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SFV Beta Discussion

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Normalize grab immunity.
@SaltShaker Capcom put in an attack priority system. Heavier buttons beat out lighter buttons. I think specials beat out heavies. It's supposed to encourage frame traps and counter hits. It seems like the game is looking to be pretty simple and want people to really develop a style and work in openings. I'm just hoping they don't kill it with the simplicity. Seems like people are starting to dislike the changes being made.

Deleted member 5032

Also, wassup with the frames in this game?? Sometimes I feel like I hit them with a short combo leaving them standing or a poke, and instantly do an attack after and they hit ME. Am I negative after landing attacks or something? Button mashers seem to override my follow ups when I'm the one who landed a hit first half of the time. Getting frustrated. Using Chun-Li and Laura if that helps.
This! I feel like I keep getting punished for successfully hitting my opponents...


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Justin Wong's stream right now is like an early how-to-play-Dhalsim-guide.


Normalize grab immunity.
It's official I won't be playing this stupid beta and now will just have to go in blind and grind out a main when February comes . . . oh well.


Normalize grab immunity.
What happened Buya-kun?
Beta 1 comes around, I'm somewhere without internet.
Beta 2 comes around, again no internet I think I made plans with some friends.
Beta 3 comes around and now my connection is so ass I can't stay on long enough to keep playing. But I know at least that's just the odd way the beta does things. I'm playing other stuff just fine.

Going to wait a month-sh and see how things turn out with this game before I buy now. Such is life.

RM slacked

Shinnok trash from Canada.
Beta 1 comes around, I'm somewhere without internet.
Beta 2 comes around, again no internet I think I made plans with some friends.
Beta 3 comes around and now my connection is so ass I can't stay on long enough to keep playing. But I know at least that's just the odd way the beta does things. I'm playing other stuff just fine.

Going to wait a month-sh and see how things turn out with this game before I buy now. Such is life.
Oh man now you're missing out on cross platform play against all those wireless connection ps4 players!!!!

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
Beta 1 comes around, I'm somewhere without internet.
Beta 2 comes around, again no internet I think I made plans with some friends.
Beta 3 comes around and now my connection is so ass I can't stay on long enough to keep playing. But I know at least that's just the odd way the beta does things. I'm playing other stuff just fine.

Going to wait a month-sh and see how things turn out with this game before I buy now. Such is life.
You can always download a crack and test out characters if that's what you want.

Deleted member 5032

@SaltShaker i was just watching Max's stream and the same thing was happening to him. He was also getting bulldozed by button mashers. He would block an "unsafe" special and try to poke, and the opponent kept hitting him before his poke would connect.


It's all so very confusing.
@SaltShaker i was just watching Max's stream and the same thing was happening to him. He was also getting bulldozed by button mashers. He would block an "unsafe" special and try to poke, and the opponent kept hitting him before his poke would connect.

I've seen quite a few Nash players do his somersault kick things and follow with an immediate cr.jab to stop the punish, and since outside of a few specific instances, lights won't amount to a combo, you're typically forced to try to punish with something slower that will lead to damage, resulting in spammed lights making the move safe.

Dunno how valid a tactic this will actually be, but I have seen it.


In Zoning We Trust
@SaltShaker i was just watching Max's stream and the same thing was happening to him. He was also getting bulldozed by button mashers. He would block an "unsafe" special and try to poke, and the opponent kept hitting him before his poke would connect.
Yea it's incredbly frustrating. Maybe if I knew the "why" it wouldn't bother me as much, but damn, how can I land a low poke and get punished for a follow up? Or block some heavy hit or special and get punished for attack? Lol I dunno man. It seems like I'm trying to do what I'm "supposed to do" but wild crazies hit me most of the time anyways.

Deleted member 5032

I've seen quite a few Nash players do his somersault kick things and follow with an immediate cr.jab to stop the punish, and since outside of a few specific instances, lights won't amount to a combo, you're typically forced to try to punish with something slower that will lead to damage, resulting in spammed lights making the move safe.

Dunno how valid a tactic this will actually be, but I have seen it.
I saw a Cammy do it to him after one of her full-screen drill attacks.

@SaltShaker yeah dude, that's exactly how I feel! I feel like I'm paying attention to spacing and frames and safety and punishes, and an just getting destroyed by these guys mashing the shit out of their pads.


In Zoning We Trust
Maybe the priority system isn't implementee yet, or isnt working.
I dunno man. I lost a round and said "you know what, let me try this bs" and ended up winning the match by mindlessly mashing pokes lol. I was really into SF Alpha and 3s but those games are old now and I don't remember anything like this back then. There has to be some sort of frame meta but I'm really not grasping it right now at all.

Deleted member 5032

"Oh, you blocked my super unsafe special and want to punish me? FUCK YOU!!! UNSAFE SPECIAL #2 IN YO FACE!!!"


In Zoning We Trust
"Oh, you blocked my super unsafe special and want to punish me? FUCK YOU!!! UNSAFE SPECIAL #2 IN YO FACE!!!"
Perfect example. I was fighting a Laura in the mirror and blocked her daah shoulder move. So I went to poke with Low medium kick since I clearly am at advantage but I was hit with her medium punch. Da fuq? :confused:

Like this type of thing is happening religiously and its my only frustration with the game.

Afk Skinny

3D Krusader
Perfect example. I was fighting a Laura in the mirror and blocked her daah shoulder move. So I went to poke with Low medium kick since I clearly am at advantage but I was hit with her medium punch. Da fuq? :confused:

Like this type of thing is happening religiously and its my only frustration with the game.
I think Laura's light elbow rush (if it was the light version) is safe, might be slightly -. I just punish with throw

Deleted member 5032

I think Laura's light elbow rush (if it was the light version) is safe, might be slightly -. I just punish with throw
That's the other thing. I keep going for throws, and getting thrown instead! Same deal, where I block a crazy unsafe special, go for throw, but apparently my opponent's throw has priority or something.
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