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Match-up Discussion Sektor Matchup Discussion Thread


Hey guys, I need some help with the Smoke matchup. Here is some footage from the local we just had in Minnesota. We got it on stream towards the end, so I can provide the times I played him.


The MK stream starts around 4:07, where my friend Probe gets raped by B Pryme and is scarred for life. XD
My first set was all Sektor at 4:29:30, my name was Jukebox, and I am the one with the awesome hat. I also got stomped. XD
My second set was the losers finals, and it started at 5:06. I made the horrible mistake of picking a character I didn't play with much (Kenshi...why!?!), since I got completely mind blown in the first set. I swapped to Kabal, and after a close game lost, and then stuck with Sektor and lost again.

There are other matches I play on there too, so if you guys feel like watching and critiquing through it all, it goes from 4:07 to 5:22.

-What do you feel the matchup number is? 4-6 in Smoke's favor, or even?
-Should I be trying to keep him out, or should I be coming in? What is my goal in this? Should I sometimes change it up? I worry about his damage, but I feel like I beat out a lot of his strings.
-How do I deal with him at a range? My missiles get shakered, my teles get smokebombed, and I feel like I'm relying too heavily on flamethrower and b1 to keep him at bay.

If I'm thinking about this all the wrong way, please lemme know because I'd really like to get cozy with this matchup before the next local tournament I go to, since I was eliminated from winners and losers bracket by the same Smoke player. :/

Thanks for the help!

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Hey guys, I need some help with the Smoke matchup. Here is some footage from the local we just had in Minnesota. We got it on stream towards the end, so I can provide the times I played him.

-What do you feel the matchup number is? 4-6 in Smoke's favor, or even?
-Should I be trying to keep him out, or should I be coming in? What is my goal in this? Should I sometimes change it up? I worry about his damage, but I feel like I beat out a lot of his strings.
-How do I deal with him at a range? My missiles get shakered, my teles get smokebombed, and I feel like I'm relying too heavily on flamethrower and b1 to keep him at bay.

If I'm thinking about this all the wrong way, please lemme know because I'd really like to get cozy with this matchup before the next local tournament I go to, since I was eliminated from winners and losers bracket by the same Smoke player. :/

Thanks for the help!

The way I think the match up should be played is with a lot of patience. Most of Sektor's difficult match ups should be played that way.

Here's how I play against Smoke in particular:
Your main game is to block and wait. Try to maintain almost starting distance away from him so that you kan punish his normals and block his smoke bomb. Waiting to block his Smoke bomb from that range is important because it allows you to get pressure in when you see it. Nothing is guaranteed from this but Smoke being -9 definitely helps.

Once you get the life lead, you should be kontent with sitting back and playing the footsie game. For the most part, wait for him to kome to you.

Be wary of throwing out B1's and F2's as they kan trade with Smoke Bombs and he wins that trade. They kan also be avoided entirely and punished. Overall, you shouldn't use them until you're at advantage from Smoke Bomb and even then you have to be wary of jumps and the like. It all depends on how much they like to Smoke Bomb and how much they like to jump. If you've konditioned them to stop then proceed to do these more often.

From a distance you kan't do anything without running high risk. Your best bet is to get in that range I mentioned until you have the life lead. Once you have the life lead, remember that at full screen he kan't do any damage to you without using meter for Ex Smoke Bomb which, unless it's going to kill you, is just a waste.

Up klose, remember that your 6 frame jab will beat him out of his B2 everytime if you time it right. Only after D4 on hit is it guaranteed and you are forced to block. Overall, you should block high for the most part and use your D3 as your main defense.

Roof Top Day Smoke is the worst as he kan just Smoke Away for a long time with the life lead and if you don't take advantage of the opportunity when you finally have it then you are forced to do it all over again. In most stages, however, Smoke Away will just put him in the korner that much quicker.

With all this said, if you play korrectly and make the right reads you kan make him feel a bit helpless. 6 Frame Jabs and optimal punishes tend to get into people's heads. Just remember, like in most of Sektor's tough match ups, life lead!

