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Street Fighter V General Discussion


I'll be back 3ing
They homogenized Mika players. The biggest thing is now the v-skill has some use so now there will be others beside me using it. I'm just really salty over cr.HP and not being able to pick a direction on clap. Plus Laura is now the more interesting of the two to me.
I don't know what you have to be salty about. She's still better than Season 1 Juri

Rip Torn

Yeah I don't understand the Alex nerfs. If you look at the patch notes, almost every line is a nerf.

They did buff his air stomp and his headbutt has less recovery so I guess that's something. cr. HP is 2f faster now so that's good but his st.LP is probably gonna trade alot now. Sounds like they eliminated oki off a knee smash.

I don't get it.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Thank god Rashid's ST.MK (hurtbox) and the CR.HP (Recovery) got nerfed. Don't know if y'all were practicing whiff punishing those normals but my lord it was harder than it needed to be lol.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Yeah.. Ibuki sucked S1 and will suck S2.

She really doesnt have that much going on in her design.. It kinda seems like, but after you look past the surface, its smoke, mirrors and bullshit.

Her dashes suck and lead to almost nothing real except some shenanigans in Vtrigger. Her trigger is super great amazing/strong kinda but also shit. Its *very* strong in a handful of situations and worthless in others.. I guess that is the trade off there, but she should have done with consistency. Using her trigger is just hard.. UNless you are just shitting on your opponent, you'll get trigger after you have bled a bunch and its only worth a damn on block in the corner. Otherwise you have to confirm in to it for it to be useful. IF you do confirm in to it, it has some super cool trickery but its not guarenteed trickery and a lot of will become weaker with age, because people will learn the mixup/setups and how to escape them, quite a few of them can just be reversaled (of course she can bait you, but thats how reversals work), or crouced, you neutral jumped, or this or that, etc. Again, Im not saying they arent strong, they absolutely are, but they come late and arent guarenteed and if you cant get a confirm her trigger just gets pissed away most of the time. I also forgot to mention that for these crazy Ibuki mixup insanity combos, you tend to need 2-4 kunai and 2-3 bars of meter... So..... She needs every resource imaginable to pull some of them off, making them even more situational.

Ibuki is just a regular character outside trigger. She has air kunai and that seems crazy and this and that, but its not. they dont cross up. If they hit above your toenail (unless ex'd) you lose advantage ON HIT. They are also a limited resource that can be super difficult to recharge in a lot of matches.

Ibuki needs meter for EVERYTHING. Before I was able to even type her name in this post I had to log in to SFV and go in to a bot game to earn a bar of meter for every time I needed to type her name. She takes a bar of meter to choose at character select. It costs a bar of meter to win a round, it costs TWO to lose a round. Wanna st,mp? Meter. Want to sweep? Meter. Want to throw a non-ex kunai? Still meter.

Her Vskill itself is.. I dunno. I mean, she has one.

She has some neutral stuff that looks crazy, but none of it is real... Dashing after her MK TC isnt real.

IMO she WAS explored, and the only stuff there to find was in Vtrigger, which is so situationally useful, that no matter how bad-ass what people found was, it couldnt pull her out of BARELY being mediocre.

Also, this opinion is not just mine because I lose on her, blah blah. I gave up on her a long time ago, but she IS my fav character and I follow and speak wioth some of the best Ibuki's around and keep up to date on her as much as I possibly can. I WANT to be proven wrong, but I just dont see it.
Preach, fucking preach bro.


It's all so very confusing.
I thought you started using Nash like last week
No, its been about 3 weeks now, but I played him during the betas (along with Ken) and at release, but ultimately left the game for many months and when i came back I wanted to try new characters - which was stupid and a waste of my time. He was the first character and only character I really clicked with and felt comfortable on. I'm not claiming to have a thousand hours of work destroyed or anything, just lamenting the fact that a character I really enjoyed got shit on almost directly after I picked him back up and started playing him again.


It's all so very confusing.
Ken seems normalized but still good. Cant wait to check him out.
Ya know, from some of the early stuff I was seeing, I thought Ken was going to be dead, but after reading his notes, He looks toned down but like he can still do some work. Im glad, at least from what it *looks* like, that they managed to normalize a character without making him shitty.

super mario

Internet is kinda shitty right now for me, and i want to see the patch notes so bad, help a brotha and copy paste it here please:
Direct Input controller support
We are happy to announce that Street Fighter V on Steam now officially supports Direct Input
controllers. You’ll find this in the Other Settings section of Options.

