The Power of Lame Compels You
He's got all the stuff I want. And his personality is awesome. Love his animations his gameplay his dialogue. Top tier fun.Always thought birdie was one of the funnest characters in this game.,
He's got all the stuff I want. And his personality is awesome. Love his animations his gameplay his dialogue. Top tier fun.Always thought birdie was one of the funnest characters in this game.,
Yup, just that rolling vskill can is so useful AND so fun.He's got all the stuff I want. And his personality is awesome. Love his animations his gameplay his dialogue. Top tier fun.
Except one of the stances was only 25% complete so they copy-pasted Strider in to make up the other 50 lol. Called it from the trailer: character is buns.Also, anyone awake? Wouldnt mind some games.
Zeku is janky as hell. I was so hoping for a Gen-like stance switching character.. someone who flowed in and out of his stances in an intuitive and smooth way, and what we got instead was (at least it feels like it to me) is two characters who were both about 75% complete glued together and released.. He has lots of options but swapping between stances is too jarring and slow, and in a game ruled by pressure, giving it up to change forms is rarely going to be a good idea.
I dunno. I understand that calling a character "bad" because they dont match my personal expectations is stupid, but Zeku had all this potential and it feels like Capcom missed the boat entirely. His normals, his stance swap, his specials and various properties.. He just feels awkward as hell.
Also, I realize that what I just typed had nothing to do with anything that's being said. Im just bored.
Okay! So I'm actually playing this game. Not like playing it for a week then ditching. Finding my footing with Birdie. Having fun.
Damn so much disrespect you think you can body him with any random select.hmu for games sometime. I think Im just gonna main random select.
Damn so much disrespect you think you can body him with any random select.
Nice man. I always thought Birdie was interesting ever since seeing Alucard play him. Glad to see more Birdie players.Okay! So I'm actually playing this game. Not like playing it for a week then ditching. Finding my footing with Birdie. Having fun.
Some would say that the season 2 patch 'exposed' all the bad R.Mika players. The ironyAdding recovery to a whiffed normal like uriens St hp would have almost no impact on a player like nemo or doguras games because they time/space it better than everyone else, what it does is expose players that are predictable and just fish with CCs to actual punishment from opponents.
Some would say the people that picked up ibuki and couldn't make her work ever were bad players too you know. Besides, I never even tried to play Mika in S2 lol. I dropped her on theory.Some would say that the season 2 patch 'exposed' all the bad R.Mika players. The irony
Dude you're diamond? Damn you're good. Nice vid.
Dude, 30,000 online matches. Compete! Travel! It'll be an adjustment from online greatness sure but you'll probably be great once you start going. Just my 2cents![]()
well there you have it folks what did i say about ranked. im the best idk how many times i have to say it before myles says it too
ftr that 1 loss was to some laggy plat bison from mexico. he ended at 52 streak and now on a 55 streak so do the math scrubs lul. Guile god out
Damn that's dope as hell.
That ones for shazzy. No gay music and vs an actual person.
If you time everything right you can choose to walk under or not. If you hold forward after the f mp you cross under and if you just tap fwd it makes you move but stay in front. Doguras one with the jump is a little tricky but just stick with it and you'll get the timing down. There are some auto timed ones too that might be easier for you, but they're a little bit more limited with when you can use them.@FL Rushdown what determines the left right mix-ups for the Dogura set-ups where he jumps into them to bounce them off the mirror again and then does It seems like how long you charge the ex fireball before you put out the second aegis and jump forward maybe?
Same with the one you just posted above too, pls. Trying to learn me some Urien since he's fun af.
wow myles i for one am hella impressed if i say so myself. i love watching your setups buddy reminds me of a young xian if i do say you should post more often