PS: I don't have as much experience with Smoke as I'd like to as no one really uses him in So Cal, but this is what I've found to work in my matches.


i'll also add that if you see a smoke bomb startup when you're in around sweep distance you can get a free F2

and i'd rather dash forward on reaction to a SB than block it then dash when he's -, you don't want him building meter

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
i'll also add that if you see a smoke bomb startup when you're in around sweep distance you can get a free F2

and i'd rather dash forward on reaction to a SB than block it then dash when he's -, you don't want him building meter
Yeah, that's better. I've never actually tested that.


"More deadly than the dawn"
I believe you guys should change the match up for Sektor v Kabal to 6-4 Sektor as he can duck all of Kabals pressure starters except F3 meaning pressure is easy to get out of. Also Sektor has a 6 frame starter out of all of Kabal's NDC's except 2 NDC. Zoning can be stopped by iATU and grindwheel is simply something to jump over or trade with.
Buzz saw and ex dash.

It's 6-4 Kabal.


Thanks for the input guys! I'll try to implement these thoughts when I'm going in next time. If I make it on stream again, I'll post here and see if I've improved.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Few things imo being a Sektor player that I disagree with the initial chart.

I don't see Sektor is 5-5 vs. Kano when his flame kills Kano's balls...(cannon balls lol) and Sektor can just zone him with missles as a counter to his knives plus, Sek has one major edge over Kano a teleport...so I'd say that's 7-3 Sektor overall.

And I disagree with the 4-6 vs. Reptile? Switch that to 6-4 Sektor's favor, if you zone well with Sektor Reptile has no answer to missles. Blocked ex slide=punishing combo for Sektor on Reptile, blocked Dashes can be throwing Reptile all day. I just don't see how Reptile has the edge on Sektor in this match up so long as Sektor keeps Reptile away...

Few other match ups I think need updating but that's all from me for now.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Few things imo being a Sektor player that I disagree with the initial chart.

I don't see Sektor is 5-5 vs. Kano when his flame kills Kano's balls...(cannon balls lol) and Sektor can just zone him with missles as a counter to his knives plus, Sek has one major edge over Kano a teleport...so I'd say that's 7-3 Sektor overall.

And I disagree with the 4-6 vs. Reptile? Switch that to 6-4 Sektor's favor, if you zone well with Sektor Reptile has no answer to missles. Blocked ex slide=punishing combo for Sektor on Reptile, blocked Dashes can be throwing Reptile all day. I just don't see how Reptile has the edge on Sektor in this match up so long as Sektor keeps Reptile away...

Few other match ups I think need updating but that's all from me for now.
Reptile I feel is a 5-5. Straight Missile's limit Reptile a bit but he has answers to it. He kan punish Missiles from a longer range than most with dash into Jump. He kan also slide under safely to klose the distance since he recovers before you kan punish him on wiff. Once Reptile lands one kombo he kan also shift momentum by ending in EX Forceballs for pressure. His standing 3 also makes B3 wiff so it limits Sektor's klose game.

If Reptiles are just randomly dashing then yes, Sektor wins. A solid Reptile, however, kan hold his own.

PS: Ex Slide should be done on reaction. A good Reptile would never have that blocked.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Reptile I feel is a 5-5. Straight Missile's limit Reptile a bit but he has answers to it. He kan punish Missiles from a longer range than most with dash into Jump. He kan also slide under safely to klose the distance since he recovers before you kan punish him on wiff. Once Reptile lands one kombo he kan also shift momentum by ending in EX Forceballs for pressure. His standing 3 also makes B3 wiff so it limits Sektor's klose game.

If Reptiles are just randomly dashing then yes, Sektor wins. A solid Reptile, however, kan hold his own.

PS: Ex Slide should be done on reaction. A good Reptile would never have that blocked.
Well, you can never anticipate someone blocking slides either as much as detecting a random slide. Sometimes it's more of an instinct or reading a player's patterns. Example, this one guy I played once named twilight online had a stellar Reptile, great at zoning, mind games, combos etc but one match I remember he gave me 3 random dashes so towards the end of the match something told me to block low and I was right lol he winded up doing the ex low slide and I blocked and countered thus finishing him the final round.