Background Music Select
In Battle Settings, you’ll now be able to select your preferred music in Training and Versus Modes as well
as Casual and Ranked matches.

Fighter Profile Radar Charts
Additional updates and fixes have been implemented into Fighter Profiles.

Updated Rage Quit System
The current Rage Quit System has resulted in a significant decrease in rage quitting. That said, we always
planned to take this one step further and are ready to further address the issue with this update. In
addition to losing League Points and being locked out of online matchmaking for a set time, the
following additions have been made to the system:

Matchmaking Update - Players who frequently disconnect during matches will now be more
likely to be matched up with other players who exhibit similar behavior. The same applies for
honorable players who rarely, if ever disconnect; they will be matched up with similar players.

Player Profile Icons - The worst offenders and the most honorable players will also have a special
icon displayed on their Fighter Profiles.
League Points Deduction – Anytime a player disconnects during a match, their League Points will
be deducted as if it was a loss.

System Changes

Recoverable damage: Changed recovery speed from 10 points every 4F to 10 points every 8F
Hold button moves: Changed so certain special moves that activate when the button is released can be
used as a buffer

Input latency: Shortened the inactive frames on input confirm from 12F to 6F after the last key for a
charge attack has been input

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Direct Input controller support
We are happy to announce that Street Fighter V on Steam now officially supports Direct Input
controllers. You’ll find this in the Other Settings section of Options.

Background Music Select
In Battle Settings, you’ll now be able to select your preferred music in Training and Versus Modes as well
as Casual and Ranked matches.

Fighter Profile Radar Charts
Additional updates and fixes have been implemented into Fighter Profiles.

Updated Rage Quit System
The current Rage Quit System has resulted in a significant decrease in rage quitting. That said, we always
planned to take this one step further and are ready to further address the issue with this update. In
addition to losing League Points and being locked out of online matchmaking for a set time, the
following additions have been made to the system:

Matchmaking Update - Players who frequently disconnect during matches will now be more
likely to be matched up with other players who exhibit similar behavior. The same applies for
honorable players who rarely, if ever disconnect; they will be matched up with similar players.

Player Profile Icons - The worst offenders and the most honorable players will also have a special
icon displayed on their Fighter Profiles.
League Points Deduction – Anytime a player disconnects during a match, their League Points will
be deducted as if it was a loss.

System Changes

Recoverable damage: Changed recovery speed from 10 points every 4F to 10 points every 8F
Hold button moves: Changed so certain special moves that activate when the button is released can be
used as a buffer

Input latency: Shortened the inactive frames on input confirm from 12F to 6F after the last key for a
charge attack has been input
That's it? Where is the character balance?

super mario

That's it? Where is the character balance?

 Adjusted hurtbox when changing direction while crouching
 Forward throw: Increased recovery on-hit by 8F
 Reduced stun damage from 170 to 120
 Reduced CA gauge accrual
 Increased distance from opponent after hit
 Standing LP (Normal/V-Trigger): Shrunk hitbox in upwards direction
 Increased horizontal knockback on-hit in the air
 Expanded hitbox in forward direction
Standing LK:
 Shrunk hitbox in forward direction
Standing MP (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed advantage on-hit from +6F to +7F
 Expanded hurtbox that appears during 3-12F of action in forward direction
 Shrunk hitbox in forward direction
 Standing HP (Normal/V-Trigger): Changed startup from 7F to 8F
o Increased overall animation by 1F
 Only V-Trigger HP is cancellable
Standing HK:
 Changed action recovery from 18F to 20F
o Recovery on-hit or block have not changed
Crouching LP (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Increased duration of hitbox from 2F to 3F
 Expanded distance of pushback on-hit and block
 Fixed bug that when mash canceling into a normal Crouching LP, was not recognized as not
countered even when taking a hit before the first frame of attack startup
 Crouching MP (Normal/V-Trigger): Changed startup from 5F to 6F
o Increased overall animation by 1F
 Somewhat expanded hitbox in forward direction
 Expanded hurtbox around hitbox in forward direction
 Shrunk upper hitbox
Crouching MK:
 Changed startup from 6F to 7F
o Increased overall animation by 1F
 Changed duration of hitbox from 2F to 3F
Crouching HK:
 Changed startup from 7F to 8F
 Increased overall animation by 1F
 Lowered damage from 100 to 90
 Shrunk hitbox in forward direction
Jumping LK:
 Expanded active hurtbox in downward direction
 Shrunk hitbox in downward direction
Jumping MP (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed damaged caused by normal version from 80(40+40) to 60(30+30)
 Decreased damage caused by V-Trigger version from 80(40+40) to 60(30+30)
 Block properties for 2nd hit changed from mid to high

