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Street Fighter V General Discussion


Okay, real talk, Akuma seems to really struggle against Gief from what I've seen. What do you guys think?
I think Akuma's best bet would be to try and limit the amount meter Gief gets otherwise it will get worse for him (Now doing that is harder than just saying "Get in there") Now that he can actually build the meter (The speed of the meter built fluctuates with the different matchups), I think it forces the opponent to think about whether to give Gief loads or go in risking that low health for the knockdown to start your own stuff.


Ha, I called 'Gief being a bad match on the day Akuma was released. Yeah, bad for all the reasons listed above. But honestly, a very patient and conservative Akuma playing classic shoto can win. And 'Gief is still susceptible to setups.

I am bummed that Akuma's fireball isn't nearly what it used to be. It sucks that Capcom's answer to making a character interesting is always nuking his long-range options in some way.

FL Rushdown

Ha, I called 'Gief being a bad match on the day Akuma was released. Yeah, bad for all the reasons listed above. But honestly, a very patient and conservative Akuma playing classic shoto can win. And 'Gief is still susceptible to setups.

I am bummed that Akuma's fireball isn't nearly what it used to be. It sucks that Capcom's answer to making a character interesting is always nuking his long-range options in some way.
Akuma can't play a fireball game vs gief. He either can't get the chip, gives gief too much meter, or leaves himself too vulnerable to a jump in depending on which fireball he uses. He's gotta get the knockdown and bully him imo.


The Power of Lame Compels You
Akuma can't play a fireball game vs gief. He either can't get the chip, gives gief too much meter, or leaves himself too vulnerable to a jump in depending on which fireball he uses. He's gotta get the knockdown and bully him imo.
yea his fireball really just sucks at doing the whole zoning thing. It's great for a bunch of other stuff but he can't use it for typical fireball stuff :/


Normalize grab immunity.
Man I teched your dash up throw and you literally dashed up and threw me out of it. I sighed so hard my dog came jumped off my bed like some shit was going down.

Also I'm not sure what your protip is in reference to.

Raging demon can be done pressing all 6 buttons. It seems as long the sequence is somewhere present it activates.

Is akuma super considered a projectile? He's plus on lights, cr.MP, st.MK, cr.HP?
Plus on block specials: that weird ass hop chop and divekick?

FL Rushdown

Raging demon can be done pressing all 6 buttons. It seems as long the sequence is somewhere present it activates.

Is akuma super considered a projectile? He's plus on lights, cr.MP, st.MK, cr.HP?
Plus on block specials: that weird ass hop chop and divekick?
No it can't. Taunt can't be canceled into demon. That input won't work. At least not fast.

Also you wanna control what button you press from where to control the distance and make sure nothing that can hit the opponent comes out. The input isn't the problem.
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Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
His specials are not even close to as good as ryus,/cammys and they never have been. Only exception being demon flip is better than hooligan.

His fireball has suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper bad frame data, and his divekick is almost exclusively for baiting aas. He's got a good mix of moves and they're all decent but ryus fireball and dp have always been better and cammys mobility options/divekick frames have also always been better. If you're respecting an Akumas fireball game like you would a ryus or his divekicks like you do a cammy/yun you're giving akuma too much respect.
His fireballs are literally no worse than Ryu's at jump range outside of startup being a frame slower. Their travel speed is a little worse, too. Akuma's DP is also marginally better, with lower recovery frames and identical frame data otherwise. The only reason you have to respect Ryu's more in most cases is because you can blow up Akuma's lifebar harder for jumping one. Akuma's AA game can also be stronger, since he can use some of his other AAs to net knockdowns with prime positioning for oki.

To say one gives Akuma too much respect by respecting his fireball game ignores how much this character actually handles trying to jump over one.

That said, Gief deals with Akuma pretty solidly, and unlike in SFIV, Akuma can't just teleport and avoid Gief's oki game. That's on top of slightly better health and stun in a game where normals do grey life damage on block, and stun draining so slowly, while damage is pretty identical on many aspects to SFIV. He really doesn't like taking hits at all this time around. It feels like a legitimate weakness, on top of how stubby he feels (Everyone is kinda stubby, but he feels REALLY stubby compared to, like, Ryu). I'm sure Gief isn't the only one that will give him issues. I'm just waiting to see what Akuma players will feel about Cammy.
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FL Rushdown

His fireballs are literally no worse than Ryu's at jump range outside of startup being a frame slower. Their travel speed is a little worse, too. Akuma's DP is also marginally better, with lower recovery frames and identical frame data otherwise. The only reason you have to respect Ryu's more in most cases is because you can blow up Akuma's lifebar harder for jumping one. Akuma's AA game can also be stronger, since he can use some of his other AAs to net knockdowns with prime positioning for oki.

To say one gives Akuma too much respect by respecting his fireball game ignores how much this character actually handles trying to jump over one.