Thing is, if you keep Reptile far he has to get in or he'll die due to chip damage and missile pressure. Especially seeking missiles apply great pressure to just about anyone and gives Sektor opportunity to go in there and really apply pressure to Reptile. He has to block it or eat it, he can't dash or slide out of it and this imo gives Sektor a huge edge but Sek has to be far to do it, if Reptile is within range or close obviously not a good idea.

Up close, I'd give Reptile the edge no doubt but from a far Sektor owns Reptile proper missile zoning makes Reptile get close to Sektor or try to, also another great thing about that is if you can bait Reptile to jump even once Sektor can just teleport taking him out of the air. Perhaps a very, very, very good reptile it's a 5-5 match up who's good at getting in but if he's facing a solid, smart Sektor player who can zone that won't be easy lol.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Well, you can never anticipate someone blocking slides either as much as detecting a random slide. Sometimes it's more of an instinct or reading a player's patterns. Example, this one guy I played once named twilight online had a stellar Reptile, great at zoning, mind games, combos etc but one match I remember he gave me 3 random dashes so towards the end of the match something told me to block low and I was right lol he winded up doing the ex low slide and I blocked and countered thus finishing him the final round.

Thing is, if you keep Reptile far he has to get in or he'll die due to chip damage and missile pressure. Especially seeking missiles apply great pressure to just about anyone and gives Sektor opportunity to go in there and really apply pressure to Reptile. He has to block it or eat it, he can't dash or slide out of it and this imo gives Sektor a huge edge but Sek has to be far to do it, if Reptile is within range or close obviously not a good idea.

Up close, I'd give Reptile the edge no doubt but from a far Sektor owns Reptile proper missile zoning makes Reptile get close to Sektor or try to, also another great thing about that is if you can bait Reptile to jump even once Sektor can just teleport taking him out of the air. Perhaps a very, very, very good reptile it's a 5-5 match up who's good at getting in but if he's facing a solid, smart Sektor player who can zone that won't be easy lol.
Whenever I talk about match ups I'm always referring to Offline. There's no reason not to block low against Reptile at Slide range. Online perhaps there is, but it's so laggy that things that would never work offline do work.

Offline you would have to pick your moments for using Homing Missile. A naked Homing Missile kan be punished on reaction from the kloser ranges and from a distance won't pay off too much since it does no chip and you're burning meter.

Missile "Pressure" isn't really pressure. Offline it's a fairly short amount of time before they make it in. There isn't much of a mix up when Zoning Reptile. If I shoot a straight missile then I have to shoot another one immediately after otherwise, if I back dash before shooting the second, he gets the chance to dash with his long range kommand dash and kloses the gap. He kan also opt for the jump punish after the dash most times. Sektor is not like Kabal or Liu Kang who kan shoot mindlessly for a while and get away freely.

Up Missiles also never really work since Reptile kan dash on reaction to the start up and get in.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Whenever I talk about match ups I'm always referring to Offline. There's no reason not to block low against Reptile at Slide range. Online perhaps there is, but it's so laggy that things that would never work offline do work.

Offline you would have to pick your moments for using Homing Missile. A naked Homing Missile kan be punished on reaction from the kloser ranges and from a distance won't pay off too much since it does no chip and you're burning meter.

Missile "Pressure" isn't really pressure. Offline it's a fairly short amount of time before they make it in. There isn't much of a mix up when Zoning Reptile. If I shoot a straight missile then I have to shoot another one immediately after otherwise, if I back dash before shooting the second, he gets the chance to dash with his long range kommand dash and kloses the gap. He kan also opt for the jump punish after the dash most times. Sektor is not like Kabal or Liu Kang who kan shoot mindlessly for a while and get away freely.

Up Missiles also never really work since Reptile kan dash on reaction to the start up and get in.
Well, obviously online is different from offline but my overall assessment would remain in this case. If anything like you said, lag makes people more safe then normally so a blocked slide or dash would be my advantage vs. online with slowdown and lag etc.

Offline, as long as I'm far like online I'd do the seeker, plus it's one of Sektor's best moves to not use it is foolish honestly as it allows him to apply pressure with his 50/50 mix ups close. But the thing is missile pressure is pressure as it's zoning pressure, if you're far from me and just blocking I'll chip you to death until you move if you're far from me, I'll do the seeker then attack you again forcing you to move because sooner or later you won't guess right and I'll just combo you via his 50/50 jip, back 3, 4 into teleport or jip starter. The normal missiles are just to zone Reptile, he can easily match Rep's forceballs or his spit.