Jumping MK:
 Shrunk lower hitbox
 Axe Kick: Changed recovery on-block from ±0F to -2F
 First and 2nd hits can be cancelled into specials, CA, and V-Trigger
Collarbone Breaker (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 20F to 22F
o Increased overall animation by 2F
 Changed recovery on-hit from ±0F to +1F
 Changed recovery on-block from -4F to -6F
Solar Plexus Strike (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Increased stun damage (for normal: 100 to 150, for V-Trigger: 130 to 180)
 Changed advantage on-hit from +6F to +8F
Jodan Sanrengeki:
 Increased damage of second hit from 60 to 70
 Increased stun damage of second hit (for normal: 70 to 100, for V-Trigger: 100 to 130)
 Increased stun damage of third hit from 80 to 100
 Second hit can be cancelled by V-Trigger
 Shrunk hit back on second hit
 Increased duration that damaged side is suspended in when third hit hits
V-Reversal Hashogeki:
 Changed startup 15F to 17F
 Changed distance and advantage on-hit
V-Skill Mind's Eye:
 Changed animation recovery on whiff from 29F to 32F
 Increase V-Gauge accrual from 25 to 50 when successful
 Changed overall animation (L: 46F to 47F, H: 48F to 47F)
 Decreased amount of CA gauge accrued on activation
 Increased amount of CA gauge accrued on-hit or block
 Changed advantage on-block from -7F to -6F
Hadoken (V-Trigger):
 Decreased amount of CA gauge accrued on activation
 Increased amount of CA gauge accrued on-hit or block
 Fixed bug that even when hit during 1-7F of animation, was not registered as a counter
EX Hadoken (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed advantage on-block from -2F to +2F
 Fixed bug that even when hit during 1-6F of animation during V-Trigger, was not registered as a
L Shoryuken (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Reduced damage from 120 to 110 during V-Trigger
 Expanded hurtbox that appears during 1-3F in downward direction
 Expanded hitbox on startup during V-Trigger in forward direction
M Shoryuken (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 140 to 130
 Added hurtbox and throwable box during 1-2F
 Changed physical strike/projectile invincibility to 3-6F
 Added collision box to lower body during 6F
 Expanded hitbox on startup in upward direction
H Shoryuken (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Decreased damage of normal version from 140 to 120
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 160 to 130
 Decreased stun damage of normal version from 200 to 150
 Decreased stun damage during V-Trigger from 250 to 200
 During 1-3F, removed invincibility and added hurtbox and throwable box
EX Shoryuken (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Expanded hitbox on startup both in forward and downward directions
L Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:
 Increased damage from 80 to 90
 Decreased stun damage from 200 to 150
M Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:
 Changed recovery when landing from 12F to 14F
 Decreased chip damage on-block from 25×2 to 17×2
 Decreased stun damage from 200 to 150
H Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:
 Changed recovery when landing from 11F to 15F
 Decreased damage from 120 to 110
 Decreased chip damage on-block from 30×3 to 19×3
 Decreased stun damage from 200 to 150
EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:
 Decreased stun damage from 200 to 150
Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:
 On-hit, can juggle with Shinku Hadoken or Denjin Hadoken
EX Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku:
 Increased damage from 160 to 170
 Increased stun damage from 200 to 250

Shinku Hadoken:
 Reduced pushback on-block

super mario

 Changed hurtbox when changing directions while standing and crouching
 Expanded hurtbox when crouching
Stun meter:
 Reduced from 1000 to 950
Koshuto (Forward throw)/Tenshin Shushu (Reverse throw):
 Expanded throw range
Koshuto (Forward throw):
 Reduced stun damage from170 to 150
 Decreased CA meter gain
Ryuseiraku (Airborne throw):
 Expanded hurtbox during throw in downward direction
 Shrunk throw range
Standing LP (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Moved position that animation begins after taking damage or cancelling attack forward
o Accordingly adjusted position of hitbox, hurtbox, and collision box
 Increase pushback on-hit and block
 Delayed attack activation by 5F when cancelling into from a special move
 Shrunk hitbox
Standing LK (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 4F to 5F
o Increased overall animation by 1F
 Shrunk hitbox
 Expanded hurtbox around hitbox
 Increased horizontal knockback on-hit in the air
Standing MP (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Moved position that animation begins after taking damage or cancelling attack forward
o Accordingly adjusted position of hitbox, hurtbox, and collision box
 Increased duration of hitbox from 2F to 3F
Standing HP (Normal/V-Trigger):

