2 for the 1+2 to land.. but after some practice its totally reliable.
Last edited:



Is there some trick in treasure battle to getting the new costumes for Noctis? I *really* want the Kings Raiment or whatever it is, and the one with the hood.. and I played like 50 treasure battle matches and managed to get a pair of pants for Raven.. and nothing else... but Im seeing ALL kinds of people running around with Noctis' shiznit. Am I just unlucky? Or is there some other way to unlock that stuff?
If you have unlocked everything else then the Noctis stuff will get unlocked one by one. If not then you could try tournament mode, if you come 1st or 2nd you will always get a rare box which are usualy the costumes and very high priced stuff.

I thought you was trying out Paul, how did it go?

Who do you main there? Which platform?
I use Paul and I am on PS4


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
If you have unlocked everything else then the Noctis stuff will get unlocked one by one. If not then you could try tournament mode, if you come 1st or 2nd you will always get a rare box which are usualy the costumes and very high priced stuff.

I thought you was trying out Paul, how did it go?

I use Paul and I am on PS4
I'll need a good MU XP against Paul as Eddy. When are you available to play? My PSN is Nihonjintomoko. I'm EU side, too. The one I played was a friend, and, unfortunately, he's a scrub. And I want to get used to competitive Paul. I might find Paul's weakness.

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I'll need a good MU XP against Paul as Eddy. When are you available to play? My PSN is Nihonjintomoko. I'm EU side, too. The one I played was a friend, and, unfortunately, he's a scrub. And I want to get used to competitive Paul. I might find Paul's weakness.

Στάλθηκε από το C6833 μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk
Cool I will add you, I am usually on most evenings to early mornings (I can get on earlier if you let me know in advance).


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
Cool I will add you, I am usually on most evenings to early mornings (I can get on earlier if you let me know in advance).
Sounds like we got the same free time. Will let you know, of course. ;)

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