Trailer makes him look awesome, but the trailers usually do. I hope. Fingers crossed.
They captured the brawler vibe really well imo. The knees, the straight forward no nonsense punches.. I love that his VTs are literally a pipe and a fucking knife.
He has some great looking shit. That slow projectile could have utility and be a strong tool.. he appears to have his slide. The ability to hit a rock into the air in VT should allow some setup fun, hell maybe it'll mesh with his projectile in interesting ways.. all of this is assuming Capcom doesn't monkey-fuck every aspect of every move like Falke, with impossible recovery, pointless damage, idiotic pushback, and horrendous recover... Because at a glance, Falke has a cool kit. Until you realize it's all just a shadow of what it should be.
And yeah, maybe if he's bad, in half a year or so he'll get buffs. Or, he'll be Ed, and continue to be awful - getting NERFED even. Regardless though, the idea of buying a character in the hopes they won't be a dumpster fire of liquid garbage in 4-6mo is ridiculous and no one in their right mind should support that kind of thing.