 Changed normal recovery from 16F to 18F
 Changed recovery during V-Trigger from 14F to 16F
o No changes to advantage on-hit and block, but total animation has increased by 2F
 Changed advantage on-block from -3F to -5F
Standing MK (V-Trigger):
 Increased how long opponent is frozen in the air on Crush Counter
 Increased air combo potential on Crush Counter
Crouching LP(Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 3F to 4F
o Increased overall animation by 1F
 Increased normal damage from 20 to 30
 Increased damage during V-Trigger from 30 to 40
 For normal version, increased duration of hitbox from 2F to 3F
Crouching LK(Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed normal advantage on-hit from +1F to +2F
 Changed advantage on-hit during V-Trigger from +3F to +4F
 Changed so the only special it can be cancelled into is Hyakuretsukyaku
Crouching HP (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Reduced pushback on-hit for first hit
Crouching HK(Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 7F to 8F
o Increased overall animation by 1F
 Decreased normal damage from 100 to 90
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 110 to 100
Jumping MK (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Shrunk lower hitbox
Neutral Jumping HK (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 5F to 7F
Hakkei (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Increased how long opponent is frozen in the air by 4F on Crush Counter during V-Trigger
 Expanded hurtbox around feet in upward direction
 Shrunk upper hitbox
 Delayed attack activation by 4F when being cancelled into from a special move
Senenshu (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed normal advantage on-hit from ±0F to +2F
 Changed advantage on-hit during V-Trigger from 3F to +4F
Yokusenkyaku (V-Trigger):
 Changed advantage on-hit from +3F to +4F
Kakurakukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Shrunk lower hitbox
 Expanded hurtbox around hitbox
 Increased duration of hitbox from 6F to 7F
Yosokyaku (Normal):
 Fixed bug that when hit during 1F of animation, was not registered as a counter
V-Skill - Rankyaku (Normal):
 When transitioning from V-Skill to a jumping attack, changed so that the jumping attack adds VGauge
meter gain instead of CA Gauge on-hit or block
o During V-Trigger, will gain CA Gauge
V-Reversal – Sohakkei:
 Changed startup from 10F to 12F
 Changed attack recovery from 20F to 24F
o No change to advantage on-block
 Changed advantage on-hit from +1F to +2F
 Changed physical strike/projectile invincibility during animation from 1-15F to 1-25F
V-Trigger – Renkiko:

 Can be cancelled into from Hyakuretsukyaku or Kikoken
 Shortened duration of effect
Hyakuretsukyaku/Airborne Hyakuretsukyaku/Spinning Bird Kick (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Adjusted knockback distance and duration on air counter so that it is easier to hit opponents in
the air
Kikoken (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed total animation (L: 45F to 46F, M: 43F to 45F, H: 41F to 44F)
o No changes to advantage on-hit or block
 Decreased CA meter gain on activation
 Increased CA meter gain on-hit or block
 Added hurtbox with projectile invincibility around hands
L Hyakuretsukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Decreased normal damage from 80 to 60
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 90 to 70
 Changed advantage on-hit from +3F to +4F
 Can be performed by mashing LK in addition to current command (↓↘→+LK)
 Expanded pushback on-hit for last hit
 Fixed bug that when hit during 1F of animation, was not registered as a counter
M Hyakuretsukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 10F to 11F
 Decreased normal damage from 100 to 80
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 110 to 90
 Increased stun damage from 100 to 120
 Changed advantage on-hit from +2F to +3F
 Can be performed by mashing MK in addition to current command (↓↘→+MK)
H Hyakuretsukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Decreased normal damage from 120 to 100