Sektor can't shoot as fast as LK obviously but fast enough to keep people far, it's not like it's Stryker's grenades where the start up takes forever and his recovery is bad. Sektor most of the time is safe after his missiles and is just fast enough to do damage in his case, zoning. Sektor is an overall balanced, good character unlike Reptile where he's really only a threat up close. Far he's not that great honestly and not having a teleport doesn't help him. I'd never do an up missile on Reptile, his dash can just stuff that entirely his seeker however different story..

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Well, obviously online is different from offline but my overall assessment would remain in this case. If anything like you said, lag makes people more safe then normally so a blocked slide or dash would be my advantage vs. online with slowdown and lag etc.

Offline, as long as I'm far like online I'd do the seeker, plus it's one of Sektor's best moves to not use it is foolish honestly as it allows him to apply pressure with his 50/50 mix ups close. But the thing is missile pressure is pressure as it's zoning pressure, if you're far from me and just blocking I'll chip you to death until you move if you're far from me, I'll do the seeker then attack you again forcing you to move because sooner or later you won't guess right and I'll just combo you via his 50/50 jip, back 3, 4 into teleport or jip starter. The normal missiles are just to zone Reptile, he can easily match Rep's forceballs or his spit.

Sektor can't shoot as fast as LK obviously but fast enough to keep people far, it's not like it's Stryker's grenades where the start up takes forever and his recovery is bad. Sektor most of the time is safe after his missiles and is just fast enough to do damage in his case, zoning. Sektor is an overall balanced, good character unlike Reptile where he's really only a threat up close. Far he's not that great honestly and not having a teleport doesn't help him. I'd never do an up missile on Reptile, his dash can just stuff that entirely his seeker however different story..
Homing Missile should be used sparingly in the match up, offline. Online your tactic seems viable though.

I have also never seen anyone get "chipped to death" by straight missiles. They are good for catching them out of their dash and limiting their mobility but not chip.. Good Players neutral duck offline. I don't think they give him much of an advantage for the reasons I've already stated.

I'll dissect the match up further next time I go play offline. NubCakes (a good Reptile Main) and I both think that it's a 5-5. We're both dedicated mains for our characters but we also haven't played as much as we'd like to yet so there's still room to work with in terms of obtaining match up knowledge.

EGP Wonder_Chef would agree with you. He thinks it's 7-3 Sektor..

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
EGP Wonder_Chef would agree with you. He thinks it's 7-3 Sektor..
Not that bad, but definitely 6-4ish in Sektor's favor.

Rep can't zone at all, so he has to slowly make his way in and play Sektor's game.

Also Rep is not at advantage from close up, it's probably even from that distance.

Sek 1 beats Rep 3

Rep d4 beats Sek 1

Sek b3 sometimes beats Rep d4

Rep 3 sometimes beats Sek b3

so even up close and sek advantage fullscreen makes it a bad matchup for rep

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Not that bad, but definitely 6-4ish in Sektor's favor.

Rep can't zone at all, so he has to slowly make his way in and play Sektor's game.

Also Rep is not at advantage from close up, it's probably even from that distance.

Sek 1 beats Rep 3

Rep d4 beats Sek 1

Sek b3 sometimes beats Rep d4

Rep 3 sometimes beats Sek b3

so even up close and sek advantage fullscreen makes it a bad matchup for rep
Glad you changed your mind.

Reptile also has Set Ups against Sektor like EX FB at the end of kombos to build meter and get pressure. His D4 is also like Mileena's and Sonya's so it kan restrict Sektor's advances.

The ambiguity of invisibility kan also open up your mix ups. D4 invisibility yo...

Missiles aren't that powerful. You think Sub kan deal with Kitana's Zoning yet you don't think Reptile kan deal with Sektor's?

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Glad you changed your mind.

Reptile also has Set Ups against Sektor like EX FB at the end of kombos to build meter and get pressure. His D4 is also like Mileena's and Sonya's so it kan restrict Sektor's advances.

