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Skarlet Better Be in this game

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
She has been in MK history a lot longer than that; she was a rumored secret character or thought to be a hint to a hidden character nicknamed Skarlet, as result of a Kitana glitch in MK2. That's more than 20 years of history.

I really hope she is in this game. Might make her a second main.
She's been rumored since MK2, yes. I know that, but she's only been in one game and wasn't played much. Hornbuckle (and several others) is also an MK rumor but I'd prefer he wasn't in the game, either.

The bottom line is that NRS is going to put whoever they want in the game.

John Grizzly

The axe that clears the forest
I think a lot of this was due to that you couldn't play as her online unless both players had the DLC.

Blood ball suicide FTW
That was incredibly annoying. There was a time when I really was trying to play Kenshi and it was pointless because half the time I couldn't play him even though I FUCKING PAID FOR HIM.

Thankfully, I don't think that will be happening going forward.


I'd certainly be happy if Skarlet came back. I tried her out a bit in MK9 (and enjoyed her style a lot), but then my save data corrupted, and in frustration I ended up forgetting about the game for the most part, so never really used her extensively.

From a more practical perspective, it would be odd for NRS to go to the effort of making an entire new DLC character, and then not re-use them.


It. Is. Glorious!
One character is a vampire and the other is a made purely of blood.

(If either is in of course)

I wonder if that would be weird if Nitara consumed (sorry Konsumed) Skarlett and has one of her styles be based off her.

Nitara by herself could play badass if based on Hawkgirl's flying wing style. Add vampirish moves to that and wow that's a character.
I wouldn't mind seeing Nitara in the game myself.
One of the less horrible characters from the 3D era, well yeah, she's no Drahmin, but i wouldn't object to her inclusion.


I'm a lover, not a fighter
They wasted a massive opportunity with Nitara. She was a great character design and had potential to have a strong story line but they missed the chance. They should have given her some descent specials which worked with her design. Hopefully they will give her a second try, but I would doubt it.... she is just not that popular.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
They wasted a massive opportunity with Nitara. She was a great character design and had potential to have a strong story line but they missed the chance. They should have given her some descent specials which worked with her design. Hopefully they will give her a second try, but I would doubt it.... she is just not that popular.
It honestly doesn't matter if the character was unpopular or not in the previous MK games. One thing many forget is how well MK9 re-invented many different characters and made them more unique and interesting compared to their palette swap pass lives. Just look at Sektor and Cyrax, who actually had character development this time around, other than they were once human and now they ain't human anymore. Smoke and Rain were given a lot more back story this time and helped you better understand who and what they are, instead of Gray Ninja who smokes and acts like Scorpion in game and Purple Ninja meant to pun Prince.


Nitara by herself could play badass if based on Hawkgirl's flying wing style. Add vampirish moves to that and wow that's a character.
Oh dear lord, no. After what happened with Hawkgirl, I don't trust them to balance that style well at all.

Still, I wouldn't mind Nitara being brought back and re-invented. Her wings could be used for a levitate-style move (UMK3 Sindel style where she can move freely, but only on a horizontal axis), and also she could maybe have a command grab which involves biting her opponent.

I previously thought that Skarlet might have a decent chance of returning, given the effort put into designing her, but then again, a lot of effort was put into re-designing most everyone else, especially regarding all non-special moves (and even then, the enhanced ones had to be designed too!), so... perhaps not. I hope I'm wrong...


blink-182 enthusiast
No more flying dammit! Not unless the ice climbers can throw the little one and knock her out of the air... I detest fighting HG

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I really hope they never give skarlet vampiric abilities, i love how she controls blood, without drinking, how she manipulates it, how the blood enters trough her skin whennever absorbs it, she is the blood goddess.
Wow someone deleted my post when I quoted different sections of the op. Big brother gotta act a fool. Don't be dicks guys...at least let me know your deleting my posts.
Hm? Oh, it seems the re-posting of the video of Michael Scott came off as a double post, when you were actually quoting a different part of GetNuts' post!
Apologies for that. If I may give a suggestion: A better way to go about it is to simply put both parts into one post, rather than making an entirely new post replying to a different part of the same post, with the same reaction video.

As for the topic: I think Nitara will have a good day/night when she meets Skarlet, since the latter is a hemomancer and Nitara feeds off of blood. Either that, or Nitara will be destroyed by the manipulator of her precious source of sustenance.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Hm? Oh, it seems the re-posting of the video of Michael Scott came off as a double post, when you were actually quoting a different part of GetNuts' post! Apologies for that. If I may give a suggestion: A better way to go about it is to simply put both parts into one post, rather than making an entirely new post replying to a different part of the same post, with the same reaction video.

As for the topic: I think Nitara will have a good day/night when she meets Skarlet, since the latter is a hemomancer and Nitara feeds off of blood. Either that, or Nitara will be destroyed by the manipulator of her precious source of sustenance.


Thanks for the apology.


"On your Knees!"
Question, Is Skarlet Human? I know she is made by Shao Kahn, I mean humans have blood in their bodies and thats the basis of their living etc other than water. Or else why would scorpion be afraid to die and go to the netherealm if he's already dead? Just saying.Anyways, But I think they should give Nitara another chance she is like THE only vampire in the game and vampires go well in the MKU. And Skarlet should keep on living and hope she is in the game again.