 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 130 to 110
 Changed advantage on-hit from +1F to +2F
 Can be performed by mashing HK in addition to current command (↓↘→+HK)
EX Hyakuretsukyaku:
 Increased stun damage from 150 to 200
 Shrunk pushback
 Increased distance Chun-Li moves forward during animation
 Can be performed by mashing KK in addition to current command (↓↘→+KK)
L Airborne Hyakuretsukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 7F to 8F
 Decreased normal damage from 80 to 70
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 90 to 80
 Changed advantage on-hit from +4F to +3F
 Changed advantage on-block from +1F to -2F
 Shrunk upper hitbox
M Airborne Hyakuretsukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 8F to 10F
 Decreased normal damage from 100 to 90
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 120 to 100
 Changed advantage on-hit from +4F to +3F
 Changed advantage on-block from +1F to -2F
 Shrunk upper hitbox
H Airborne Hyakuretsukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 7F to 12F
 Decreased normal damage from 120 to 100
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 130 to 110
 Changed normal advantage on-hit from -3F to ±0F

 Changed advantage on-block during V-Trigger from -6F to -3F
 Shrunk upper hitbox
EX Airborne Hyakuretsukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Decreased normal damage from 175 to 160
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 185 to 170
L Spinning Bird Kick (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Decreased normal damage from 120 to 100
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 130 to 110
M Spinning Bird Kick (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Decreased normal damage from 140 to 120
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 150 to 130
H Spinning Bird Kick (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed startup from 22F to 19F
 Changed attack recovery from 26F to 24F
 Decreased normal damage from 160 to 140
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 170 to 150
EX Spinning Bird Kick (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed attack recovery from 27F to 31F
 Decreased normal damage from 170 to 150
 Decreased damage during V-Trigger from 180 to 160
 Decreased damage from 340 to 330
 Vertically expanded collision box

super mario

 Changed hurtbox when changing directions while crouching
Neutral Jump:
 Changed duration of jump from 39F to 38F
Knee Bash:
 Decreased damage from 120 to 100
 Decreased stun damage from 170 to 120
 Decreased CA Gauge accrual
 Increased recovery on-hit by 2F
Standing LP:
 Changed advantage on-hit from +4F to +5F
 Unified values for hit stop on-hit and block
 Fixed bug that was when hit during 1F of animation, was not registered as a counter when
cancelled into by mashing
Standing MP:
 Changed advantage on-block from ±0F to +1F
 Moved position that animation begins after taking damage or cancelling attack forward
o Accordingly adjusted position of hitbox, hurtbox, and collision box
Standing MK:
 Changed attack recovery from 17F to 19F
o Advantage on-hit and block has not been changed
 Increased pushback on-hit
Standing HP:
 Increased how long opponent reels from attack by 1F on Crush Counter
 Expanded push back on-hit on Crush Counter
 Moved position that animation begins after taking damage or cancelling attack forward
o Accordingly adjusted position of hitbox, hurtbox, and collision box
Standing HK:
 Changed attack startup from 13F to 14F
o Increased overall animation by 1F
 Changed attack recovery from 25F to 26F
o Advantage on-hit and block has not been changed
 Decreased damage from 90 to 80
 Reduced push back on-hit
 Adjusted knock back distance on Crush Counter
 Added hurtbox around feet before 1F of attack startup
Crouching LP:
 Changed advantage on-hit from +3F to +4F
 Increased how long hitbox stays out from 2F to 3F
Crouching LK:
 Changed advantage on-hit from +3F to +4F

 Changed attack recovery from 15F to 17F
o Advantage on-hit and block has not been changed
 Changed pushback on-hit to be the same as that of light attack
 Matched the values for pushback on both hit and block
Chin Buster 2nd:
 Decreased damage from 60 to 50
 Changed so that can be performed even if Chin Buster is whiffed
 Extended window that Chin Buster 2nd can be performed from Chin Buster
Lion Breaker:
 Decreased damage from 60 to 50
 Can be cancelled with V-Skill on-hit or block
Inazuma Kick:
 Changed attack startup from 21F to 22F
o Increased overall animation by 1F
 Increased animation on-hit from ±0F to +1F
 Increased animation on-block from -4F to -6F
Thunder Kick:
 Changed attack startup from 23F to 26F
o Increased overall animation by 3F
 Changed overall length of faint animation from 31F to 34F
 Changed advantage on-hit from ±0F to +2F
 Changed advantage on-block from -4F to -2F
 Reduced pushback on-hit
V-Skill - Quick Step:
 Extended how long opponent is frozen in the air on-hit
 Expanded height of collision box during attack animation
V-Reversal - Senpu Nataotoshi:
Crouching MP:
 Changed attack startup from 5F to 6F
 *Increased overall animation by 1F
 Changed advantage on-hit from +4F to +5F
 Changed advantage on-block from +1F to +2F
 Shrunk upper hitbox
Crouching HK:
 Changed attack startup from 7F to 8F
o Increased overall animation by 1F
 Decreased damage from 100 to 90
Jumping MP:
 Expanded hitbox in forward direction
Jumping MK:
 Shrunk vertical hitbox
Chin Buster:
 Changed startup from 4F to 5F
o Increased overall animation by 1F

