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Official Sonya simp
IMO they're not going to touch Sonya much if at all, and long term she will suffer from it. I feel like htey're pretty happy with her character identity, and it's pretty straight forward and fulfilled; insane rush down, with 2 actually interesting variations that offer new pressure/playstyle options.

I think Sonya is one of the better designed/balanced characters, but with the power creep that they introduced (new strings to everyone! More launchers!) she will fall behind slowly.

Maybe in 3 months we'll see a buff for Sonya after she's spent some time in the low tiers, or maybe she'll slink through the cracks for a while. Not sure how much more gameplay depth we can squeeze out of CO, and innovation will come w/ new game mechanics being discovered or small juggle windows we didn't realize we had.
low tiers
low tiers


B2s and Birdarangs
I have no idea if this is useful stuff since I'm hardly a great player nor a great guru of MK knowledge but has anybody talked about blowing up wake ups in demolition in the corner with 1 grenade and a bar of meter?

I was practicing the corner combos specifically

B33212 DF1 1 NJP JK 12 12 213 DD1

I felt like getting a little frisky and EX'd the DD1 for the grenade drop and hit them with a mix up as the grenade hits and it blew up Reptile's slash

It's not quite on Cassie's level of stuffing a wake up but I thought it was pretty neat.

Disclaimer: I apologise if this has been discussed or is null and void. No drones were hurt in the making of this message.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I'm against demolition getting faster reloads because that would completey break her in that variation making her brain dead.
I'm sorry but that is one of the most ignorant things you could assume. Look at her with her grenades as she is, she's not broken. Without grenades she is F U C K E D H A R D. Giving her a faster reload, even something like 40 frames is round about perfect instead of 63, wouldn't break her. It would just let her be able to compete more often. If she's getting pressured she still can't reload, this would just give her the reward of an opportunity to reload that she deserves instead of getting punished for hitting the opponent. It honestly would not break her at all nor would it make her brain dead.
Commando Kano has gotten a new combo launcher which I'm assuming is an overhead.
Also there is no way in hell they're going to give him an overhead launcher, that's what makes Cutthroat Cutthroat.
I have no idea if this is useful stuff since I'm hardly a great player nor a great guru of MK knowledge but has anybody talked about blowing up wake ups in demolition in the corner with 1 grenade and a bar of meter?

I was practicing the corner combos specifically

B33212 DF1 1 NJP JK 12 12 213 DD1

I felt like getting a little frisky and EX'd the DD1 for the grenade drop and hit them with a mix up as the grenade hits and it blew up Reptile's slash

It's not quite on Cassie's level of stuffing a wake up but I thought it was pretty neat.

Disclaimer: I apologise if this has been discussed or is null and void. No drones were hurt in the making of this message.
213 isn't a hard knockdown, they can just tech roll and punish you for that.


I'm sorry but that is one of the most ignorant things you could assume. Look at her with her grenades as she is, she's not broken. Without grenades she is F U C K E D H A R D. Giving her a faster reload, even something like 40 frames is round about perfect instead of 63, wouldn't break her. It would just let her be able to compete more often. If she's getting pressured she still can't reload, this would just give her the reward of an opportunity to reload that she deserves instead of getting punished for hitting the opponent. It honestly would not break her at all nor would it make her brain dead.
Base Sonya doesn't need reloads to fight she has enough tools to create space on her own, I came across a demolition Sonya who managed very well without grenades and chose to reload wisely, the reload conundrum balances demolition otherwise this variation is broken. It'll be a nightmare having a demo Sonya throwing stun grenades left and rightwithout consequences. And this will ultimately lead NRS to nerf her character as a whole.

If they are going to improve her then improving her base should be a priority, with demo I,d improve grenade block properties.


I combed through Tyler Lansdown and Steve Brownsback twitter accounts and no mention of Sonya at all.

Seeing as how much of a diehard Kitana fan Steve is I wouldn't be surprised if Kitana gets more buffs.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Base Sonya doesn't need reloads to fight she has enough tools to create space on her own, I came across a demolition Sonya who managed very well without grenades and chose to reload wisely, the reload conundrum balances demolition otherwise this variation is broken. It'll be a nightmare having a demo Sonya throwing stun grenades left and rightwithout consequences. And this will ultimately lead NRS to nerf her character as a whole.

If they are going to improve her then improving her base should be a priority, with demo I,d improve grenade block properties.
You facing one guy that looked good with grenade-less Sonya doesn't make grenade-less Sonya any better, that's a bad argument that seems to be too common on this site. It's not about creating space, it's the fact she gets no combo potential whatsoever without grenades and she becomes much less of a threat at both full screen and close up because anything she'll do to you will barely hurt.

The variation is NOT broken with grenades as it is and it's therefore NOT broken without them and it will continue to not be broken if it had a faster reload. We're not asking for an instantaneous reload, something like 40 frames will do. She still won't be able to reload for free, she'll just be able to get the proper reward of being able to reload when she opens the opponent up. You are highly exaggerating how Demo Sonya plays or would play with a slightly faster reload, she would not be throwing grenades without consequence. Think about how she actually is right now instead of going by how good one guy you played looked playing her. Improving her base would make her more broken than improving her reload slightly.
If she gets a faster reload, then it should be just enough to allow b33212 to get a safe reload against the entire cast and that's it. Anything more is unnecessary really.

