Mr. Righteous
Somebody find her cat!No because the lag builds character.

Somebody find her cat!No because the lag builds character.
Something is wrong with your ethernet port or router then.I voted Yes. But for KL/Ranked I think it should be ping dependent, I think you should be able to decline anything above 90 ping. Personally, my wired connection (rn at least) is worse than my WiFi connection. Like I literally have constant lag spikes when I’m wired and very rarely have them when I’m on WiFi.
I will try it again and experiment with it. I have a 3 day weekend so I finally have some free time tonight and tomorrow.That's your problem then. WiFi is more unstable than Wired connection. If its not a problem for you then do what you do.
But for 90% of all people on average connections having:
Multiple devices on the same Internet.
Will cause ping spikes and generally unstable connections compared to Wired vs Wired connections with no other devices on their respective connections. Having someone on YouTube while you are playing MK will take almost half of your bandwidth making the connection suffer.
But I'm willing to bet you have a better connection than most like 80mbps up/down or Fiber connection and if you had that it wouldn't matter as much.
Oh NOez! LeTs NoT aLienaTe tHosE!What about Wifi scorpion with his +1000 on block teleports?
you know how to read right.......i said people will complain that when they filter wifi they get no matches and when they dont filter they only get matched with horrible wifi matches. thx.you know how a filter work? its...optional. so when you want to play against wifi players you still can do so and no a ping of 100 should be not the limit. it always goes up anyway. there is no need for a overall decline limit when you give people the option to filter out connections the way they want...which is possible..manually, in casual mode.
At one point I had a 100 ft cable running through my house just to avoid wifi lolI'm sorry to all the wifi players out there, but yes. When I was moving apartments, I set up in my parent's small workshop so I could be next to the router and be wired when I played. Care for those you play against <3
Damn I thought you was my grill. Now it’s clear you just used me for my level 50 double diamond mk11 scorpion in mk mobile.
I wished I played the mobile so I could understand what that means XDDamn I thought you was my grill. Now it’s clear you just used me for my level 50 double diamond mk11 scorpion in mk mobile.