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Street Fighter V General Discussion

I feel like Ibuki has so much shit going in in her design that it's kind of hard to know for sure her strength in S2
That's true to an extent, I accept that, but the same applies to say urien, without even s2 available yet most know his changes will make him top tier. I just think both my characters needed a bit more help but whatever.
Why don't you think the Laura changes aren't good enough? I thought they made her better at applying her game plan and with more openings (V-skill starting combos).
Vskill still has tons of animation where it will never land unless the opponent has never faced a Laura before. You can still foot sweep,throw,light,medium,heavy anything,dp,super,etc., her out of it. On hit in vtrigger it's +2? Lol. Also her fireballs don't go through anything,full screen, and dissapear while every other projectile continues. Also it still disappears on hit.

FL Rushdown

Vskill still has tons of animation where it will never land unless the opponent has never faced a Laura before. You can still foot sweep,throw,light,medium,heavy anything,dp,super,etc., her out of it. On hit in vtrigger it's +2? Lol. Also her fireballs don't go through anything,full screen, and dissapear while every other projectile continues. Also it still disappears on hit.
If you can't hit someone with a 22 frame overhead once in awhile you certainly aren't pressuring right, and almost no one on earth is dping that on reaction it's faster than birdies ex dolphin dive. As for her tools they've always been "ok". She was just a worse Mika and with Mika/a lot of top tier characters getting nerfed she should be fine.


Kitana, Scorpion
I feel like Ibuki has so much shit going in in her design that it's kind of hard to know for sure her strength in S2
So much this. If any character had the potential to make seismic shifts in Season 1, it was Ibuki. Her potential was the least explored. If it took 8 months to make Rashid look like a viable threat, it's safe to say that we're all in the dark with Ibuki. I think, even without adjustments, she was the sleeper high tier character in S1. We'll never know if I'm right or wrong though come tomorrow.

And on the subject of Urien... he was already so strong, but now he's clearly fighting for that top tier potential. Which is good for me, cuz he's my secondary lol.


Life is a block string with no gaps.
Wow just from reading some of Alex's stuff, it does not seem right. I will wait and see but that is how it looks so far.
I think he got a little worse, personally.

I am more happy about being able to combo into a knockdown and the fixes to be honest. I still don't like the white life stuff but I will deal with it. Mixups, mixups and more mixups are great but that is what I have to work on since I think I play a bit too predictable.
What mixups are you currently using? I'm happy with most of it save for the white life/vskill part. And I'm gonna miss cr.lp comboing into st.lk.

Infiltration says Nash is dead lul rip x2
I'm guessing he switches to Akuma/Urien.

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
I think he got a little worse, personally.

What mixups are you currently using? I'm happy with most of it save for the white life/vskill part. And I'm gonna miss cr.lp comboing into st.lk.

I'm guessing he switches to Akuma/Urien.
He said Juri, Ibuki, and Akuma but he's waiting for Goutetsu

I'll still play Nash he looks fun
If you can't hit someone with a 22 frame overhead once in awhile you certainly aren't pressuring right, and almost no one on earth is dping that on reaction it's faster than birdies ex dolphin dive. As for her tools they've always been "ok". She was just a worse Mika and with Mika/a lot of top tier characters getting nerfed she should be fine.
She was ok, that's the way I'd describe her also. But seeing that you can just mash any button when she's close-ish then her vSkill looked more than a negative than an asset honestly. And that's just if you wanna stop it, countless times that mp followed into a combo or super. Her super worked IF you combo'd off of one special. One. Also her jump ins are terrible not to mention her normals are even worse. Now her fireball, charged is awesome granted you were far because any low cr.K stopped it. Her only safe cancel is cr.lk into QCF lp, and you don't get anything even if it lands lol. Anyways I'm probably not too qualified to talk about Laura as a better player might actually see something I don't. I'm still maining her.

