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Street Fighter V General Discussion


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Akumas fireballs are generally worse they've either got more recover, less range, or more startup than ryus(yes I think 2 extra recovery frames and a startup frame make a difference, even if it is slight) his ex dp also has an unfortunate tendency to hit once and whiff the rest, that on top of him having just straight up worse risk/reward with fireballs does lead me to say Akumas fireball game is worse. I think it's slightly cheap to specify the only specific range where ryus fireball and his are somewhat comparable and ignore that they're worse everywhere else.

Also I said his dp was only worse in this game because, again he has way worse risk reward on it and he can literally die from half hp for trying to use it.

Tl;dr worse ranges, speeds, startups, and recovery frames makes it worse. As does him not having ryus trigger which actually makes his fireball game infinitely scarier.

Also I didn't say you shouldn't respect akuma, I said you don't respect him the same way you would other characters like ryu/cammy. They have similar tool sets with different strengths and weaknesses and they're both better than each other when used for their specific purposes.
There's no recovery difference, just startup and possibly travel speed. And literally the ranges where Akuma's fireball stops are the main spots you'd even really use and get mileage off the fireballs anyway.

You still have to respect them a decent amount, about as much as Ryu. For how risky they are in comparison for him, he has really good options to follow up with oki after his non-DP AAs, which is something he really enjoys.


Life is a block string with no gaps.
Ok I'm hurt. Why wouldn't you ask me? my Mika puts the hurt on cushuns.
Ha same goes for you man. Where you from? My internet isn't as good as Entropics and I didn't wanna give u a laggy game.

I've been mostly focusing on Juri but I can still play Mika and F.A.N.G. I'm definitely down for some games using any 3. What's your CFN? Mine is CM_BUYACUSHUN
It's ZacATG. Ill either get the money to upgrade my acct here or make a use a new one to match my cfn for convenience sake. And that sounds good. I don't know much about juri tbh so if u got gimmicks, bring em lol.
You sure man? Everyone else I've heard talk about her has been saying she's good.
Yea I don't want to give out misinformation. With the emoji I meant to me she's not that good. But honestly I'm a low tier player so I'm sure all those players that claim she's better or good now are more knowledgeable than me. The general opinion?: she's much better and definetely tourney viable now.

FL Rushdown

Akuma needs the throw loop in the corner to be honest.

Cancel v-skill punch into dash and while dashing do the raging demon input and it will come out when your dash ends. I guess it beats 4 frame jabs. Looks like a decent setup.
Once someone knows what it is though it'll never work cause there's enough of a gap to jump out and even if akuma reads it all he can do is jab you out of the air. Worth eating that jab every time imo.