But but but....Kanos not cheap or brainless!!!!
Just a few days ago you guys were sucking each other off and saying that Kano needed buffs and that up ball wasn't that bad and that he still took skill, guess you guys got beat by that "newb" shit then huh? Wake up and realize when I say something is brainless kids it is.
Shame none of you kids got the balls to message me on PSN so I could show you just how brainless he is, instead you guys lose to garbage laugh.
By the way I fought a few people on TYM channel on psn yesterday just after getting stitches in my hand so I couldn't even spam or move fast and I still dominated fools with Kano, give me a break.
Also nice to see Tom go back on his word with "Kano isn't cheap and games only been out a month he still has some rough match ups" Guess he got spammed out too.