 Changed attack startup from 10F to 12F
 Reduced active frames of hitbox from 4F to 2F
 Made below changes to hurtbox during animation
o 1F-10F: Physical strike/projectile invincibility
o 11F-20F: Full invincibility
o 1F-25F: Physical strike/projectile invincibility
 Reduced pushback on-hit
Hadoken (Normal):
 Reduced CA meter gain on activation
 Increased CA meter gain on-hit and block
 Changed advantage on-hit from -4F to -2F
 Changed advantage on-block from -10F to -8F
 Delayed activation when cancelling into CA, making it easier for opponents to perform VReversal
Hadoken (V-Trigger):
 Changed total animation from 49F to 48F
o As a result, advantages on-hit and block have changed
 Decreased damage from 70 to 60
 Decreased CA meter gain on activation
 Increased CA meter gain on-hit or block
 Delayed activation when cancelling into CA, making it easier for opponents to perform VReversal
EX Hadoken (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Changed total animation during V-Trigger from 45F to 44F
o As a result, advantages on-hit and block have changed
 Reduced damage during V-Trigger from 120 to 110
 Reduced stun damage during V-Trigger from 200 to 150
 Expanded hitbox during 1F-2F of startup in upward direction

L Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Normal):
 Expanded hurtbox during 2F of animation in forward direction
 Added hurtbox around hitbox of first hit
 Shrunk hitbox during second active frame
 Reduced pushback on-block
 Changed advantage on-block when cancelling first hit into V-Trigger from +9F to +2F
L Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (V-Trigger):
 Expanded hurtbox of second frame of animation in forward direction
 Added hurtbox around hitbox of first hit
L Shoryuken(Normal/V-Trigger):
 Expanded hurtbox during 1F-5F in downward direction
 Removed throw invincibility
 Changed advantage on-block during V-Trigger cancel from -5F to -7F
M Shoryuken(Normal/V-Trigger):
 Reduced normal damage from 130 to 120
 Reduced damage during V-Trigger from 150 to 140
 Added hurtbox and throwable box during 1F-2F
 Changed 3F-6F to physical strike/projectile invincibility
 Changed advantage on-block during V-Trigger cancel from -5F to -7F
 Expanded hitbox of first hit in upward direction
H Shoryuken (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Reduced normal damage from 140 to 130
 Reduced damage during V-Trigger from 160 to 150
 Removed both full invincibility during 1F-3F and throw invincibility during 4F-7F
 Changed advantage on-block during V-Trigger cancel from -5F to -7F
EX Shoryuken (Normal):
 For first and second hits only, changed advantage on-hit during V-Trigger cancel from +3F to +7F
 Changed advantage on-block during V-Trigger cancel from -5F to -7F
 When first three hits hit opponent in the air, opponent can no longer perform quick recovery
EX Shoryuken (V-Trigger):
 Adjusted to make it easier for all hits to be successful when used as a part of an air combo
 When first three hits hit opponent in the air, opponent can no longer perform quick recovery

 Shrunk hitbox
 Expanded hurtboxes that appear second hit onwards
 Reduced pushback on-block
 Reduced how long hitboxes stay out from second hit onwards from 4F to 2F
M Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Normal):
 Reduced damage from 100 to 80
 Expanded hurtbox during 3F-5F of animation in forward direction
 Overall shrunk hitboxes during attack animation
 Overall expanded hurtboxes during attack animation
 Added hurtbox around hitbox of first hit
M Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (V-Trigger):
 Reduced damage from 120 to 100
 Reduced stun damage from 200 to 150
 Expanded hurtbox during 3F-5F of animation in forward direction
 Changed how long forward hitbox stays out from 5F to 2F
 Overall shrunk hitboxes during attack animation
 Overall expanded hurtboxes during attack animation
 Added hurtbox around hitbox of first hit
H Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Normal):
 Changed attack startup from 16F to 14F
 Adjusted damage distribution on-hit
o No changes to total damage
 Increased CA meter gain on activation, hit, and block
 Changed advantage on-block from -2F to -4F
 Increase distance Ken moves forward before attack startup
 Reduced time between first and second hits
 Reduced upward movement
H Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (V-Trigger):
 Adjusted damage distribution on-hit
o No changes to total damage
 Reduced stun damage from 250 to 200

