Just played a dude on my friends list who is a ok Josie and just started beasting him hard for like 7 games straight. I made the right read like 9/10 for full combos and he got so salty he just started laying on the ground.
He then messaged me just kill me I suck, I then messaged "Don't worry about it man everyone has
there off days". He messaged me back with "Their*" and then he said "losing to someone who cant even spell
I sent him a message back saying "I am pretty sure its a grammatical error and you should probably just git good" I really don't know if its considered a grammatical error or not don't care but I am sure he was dying to correct me again but I blocked him just to make him more salty lol.
Figures he has some weeb avatar with some shitty looking 13 year old anime girl and some jp characters on it lol.
God I love this game!