FL Rushdown

She was ok, that's the way I'd describe her also. But seeing that you can just mash any button when she's close-ish then her vSkill looked more than a negative than an asset honestly. And that's just if you wanna stop it, countless times that mp followed into a combo or super. Her super worked IF you combo'd off of one special. One. Also her jump ins are terrible not to mention her normals are even worse. Now her fireball, charged is awesome granted you were far because any low cr.K stopped it. Her only safe cancel is cr.lk into QCF lp, and you don't get anything even if it lands lol. Anyways I'm probably not too qualified to talk about Laura as a better player might actually see something I don't. I'm still maining her.
Mashing is pretty much never a viable option vs any character.

I played Mika and She had 0 safe cancels and ryu whose only safe cancel was ex hadoken or a v triggered CA. So I'm not sure why that's super relevant.

I also think you're underestimating how important being plus two at point blank range is for a pressure character.

She was an ok character that's receiving buffs in a game where the overall power level for characters is dropping. I'd be very surprised if she wasn't a good character in s2.


It's all so very confusing.
Yeah.. Ibuki sucked S1 and will suck S2.

She really doesnt have that much going on in her design.. It kinda seems like, but after you look past the surface, its smoke, mirrors and bullshit.

Her dashes suck and lead to almost nothing real except some shenanigans in Vtrigger. Her trigger is super great amazing/strong kinda but also shit. Its *very* strong in a handful of situations and worthless in others.. I guess that is the trade off there, but she should have done with consistency. Using her trigger is just hard.. UNless you are just shitting on your opponent, you'll get trigger after you have bled a bunch and its only worth a damn on block in the corner. Otherwise you have to confirm in to it for it to be useful. IF you do confirm in to it, it has some super cool trickery but its not guarenteed trickery and a lot of will become weaker with age, because people will learn the mixup/setups and how to escape them, quite a few of them can just be reversaled (of course she can bait you, but thats how reversals work), or crouced, you neutral jumped, or this or that, etc. Again, Im not saying they arent strong, they absolutely are, but they come late and arent guarenteed and if you cant get a confirm her trigger just gets pissed away most of the time. I also forgot to mention that for these crazy Ibuki mixup insanity combos, you tend to need 2-4 kunai and 2-3 bars of meter... So..... She needs every resource imaginable to pull some of them off, making them even more situational.

Ibuki is just a regular character outside trigger. She has air kunai and that seems crazy and this and that, but its not. they dont cross up. If they hit above your toenail (unless ex'd) you lose advantage ON HIT. They are also a limited resource that can be super difficult to recharge in a lot of matches.

Ibuki needs meter for EVERYTHING. Before I was able to even type her name in this post I had to log in to SFV and go in to a bot game to earn a bar of meter for every time I needed to type her name. She takes a bar of meter to choose at character select. It costs a bar of meter to win a round, it costs TWO to lose a round. Wanna st,mp? Meter. Want to sweep? Meter. Want to throw a non-ex kunai? Still meter.

Her Vskill itself is.. I dunno. I mean, she has one.

She has some neutral stuff that looks crazy, but none of it is real... Dashing after her MK TC isnt real.

IMO she WAS explored, and the only stuff there to find was in Vtrigger, which is so situationally useful, that no matter how bad-ass what people found was, it couldnt pull her out of BARELY being mediocre.

Also, this opinion is not just mine because I lose on her, blah blah. I gave up on her a long time ago, but she IS my fav character and I follow and speak wioth some of the best Ibuki's around and keep up to date on her as much as I possibly can. I WANT to be proven wrong, but I just dont see it.


It's all so very confusing.
Absolutely no excuse for what they did to Birdie. Shit like that makes me kinda suspect of the decision making as a whole =/

And Nash.. As has been said, Nash in the toilet and he shouldnt be at all. I can absolutely see the hitbox stuff, I could tag people I KNOW I shouldnt have been able to tag, but his systematic nerf to every aspect of his fucking play, from damage to movement to normals to specials to waffles to grapes to his god damn shoe laces.. I mean.. FUCK. Nash was the worst of the 'good' characters if that makes a lot of sense.. he fell FAR and FAST after the beginning of the game and I really felt like he was in a good place.. Hit box fixes and dial back his damage a SMALL AMOUNT because so many other characters lost damage and *poof*. I REALLY liked Nash, and he was a perfect character for me, given how I like to play, so its a particular thorn in my side that he was disassembled.

Whatevs. GuilKuma in S2 boys.


