The only people that are going to get screwed over are wired players. As has been said before, there seems to be more wifi players than wired.
that is one of the most stupid shit i have read in a long time about this topic ...
i would rather play not at all any (fast-pace) online game instead of shitty wi-fi ...
(of course(!) some fights on wi-fi can run ok but how can someone think a frame intense fast game (such as fighting games) can not lose "inputs" where "data" "flys" through the air ...)
wi-fi is ok for everything except (competitive) gaming. end of story
(and if the wi-fi players dont care for the "best" experience, its also ok but why should the wired player feel the same "ok"?)
but lets go into detail on that sentence:
so if the wired players have the option(!) to turn on a wi-fi filter, how can that effect wired players in ANY way, IF they have the choice?
"oh i dont find players? guess i need(!) to turn off the filter ..." problem solved (new problem back on) ... but in reality it will be the other way around, wi-fi players will find less and less good connections and than when they also start to suffer under shitty "lag spikes" they might start to change that, IF they really care and enjoy good online gaming.
i play on PC and wired here is for sure a thing (yes most PC gamers are aware of wired=better connection=more fun) dont know about your system and your living area.
(there are for sure areas where wi-fi is more common then in other areas)
ps: if for what ever reason everyone should play on wi-fi and 80%+ of all games suffer under lag spikes, i would straight become a offline only gamer ... but this wont happen, most (real)gamers care for a good connection.
everyone else defending that "trash", only does that because they are to lazy to change it.
(or worse, not possible to change, as they play their league games in McDonalds xD)