So that can certainly be less than 60+, but 40 is more of a decrease than needed to achieve that goal.

b33212 already gives a safe reload against the vast majority of the cast, it's just that it's slightly less than enough to get a reload against certain characters like Scorpion. This wouldn't be too much of an issue, but when you take b33212 out of the picture, it's like she can't reload at all without getting punished. And b33212 is already a risky move to use, so it's not like it's a free, riskless refill. And she still doesn't get a refill off any of her overhead options, so she needs to work pretty hard to get the opponent to respect the overhead before opening them up with b33212.

But yeah. reload should be sliiiightly quicker. Just enough to make a reload after b33212 safe against the few character it already isn't safe against. Doesn't sound like too big an issue at first, but against those characters where she doesn't have that safe reload, it's "pick another variation or die" territory.

Then again, by virtue of the variation system, NRS may opt to let that continue to be the option for Sonya players.
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Reactions: jmt


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
If she gets a faster reload, then it should be just enough to allow b33212 to get a safe reload against the entire cast and that's it. Anything more is unnecessary really.

So that can certainly be less than 60+, but 40 is more of a decrease than needed to achieve that goal.

b33212 already gives a safe reload against the vast majority of the cast, it's just that it's slightly less than enough to get a reload against certain characters like Scorpion. This wouldn't be too much of an issue, but when you take b33212 out of the picture, it's like she can't reload at all without getting punished. And b33212 is already a risky move to use, so it's not like it's a free, riskless refill. And she still doesn't get a refill off any of her overhead options, so she needs to work pretty hard to get the opponent to respect the overhead before opening them up with b33212.

But yeah. reload should be sliiiightly quicker. Just enough to make a reload after b33212 safe against the few character it already isn't safe against. Doesn't sound like too big an issue at first, but against those characters where she doesn't have that safe reload, it's "pick another variation or die" territory.

Then again, by virtue of the variation system, NRS may opt to let that continue to be the option for Sonya players.
Well that's what I'm saying, B33212 is +43 on hit so if they made her reload about that it'd be fine.
I think with b33212 +43, given the distance, it should be perfectly safe if reload was 50 frames. Nobody is getting to Sonya in 7 frames from full screen. Can't remember how fast reptile's dash get's to us, but even a little over 50 should still make it universally safe.
Reactions: jmt


the last thing I want is for Sonya players to be arguing and calling each other names so if a +43 frame reload is all what you're looking for then please be my guest who am I to rain on your parade, but If you ask me I think the priority for the Demo fixes should directed towards the the execution of the grenades themselves, they should hit low and they should be safe on block , thats where I would want NRS to focus on.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I think with b33212 +43, given the distance, it should be perfectly safe if reload was 50 frames. Nobody is getting to Sonya in 7 frames from full screen. Can't remember how fast reptile's dash get's to us, but even a little over 50 should still make it universally safe.
But what about the corner? I don't think B33212 giving a safe reload is that big a deal.
the last thing I want is for Sonya players to be arguing and calling each other names so if a +43 frame reload is all what you're looking for then please be my guest who am I to rain on your parade, but If you ask me I think the priority for the Demo fixes should directed towards the the execution of the grenades themselves, they should hit low and they should be safe on block , thats where I would want NRS to focus on.
You're right I don't want to insult anyone, I doubt anyone in here is a bad player. I do agree grenades should be safe but low? I think that's a bit overkill.


Does anybody else wish her ring toss would lead to a secret brutality, I love finishing people off with the energy rings, it'll be spectacular if they blow up in purple orbs.

I'm very nervous about Monday, imagine if they nerf her!
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They'll probably nerf the damage scaling after her Xray. Let's hope not.

Oh dear, that means all of us will have to Pay Demo's xray damage price.

I've been thinking what else can they nerf,

Other than the xray damage though Sonya has nothing abuse worthy,

if they have it out for her they might cripple b1,4 just for fun. Make it slower, oh and they might as well tie an anvil on her jip.

Can't think of anything they can nerf with military stance, it's already slow and unsafe as it, we'll maybe ms3 can be made slower if people are finding the guessing game too much to bear.
I feel pretty firmly that Sonya should remain untouched (no buffs, no nerfs). X-Ray should remain terrifying.

Just my opinion: as of now, Sonya feels like a high tier character, made up of three mid-tier variations. Her best advantage is that between CO, Demo, and SF, she has really good set play.
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Official Sonya simp
I feel pretty firmly that Sonya should remain untouched (no buffs, no nerfs). X-Ray should remain terrifying.

Just my opinion, but as of now, Sonya feels like a high tier character, made up of three mid-tier variations. Her best advantage is that between CO, Demo, and SF, she has really good set play.
This. Pretty much this.


as we feared

XRAY nerfed! scaling no more 70% damage.

B3,3,2,2 now safe/whiff proof

and air throw takes more damage.


Official Sonya simp
Her Xray had no scaling, so it was fair tbh. She still has the best Xray in the game. And I'm happy that they fixed b332.


  • Sonya - Away+FP,BK is no longer a hard knockdown
This might affect corner reloads and general special forces play.
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