Expanded hurtbox
 Reduced block stun by 6F
Guren Enjinkyaku:
 Expanded base hitbox in upward direction

 Increased CA meter gain on activation, hit, and block
 Increased air combo potential
 Reduced time between first and second hits
 Reduced upward movement
EX Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Normal):
 Expanded collision box during attack animation in downward direction
 Shrunk collision box on landing
Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger):
 Increased CA meter gain on activation, hit, and block
 Expanded hurtbox
 Changed when Ken begins to move from 1F to 2F
EX Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (Normal):
 Reduced damage from 90 to 70
 Reduced block stun by 7F
 Shrunk hitbox in downward direction
EX Airborne Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (V-Trigger):
 Reduced damage from 55×2 to 40×2
 Shrunk hitbox
 Expanded hurtbox
 Reduced block stun by 6F

super mario

 Vitality has increased 900 to 950
Forward Step:
 The entire motion has been changed 17F to 16F
 Airborne time during jump has been changed 40F to 38F
Yamikazura (Forward throw):
 Stun damage has decreased 170 to 120
 CA meter gain has decreased
Kubiori (Reverse grab):
 Damage has increased 130 to 140
 Stun damage has increased 170 to 200
 CA meter gain has increased
Tobizaru (Airborne throw):
 Throw range has been decreased
 The hurtbox during motion has been expanded downwards
Standing LK:
 Adjusted so that a whiff can't be cancelled with a V-Trigger
Standing MK:
 Hitbox startup has been changed 5F to 6F
 Movement recovery has been changed 15F to 14F
 Advantage on-hit has been changed ±0F to +5F
 Advantage on-block has been changed -1F to +2F
 Knockback distance on-hit and block has been decreased
 Forward hitbox has been decreased
Standing HK:
 On crush counter, the opponent hitstun has been increased +7F
Crouching LP:
 Advantage on-block has been changed +1F to +2F
 Active frames for hitbox has been extended 2F to 3F
Crouching LK:
 Changed so that it can be button mash cancelled in to crouching LP
Crouching MP:
 Moved the motion starting point forward when receiving damage or motion is cancelled
o Position of hitbox, hurtbox, and collision box have been adjusted.
 Movement recovery has been changed 16F to 19F on whiff only
o There is no change to the advantage on-hit or block
 Advantage on-hit has been changed +5F to +6F
V-reversal – Hanagasumi:
 Recovery on-hit has been added
 Hitbox has been expanded forwards
Kunai/Airborne Kunai:
 Decreased CA meter gain on activation

 Decreased CA meter gain on activation
 Increased CA meter gain on-hit or block
 Delayed the CA cancel timing so that V-reversals are easier to perform when opponent blocks.
 Fixed issue where L Airborne Kunai hits as a counter, the bendback time was extended by 3F
Kunai Ikkinage/Airborne Kunai Ikkinage:
 Decreased CA meter gain on activation
Kunai Hoju:
 Motion recovery has been shortened 3F
 Sped up the timing that Kunai is refilled
EX Kunai Hoju:
 Newly added an EX version
o 3 - 6 (on button hold) Kunai will be refilled
 Changed so that a jump attack can be performed during motion recovery
 Increased CA meter gain on-hit and block
 Pushback distance on-block has been decreased
EX Raida:
 Projectile invincible frames have been changed from 3F - 9F to 1F - 9F.
 The KO timing has been changed to the first hit
 Damage has been decreased 350 to 340


Guile and Cammy looking like my S2 lineup, but I really want to mess around with Akuma and post-patch Laura. Just waiting for my monitor now then you're all gonna get it. :rolleyes:


It's all so very confusing.
Ibuki changes feels kinda meh, also why does she needs meter to charger her kunais even faster?
They are super meh. I dont know why she'd be using a ton of st.mk any way... TC would be better in most situations.. maybe Im wrong there. We'll see. And yeah, she can spend MORE METER, the thing she needs for everything else she does.. to charge some kunai.. f.. FUCK YOU CAPCOM.