Normalize grab immunity.
Vskill still has tons of animation where it will never land unless the opponent has never faced a Laura before. You can still foot sweep,throw,light,medium,heavy anything,dp,super,etc., her out of it. On hit in vtrigger it's +2? Lol. Also her fireballs don't go through anything,full screen, and dissapear while every other projectile continues. Also it still disappears on hit.
She was ok, that's the way I'd describe her also. But seeing that you can just mash any button when she's close-ish then her vSkill looked more than a negative than an asset honestly. And that's just if you wanna stop it, countless times that mp followed into a combo or super. Her super worked IF you combo'd off of one special. One. Also her jump ins are terrible not to mention her normals are even worse. Now her fireball, charged is awesome granted you were far because any low cr.K stopped it. Her only safe cancel is cr.lk into QCF lp, and you don't get anything even if it lands lol. Anyways I'm probably not too qualified to talk about Laura as a better player might actually see something I don't. I'm still maining her.
I think you're not giving enough credit to Laura. And with a 5f command grab she has mixups after overhead and I think trigger v skill can combo into a light. Plus allowing her setups off of either m elbow follow up. A quick glance to me she looks much better. I might switch Mika to her unless one of these new characters does "speedy mixup grappler" better.


Life is a block string with no gaps.
I think you're not giving enough credit to Laura. And with a 5f command grab she has mixups after overhead and I think trigger v skill can combo into a light. Plus allowing her setups off of either m elbow follow up. A quick glance to me she looks much better. I might switch Mika to her unless one of these new characters does "speedy mixup grappler" better.
No loyalty :c Anyway yeah that's the way its sounding. I've not gone and read it myself but i heard Necallis command grabs got better. Possibility?

Rip Torn

Initial impressions on Rashid changes:
  • Standing MK:  Increased size of hitbox forward  Increased size of hurtbox surrounding hitbox  Increased size of hurtbox after active frames  Increased time hurtboxes remain after active frames
He needed a little more range on this move so I like the change. It won't be abusable though because they extended the hurtbox and made it whiff punishable.

  • Crouching HP:  Changed recovery 18F to 22F  No change to block advantage on second hit  Reduced hit and block pushback distance  Increased recovery on-block of first hit by 2F  Changed advantage on-hit +6F to +7F  Increased hurtbox size during attack and recovery  Increased advantage on Crush Counter by 2F
Surprised it's still -2 on block. Recovery means you can't spam it in footsies as much. It's probably easier to jump over and punish because before it was invulnerable on the back side if you crossed him up. On hit it's easier to combo out of with CC and on regular hit due to reduced pushback and more frame adv. Overall more of a buff than a nerf on this move.

  • Jump MP:  Changed startup 5F to 7F  Reduced damage 70 to 50  Changed hit effect from air recoverable damage to knockdown damage  Increased special cancel window on-hit
It's nice that you can juggle off it now (I think) but I wonder how those startup frames will affect it in air to air situations. Could lead to new BnB's or resets. Maybe something like ex eagle spike, j.MP, land f.MP, Ex eagle spike or something... Can't wait to test it.

  • V-Skill (Rolling Assault):  Increased projectile invincibility during movement 3F
This is HUGE. The wording is a little weird but it sounds like he will have earlier projectile invincibility on his roll. This will allow him to react to fireballs with roll kick easier. Should help in the Guile MU and any other character that throws mid fireballs.

  • V-Skill (Nail Assault):  Increased block pushback  Now CA cancellable  Changed advantage on-block -5F to -6F
So now if he has a full stick of butter you simply can not throw a fireball even mid-screen. Sounds like it might be less safe on block. We'll have to see about the pushback.

  • V-Trigger (Ysaar):  Increased inertia forward  Now you can't avoid hits with projectile invincibility  No change to number of hits
At first seems like a nice buff. There is no way to escape this move now. Well, you can probably run away... I worry about the forward inertia thing. He could lose a lot of setups if it goes too fast. Then again, we'll probably find other setups that are just as dirty.

