DJ L Toro
BlackBryan, fair enough my friend. Even so, #kanooftheworld
Yeah, Hipster Painwheel, got it off an artist from tumblr, wish I could remeber the name.Off Topic: Is that Painwheel in your icon?
Quan Chi wasn't that bad, and Raven has Sheeva's face, so she lives on in least there isn't a Sheeva or Quan-chi in this game (so far)
I mained Quan.Quan Chi wasn't that bad, and Raven has Sheeva's face, so she lives on in pieces.
I must know which 5 0_05 can avoid it because the last hit whiffs crouching and I can get punished for attempting it
Where in the above statement does it say your name?LOL. Get out here with this nonsense. I didn't even focus on Batman in the beta. You know the characters I spent the most time with were Ares, Lex Luthor, Shazam, The Flash, and Deathstroke (with a few more side characters) which was basically one character focus a day. I don't know what you're trying to imply about me, but I hope this is a terrible excuse for a joke. The reason you're really mad with Injustice is because Sinestro is not the Kenshi of this game. It's plain, simple, and anyone can see it.
lmao wowand now this
yo nightwing lets goooooo. fucking jer plays this characterlmao wow
fun (mk) > balance (injustice)...who can say with a straight face that mk ISN'T more fun to play, than injustice?
FINALLY!! Glad someone speak the truth.not having optimal oki (mk) > getting zoned half to death hardly able to press buttons while trying to stay awake (injustice)![]()
It looked as if you were talking about me since I happen to be using "Batman". If you weren't, then OK, I apologize.Where in the above statement does it say your name?
Plain and simple im not mad because Sinestro isnt the kenshi in the game, its because hes shit in this game and wasnt kept at the level batman and co was.
His projectiles were broke and op but all else they removed was bullshit
b21 special and string cancelable
less recovery (im ok with them having his zoning recovery way it is now though)
b13 +3
b12 0
axe +1
22d1 +something
throw wasnt a purtrid 9%
arachnid wasnt a joke high -34
We all knew how good batman was and some people were AVID on SUPERMAN being shit (Yo bro all his shit is duckable) and frankly i love how they are now. My problem is sinestro and 14+ others arent on they're level but sinestro could have been as well as some others if balanced right
Paulo said theres balancing to be done so we'll see where it goes, but sir GTFO here if you dont think im right about this. You're right we do NOT want KKK ruining injustice what we want is 24 viable characters on the same level as superman and batman as muc has we can get it so this game's life and longevitety is as long as possible and doesnt become a batman and friends top 8 from here on out
btw was that really you in the chat tonight?
All NRS has to do is reduce chip damage and the styles of play will balance themselves out.Don't get Me wrong I think this game is fun but they should rename it
Everyone and their mother was playing batmanIt looked as if you were talking about me since I happen to be using "Batman". If you weren't, then OK, I apologize.
b+1,3 should not be advantage on block. A safe launching string that advances half screen and will hit you anywhere in the air is more scrubby than Superman's f+2,3~breath. Get real. Axe used to be +20 if done instant. It was +1 if you did it at the peak of your jump. He could combo off his throws (and throw breaks) with trait out for 30%+ combos which meant free damage every time he got close and mashed throw. The things you're crying to get back for Sinestro are insane. I think Sinestro would be fine if they just made his arachnid hit mid instead of high, and made trait not disappear once it was out because a clash, super, or transition.
I didn't say crap about Superman, so I don't know where you're going with here. I didn't have time to mess around with him much since other players were on him, but the only thing I remember saying was how his +20 breath needed to go. If I remember correctly, Chris G and I were the only ones that complained about it. And about Batman one of my suggestions I wrote down was he should not be able to combo off his bats on the ground, that's it. He can keep his constant bats bullshit and everything, but the being able to full combo off random bats on ground is overkill. Getting free pressure off them is more than enough.
And yes, that was me in the chat tonight. The only other character I will allow to be buffed over Lobo is possibly Bane. But Lobo should be first in line to get better.
No. No no no no.Once they gave Baraka armor to his specials, I use him to great effect. Only teleport characters was tricky to fight. Don't downplay Baraka he was a great rushdown if you know how to use him, I pulled many upset due to others under estimating him.
This is not a problem at all. The breaker in Mortal Kombat left characters 3/4 screen too. If you're Johnny Cage fighting Kenshi, and Kenshi breaks, enjoy getting back in. This is just a game mechanic, one that is perfectly fine.Sorry, but when i cant even clash with "tournament viable character" grundy because it'll leave me full screen and whatever health i got back i'm just going to lose (and then some) getting back in, this time without meter that i so desperately need, then there's a problem.
Huh? Sorry, but if you're struggling so much with this, it's your issue as a player. Work on improving upon it. Crossups hardly work the way you're making it out to be.When most crossups are completely ambiguous (thus it's not a skill to block correctly, it's just guessing right), there's a problem.
Is this true? Because that's news to me.input bug (correct me if i'm wrong, but that's already been confirmed to be in inj, right)
Wait, 6-4 match-ups in fighting games are a problem now? You're not really one of those "every match-up should be 5-5" people now, are you?and a ton of 6-4 matchups... so? that's 3 problems.
This, I completely agree with. For all the talk about imbalances in MK (and it's not entirely unfounded), people conveniently ignore the diversity in most top 8's. Obviously, it's a game dominated by Kabal, that much is undeniable. But acting like you're screwed if you don't play him, Kenshi, or Kung Lao is quite silly.Also, as my own response, here's a list of characters that have been top 8 at a major in the last year: 1) kabal, 2) kenshi, 3) kun lao, 4) cyrax, 5) kitana, 6) cage, 7) jax, 8) smoke, 8) skarlet, 8) sheeva, 8) kano(? BlackBryan were you top 8 at WB?), 8)sub zero, 8) scorpion, 8) kang, 8) sonya, 8) freddy, 8) sektor, 8) Reptile, 8) shang, 8) mileena. Oh you're right, only 8 characters... dumbass.
It's the other way around on the breakers though. Cage breaking doesnt put kenshi at advantage. In this game it would because wager leaves both players full screen no matter who uses it and who wins.This is not a problem at all. The breaker in Mortal Kombat left characters 3/4 screen too. If you're Johnny Cage fighting Kenshi, and Kenshi breaks, enjoy getting back in. This is just a game mechanic, one that is perfectly fine.
Wait, 6-4 match-ups in fighting games are a problem now? You're not really one of those "every match-up should be 5-5" people now, are you?