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Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
So I'm jumping in to Droneya as the last piece of Sonya I feel I should get familiar with. I'm pretty lost on how to use this variation. In my time playing Sonya, I started out with CO Sonya then moved on to Demo. Oddly enough, I never touched Droneya even though that was the first variation of her I saw used often in tournaments.

Anyone here play Droneya? Any tips on her game plan? What I should be doing? How I get my damage?


So I'm jumping in to Droneya as the last piece of Sonya I feel I should get familiar with. I'm pretty lost on how to use this variation. In my time playing Sonya, I started out with CO Sonya then moved on to Demo. Oddly enough, I never touched Droneya even though that was the first variation of her I saw used often in tournaments.

Anyone here play Droneya? Any tips on her game plan? What I should be doing? How I get my damage?
I'm the same as you man. Been playing co and demo since day 1, but sf is just strange. I hate how you can't buffer the drone inputs and it always seems like when you get in on them, your drone is going away.


Heard about the patch these are some amendments to covert ops Sonya I'd like to see but naturally have low expectations.

Include Ex drop kick by transforming it into a diagonal 4/5 hit bicycle kick.

B3,3,u4 should end as an overhead with a little more launch time for follow up juggle.

B3,3, F4 should be cancelable

1,1,2 safer on block good for block pressure and chip damage.

2,1,4 safer on block or more stun if blocked.

Less recovery frames on Sonya's regular throw

Military Stance 2 should be a new move, canceling ms can be Block. Tanya, Kung Lao and others all have a choice of 4 options with their respective moves.

Military Stance Cartwheel faster reduce startup from 22 post ms to 15.

MS3 should not have to hit the opponent to activate, Sonya should be able to execute the move on whiff as well.

Air throw solidify hit box/range and slightly increase damage also whiffed air throws should result in a backwards Airflip instead of that awkward I don't know what I'm doing
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Sonya needs something. She is awesome, but she needs help to compete with those top characters.


Official Sonya simp
Sonya needs something. She is awesome, but she needs help to compete with those top characters.
Like...? The only thing Sonya needs is a faster reload, because let's agree that it's frustrating when you're reloading your grenades, she gets hit in the LAST active frames of that move and doesn't reload shit. They should make it faster or at least be able to reload the grenades even if she gets hit. But besides this, she's FINE. People need to realize that MK9 Sonya with safe mixups and safe armored launcher is not coming back. She was the flavor of the month when the game came out, top 5 here top 5 there, but she kept going down the tier lists as the time goes by. NOT because she's a "bad" character, but because patches with buffs for other characters + DLC were released so she kinda lost her spotlight, so to speak.

Anyway, anyone who's seriously complaining about Sonya needs counseling. She isn't even close to being a bad character and can compete with the whole cast IMO.


I'm against demolition getting faster reloads because that would completey break her in that variation making her brain dead.

Demolition's high damage is balanced with limitations of reload.

Instead strengthening base Sonya should give her more reload opportunities and universally benefit all her variations.

This upcoming patch is getting Its own kombat cast a first,I feel NRS has had a decent amount of time to study the gameplay dynamics properly.

Changes are going to be drastic, it's already been confirmed that Kotal Khan has gotten a new move and Commando Kano has gotten a new combo launcher which I'm assuming is an overhead.

So for the sake of spicing up gameplay and keeping it fresh, I hope the same courtesy is offered to Sonya.


Official Sonya simp
But dude, why do you feel she is that such "weak" character? You've been asking for buffs since the first patch. Kotal and Kano aren't as high tier, so it's completely understandable they'll get buffs.


Publicly Educated
I have 1 excuse: Everyone can throw a 6% projectile and a 11-13% ex projectile, except for her (5% regular and 8% ex, wtf are you thinking NRS)


But dude, why do you feel she is that such "weak" character? You've been asking for buffs since the first patch. Kotal and Kano aren't as high tier, so it's completely understandable they'll get buffs.
I never said anything about weak, everything I suggested is for my own personal enjoyment of fighting with covert ops Sonya, I've been playing since the beginning and I'm still having so much fun, however, to freshen things up I'd like to see the above suggestinons implemented. That is all, we'll see on Monday what they'll add or nerf, but I have a feeling this patch is going to be quite comprehensive in terms of balancing and fine tuning gameplay. We'll see.

Orbit Aquary

Want a balloon?
Patch predictions:

Probably nothing

Spec Ops:
Probably nothing

Very likely we will lose some damage I think.
Since they're looking at her, they might do something to improve EX Reload though.
I just want them to give her a new special move (kiss from MK9), and maybe an EX air throw and EX dive kick. I think they'll do something about her X-ray damage tho in demolition, scaling the damage probably.l


Publicly Educated
I just want them to give her a new special move (kiss from MK9), and maybe an EX air throw and EX dive kick. I think they'll do something about her X-ray damage tho in demolition, scaling the damage probably.l
If they nerf xray damage scaling, CO will suffer the most because CO does xray as often as other variation but CO doesn't have any other launcher after xray, just 12 and run
if they nerf grenade or standing 4 damage scaling that's a huge unnecessary nerf to demo

Orbit Aquary

Want a balloon?
If they nerf xray damage scaling, CO will suffer the most because CO does xray as often as other variation but CO doesn't have any other launcher after xray, just 12 and run
if they nerf grenade or standing 4 damage scaling that's a huge unnecessary nerf to demo
They might only scale the x-ray damage with the demolition grenades. I hope not tho, she needs three bars, she needs to have her grenades ready and it's an unsafe parry so I think they should keep it as it is. It hasn't caused any problems as far as I've seen in tournaments.


Heard about the patch these are some amendments to covert ops Sonya I'd like to see but naturally have low expectations.

Include Ex drop kick by transforming it into a diagonal 4/5 hit bicycle kick.

B3,3,u4 should end as an overhead with a little more launch time for follow up juggle.

B3,3, F4 should be cancelable

1,1,2 safer on block good for block pressure and chip damage.

2,1,4 safer on block or more stun if blocked.

Less recovery frames on Sonya's regular throw

Military Stance 2 should be a new move, canceling ms can be Block. Tanya, Kung Lao and others all have a choice of 4 options with their respective moves.

Military Stance Cartwheel faster reduce startup from 22 post ms to 15.

MS3 should not have to hit the opponent to activate, Sonya should be able to execute the move on whiff as well.

Air throw solidify hit box/range and slightly increase damage also whiffed air throws should result in a backwards Airflip instead of that awkward I don't know what I'm doing
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Retirement my ass
IMO they're not going to touch Sonya much if at all, and long term she will suffer from it. I feel like htey're pretty happy with her character identity, and it's pretty straight forward and fulfilled; insane rush down, with 2 actually interesting variations that offer new pressure/playstyle options.

I think Sonya is one of the better designed/balanced characters, but with the power creep that they introduced (new strings to everyone! More launchers!) she will fall behind slowly.

Maybe in 3 months we'll see a buff for Sonya after she's spent some time in the low tiers, or maybe she'll slink through the cracks for a while. Not sure how much more gameplay depth we can squeeze out of CO, and innovation will come w/ new game mechanics being discovered or small juggle windows we didn't realize we had.


Like...? The only thing Sonya needs is a faster reload, because let's agree that it's frustrating when you're reloading your grenades, she gets hit in the LAST active frames of that move and doesn't reload shit. They should make it faster or at least be able to reload the grenades even if she gets hit.
I agree with you here 100%. Once the drone comes out you should get your grenades even if you get hit. I wish she had better safe block strings also.
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