That said, Gief deals with Akuma pretty solidly, and unlike in SFIV, Akuma can't just teleport and avoid Gief's oki game. That's on top of slightly better health and stun in a game where normals do grey life damage on block, and stun draining so slowly, while damage is pretty identical on many aspects to SFIV. He really doesn't like taking hits at all this time around. It feels like a legitimate weakness, on top of how stubby he feels (Everyone is kinda stubby, but he feels REALLY stubby compared to, like, Ryu). I'm sure Gief isn't the only one that will give him issues. I'm just waiting to see what Akuma players will feel about Cammy.
Akumas fireballs are generally worse they've either got more recover, less range, or more startup than ryus(yes I think 2 extra recovery frames and a startup frame make a difference, even if it is slight) his ex dp also has an unfortunate tendency to hit once and whiff the rest, that on top of him having just straight up worse risk/reward with fireballs does lead me to say Akumas fireball game is worse. I think it's slightly cheap to specify the only specific range where ryus fireball and his are somewhat comparable and ignore that they're worse everywhere else.

Also I said his dp was only worse in this game because, again he has way worse risk reward on it and he can literally die from half hp for trying to use it.

Tl;dr worse ranges, speeds, startups, and recovery frames makes it worse. As does him not having ryus trigger which actually makes his fireball game infinitely scarier.

Also I didn't say you shouldn't respect akuma, I said you don't respect him the same way you would other characters like ryu/cammy. They have similar tool sets with different strengths and weaknesses and they're both better than each other when used for their specific purposes.
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Man I love daigo as much as the next guy, but there are 30-40 other people in the world at his level. Calm yourself.
I know there's plenty of great players. Daigo is my favorite fgc player, but I know just a name doesn't win tournaments, but I have a feeling this will be his time now to shine.

FL Rushdown

So anyone fucked around with akuma taunt meaties? They seem super legit. Labbing them and they seem good enough to not be gimmicky.

Not sure how plus it is on block but Ima say a LOT, gotta be in the 8+range, and on ch you can get Mika type crossunders.

Edit:it's definitely more than plus 8.

x TeeJay o

Canary Cry Gapless Pressure
So I played my very first set of sfv today and mannnn it's so fun but weird lol. Everything feels like it has 2 hit advantage. I need to work on my hit confirming DEFINITELY, and learn MU's. Was lost at when it was my turn etc. games A1 though. Btw anyone know what changed for cammy in s2 that was really significant?

FL Rushdown

So I played my very first set of sfv today and mannnn it's so fun but weird lol. Everything feels like it has 2 hit advantage. I need to work on my hit confirming DEFINITELY, and learn MU's. Was lost at when it was my turn etc. games A1 though. Btw anyone know what changed for cammy in s2 that was really significant?
Couple moves(cr hp, st mp, st lk mostly)got slightly better frame data and v reversal isn't punishable anymore for buffs.

Nerfs were the universal dmg reductions and dp changes.


Normalize grab immunity.
Everyone knows birdie is the secret top tier and next patch he's getting buffed again right? Unless people wake up he's going to end up looking like alpha birdie.

No it can't. Taunt can't be canceled into demon. That input won't work. At least not fast.

Also you wanna control what button you press from where to control the distance and make sure nothing that can hit the opponent comes out. The input isn't the problem.
Was a joke but when I saw it you had to jump. The dude landed and RD came out. I've been told you can do that in 4 too.

Wish I had Akuma so I can lab that shit. Knew something felt odd about his super.

FL Rushdown

So I'm gonna officially call Akumas taunt a viable meaty. I've only found a few setups and they all involve either reading a delayed wakeup or using a crush counter but the moves double digit plus on block, can lead to 500 dmg in the right spot, gives you a Mika cross under situation in the corner with jab air reset, AND if you hold back during the whole taunt animation it cancels frame perfectly to block ex 3 frame dps so you can bait with it.


Normalize grab immunity.
So I'm gonna officially call Akumas taunt a viable meaty. I've only found a few setups and they all involve either reading a delayed wakeup or using a crush counter but the moves double digit plus on block, can lead to 500 dmg in the right spot, gives you a Mika cross under situation in the corner with jab air reset, AND if you hold back during the whole taunt animation it cancels frame perfectly to block ex 3 frame dps so you can bait with it.
But why go for the extra slow attack though? If what you're saying is true why wouldn't I just block it whenever I see it? What about backdash and jump?

FL Rushdown

But why go for the extra slow attack though? If what you're saying is true why wouldn't I just block it whenever I see it? What about backdash and jump?
If you block I'm plus 10000. So I don't really care all that much. If you jump you get hit. If you backdashing I can cancel the taunt early or get this since it has 0 recovery frames I can press ANY button to catch your dash if I whiff. Yeah I said it, 0 recovery. I can even cancel the last few frames into anything if I want so I could start the taunt and then meaty low.