The ambiguity of invisibility kan also open up your mix ups. D4 invisibility yo...

Missiles aren't that powerful. You think Sub kan deal with Kitana's Zoning yet you don't think Reptile kan deal with Sektor's?
I never said 7-3 to begin with! The only match I really say rep loses THAT bad is Cyrax.

And the thing is Sub can dash and duck, dash and block, etc. to patiently move up against Kitana.

Reptile's dash duck or walk duck/block takes him like no distance in between missiles.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I never said 7-3 to begin with! The only match I really say rep loses THAT bad is Cyrax.

And the thing is Sub can dash and duck, dash and block, etc. to patiently move up against Kitana.

Reptile's dash duck or walk duck/block takes him like no distance in between missiles.
What a liar! You told me it was 7-3 and then I said 5-5 and you tried to negotiate with 6-4.

I remember it was a lil before SCR.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Homing Missile should be used sparingly in the match up, offline. Online your tactic seems viable though.

I have also never seen anyone get "chipped to death" by straight missiles. They are good for catching them out of their dash and limiting their mobility but not chip.. Good Players neutral duck offline. I don't think they give him much of an advantage for the reasons I've already stated.

I'll dissect the match up further next time I go play offline. NubCakes (a good Reptile Main) and I both think that it's a 5-5. We're both dedicated mains for our characters but we also haven't played as much as we'd like to yet so there's still room to work with in terms of obtaining match up knowledge.

EGP Wonder_Chef would agree with you. He thinks it's 7-3 Sektor..
Well, i have tested and played the games tons offline as well just not at tourneys(outside of a few ive been to) but for something like this would be easy to test, i still feel though up close reptile has the edge due to the dash unless blocked sektor upclose has the b2, 1 and f2 which are fast and even b1 butstill against a rep dash it's not as fast obviously.

The seeker trick would work off or online so long as you're far, but while not used constantly used wisely and in general,its something to allow him to put pressure on so why not use it? lol
The dying from chip,ok i didnt mean that as literally as "die from chip" but rather just chip someone until they move, sooner or later they'll have to mlove or get beat by merely being out zoned and chipped, therefore the sektor playing having his way. know what i mean?

There are some characters in this match up like reptile, lk for example who i just feel sektor overall has the edge on 6-4 minimum to me, a good rep vs. a good sektor i can being close i guess, but definitely feel from a zoning perspective and turtling, sektor has that edge all day imo.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Well, i have tested and played the games tons offline as well just not at tourneys(outside of a few ive been to) but for something like this would be easy to test, i still feel though up close reptile has the edge due to the dash unless blocked sektor upclose has the b2, 1 and f2 which are fast and even b1 butstill against a rep dash it's not as fast obviously.

The seeker trick would work off or online so long as you're far, but while not used constantly used wisely and in general,its something to allow him to put pressure on so why not use it? lol
The dying from chip,ok i didnt mean that as literally as "die from chip" but rather just chip someone until they move, sooner or later they'll have to mlove or get beat by merely being out zoned and chipped, therefore the sektor playing having his way. know what i mean?

There are some characters in this match up like reptile, lk for example who i just feel sektor overall has the edge on 6-4 minimum to me, a good rep vs. a good sektor i can being close i guess, but definitely feel from a zoning perspective and turtling, sektor has that edge all day imo.
LK? You mean Liu Kang?

Liu is another 5-5.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yep ^ liu kang, his fireballs eat teleport combo every time and a blocked ex kick eats a nice combo so lk doesn't scare me at all with that match up. I'd give that6-4 sektor, similar reasons to reptile but if anything easier to deal with.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
Yep ^ liu kang, his fireballs eat teleport combo every time and a blocked ex kick eats a nice combo so lk doesn't scare me at all with that match up. I'd give that6-4 sektor, similar reasons to reptile but if anything easier to deal with.
Instant Air Fireballs must be read in order to be punished.

Ex Flying Kick should only be done on reaction. Solid Liu Kang's wouldn't throw them out like that.

His F1 2 is also faster in footsie battles with a 10 frame start up..

I think you're underestimating Liu Kang. He's a Solid character with answers to almost everything.