  • MP Spinning Mixer:  Increased damage 100 to 110  Increased stun 168 to 175  You can no longer get additional hits when mashing after hits 1 to 5 on-block and whiff

  • HP Spinning Mixer:  Increased damage 130 to 140  Increased stun 148 to 200  Added hitbox in backward direction  Made it easier to get all hits against airborne opponent  Increased juggle potential when used in-air combos
So you can no longer fly away with MP spinning mixer. Makes sense, it was hard to punish that. HP got nice buffs! It's a legit anti-air all around him now. More damage more stun, nice combo ender. Sounds like it juggles in more situations that it wouldn't. It was kind of unreliable sometimes.

  • EX Spinning Mixer:  Adjusted hurtbox when landing to be same as standing hurtbox  Increased invincibility 1F~8F to 1F~12F  Reduced movement range forward
Nice defensive buff. Now it should work more like an invincible DP. It would get stuffed alot by neutral jumps, cross-ups, etc.

  • MK Whirlwind Shot:  Changed duration of move 65F to 60F  Reduced damage 70 to 60  Reduced CA meter gain on whiff  Increased CA meter gain on-hit and block  Changed advantage on-hit ±0F to +1F  Changed advantage on-block -4F to -2F  Reduced projectile movement forward slightly  Increased juggle potential when used in-air combos  Changed foot during projectile to have projectile invincible properties  Delayed timing of CA cancel to make it easier for opponent to use V-Reversal
Nice buff. It's completely safe on block now. Might replace light spinning mixer as his special cancel on block. It already had some juggle potential but now maybe it pops them up higher?

  • Airborne Eagle Spike:  Reduced damage 130 to 120  Changed so he doesn’t rebound if hit or blocked during certain frames of the move before he touches the ground
This wins the award for most interesting buff. This is kind of like the wind enhanced air eagle spike that he can do out of his v-skill where even if you block it, Rashid stays right next to you at massive plus frames. Most likely he will have to hit you in the shin or lower in order for it to happen. Sounds like he can combo out of it on hit (maybe, idk -_-?). Intredasting...

  • Altair:  Increased hitbox size in upwards direction  Increased speed of forward movement when pressing forward  Hitbox now remains during projectile durability
His CA. Sounds like it will be easier to combo into his CA after certain juggles that it would sometimes whiff on before. Characters with wall jumps or Bison probably can't jump over it or something. Not sure what projectile durability means but it sounds like projectiles could nullify it in S1.

Overall Initial Thoughts:

He seems buffed overall. Mostly through damage and combo potential. Some moves are now safe (Mk whirlwind shot) while others have more pushback (st. HK, roll kick) but are more - on block. Some moves have more range (st. mk) but are easier to whiff punish. cr. HP is not as abuseable in footsies due to recovery but the reward is better when it hits. His projectiles recover a little faster but cover less distance. It seems like they wanted to buff his damage and combo ability while getting rid of some of the more braindead or nonsense that he could get away with. His neutral is somewhat buffed because he has better options to get in with v-skill roll invincibility and air eagle spike being + (I hope) when spaced correctly and ex air eagle spike having more rebound distance on block. His tier placing will probably rise a bit but it's hard to say how some of these buffs will work out without testing them.

Edit: Forgot to mention his V-reversal got nerfed. It doesn't go as far and recovers slower. It's probably easier to bait and punish now. It wasn't great before and now it's worse. Probably one of his bigger weaknesses in S2.
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Normalize grab immunity.
No loyalty :c Anyway yeah that's the way its sounding. I've not gone and read it myself but i heard Necallis command grabs got better. Possibility?
They homogenized Mika players. The biggest thing is now the v-skill has some use so now there will be others beside me using it. I'm just really salty over cr.HP and not being able to pick a direction on clap. Plus Laura is now the more interesting of the two to me.

Rip Torn

Ibuki needs meter for EVERYTHING. Before I was able to even type her name in this post I had to log in to SFV and go in to a bot game to earn a bar of meter for every time I needed to type her name. She takes a bar of meter to choose at character select. It costs a bar of meter to win a round, it costs TWO to lose a round. Wanna st,mp? Meter. Want to sweep? Meter. Want to throw a non-ex kunai? Still meter.
It even takes meter to reply to a post about Ibuki.