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SFV Beta Discussion

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Deleted member 5032

The worst part is that we can't even blame it on the online anymore
Actually, I did lose to a Ryu who just kept teleporting all over the screen, shooting fireballs and shoryukens. I never saw a walk or jump animation. Shit was bananas.


okay so its not just me with all this ish.. going from playing takeda on stick to nash on pad ( havent finshed my dual mod stick) has made me free as hell. i pretty much havent played any SF since marvel dropped and was only in the first beta so far - seems like so much has changed somce then.. even with nash himself

Deleted member 5032

Yea but it's not like it's plus on block. It's just safe. Why do I get hit first?

Not just her specifically, but it happens against many specials. Only time it doesn't happen is super unsafe ones like Ryu's Shoryuken or stuff like that.
This. And it would be one thing if I could get away with doing the same thing, but no, you better believe if I use an unsafe special then I'm getting punished for it every time.

Atomic Era

Grundy want pants too.
I'm having similar problems. I play Nash and I've had multiple times where I've actually landed his forward 2 or moonsault kick only to get hit before I can follow up. Like am I actually negative on hit? Why use those moves at that point?


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
Rollback could be playing a role there but I can't be for certain. I have been able to get away with it. Command grabs are still one frame startup IIRC.


Servers are now offline! Check "Beta Phase Dates" in the OP to see what time the 3rd (and FINAL) Phase will take place tomorrow!


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Perfect example. I was fighting a Laura in the mirror and blocked her daah shoulder move. So I went to poke with Low medium kick since I clearly am at advantage but I was hit with her medium punch. Da fuq? :confused:

Like this type of thing is happening religiously and its my only frustration with the game.
Who are you using?


Yeah, I know what you guys mean about being negative on hit and not being able to follow-up. I was being Dhalsim and I landed his divekick thing, but before I could follow-up my opponent jabbed me. Kinda weird.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
Actually, I did lose to a Ryu who just kept teleporting all over the screen, shooting fireballs and shoryukens. I never saw a walk or jump animation. Shit was bananas.
On my lovely Scottish, countryside, 1994 esque internet - that's every match for me. I can see the timer change speeds and stuff and every now and then I have a clear health lead and the timer just runs out then it awards a tie round. Da Fuq!?

Atomic Era

Grundy want pants too.
okay so its not just me with all this ish.. going from playing takeda on stick to nash on pad ( havent finshed my dual mod stick) has made me free as hell. i pretty much havent played any SF since marvel dropped and was only in the first beta so far - seems like so much has changed somce then.. even with nash himself
Nash has changed a lot since phase one. He's lost links, a corpse hop, overhead tragic assault and other stuff I'm sure I don't know about.

Groove Heaven

Played a few matches after work today. Didn't have Karin so I played around with Laura.

I had similar problems to a lot of the things I see in this thread. I was trying to do some creative mixups on people after I got a knockdown...only to be beaten by them waking up mashing a button. I was trying to play footsies and whiff punish...only for my button to get hit by theirs even when they put theirs out first.

Not understanding how priority and frame traps work in this one. It feels very dissimilar to SFIV in that respect. Also wtf is up with there being like 0 links or hit-confirms? Not sure how I feel about the game after today but obviously I don't want to jump to conclusions, this one might just be a little different.

Also like 80% of the matches I played were Laura mirrors lol

RM slacked

Shinnok trash from Canada.
It's the priority system on pressure, you can't mash out of pressure in this game similar to 3s. I was having trouble adjusting to the laura players mashing after shoulder but once I remembered that I just let them mash away and kill themselves.


This mean you don't like me?
They've changed the game significantly from beta to beta. @karaokelove you're playing Laura: ironically the one character in the roster NOT really meant to link moderate length combos, and has a gameplay style that is misleading at first. Though even with that, a lot of characters have lost comboability.

Not sure how I feel as I haven't played much, but I've been having a blast and mopping fools. But then again, this isn't my first Street Fighter rodeo. All in all, the betas have been interesting to say the least. It's amazing how slight tweaks can make characters feel completely different.
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