1)You can stuff wakeup shoulders with D4.Any tips against Nightwolf? I recently got eliminated by a Nightwolf player and I didn't know what to do during the match.
And you can do hellfire on water ball when scorpion almost touches the water, i did it once but you have to be far from rain to do it.Hellfire if done early enough also stops rains teleport so you can actually use it to keep in check.
Fight defensive against Mileena,To beat her you should always stand blocking upon her wake up and she will use ballHow do you guys deal with mileena? I was surpised to see it was supposedly an even matchup.
Sector vs Scorpion is 7-3 for Sector.
Ok form basic.
I fell like Sector ... is better that Scorpion ...
Better overall normal, better uppercut. Sector maybe have weak wakeup game, but scorpion is horrible give Sector nice mixup.
Sektor player love Scorpion mixup, even more mixup in to safe jump. OK Sector easy punish for 41/48%, scorpion do ~30% with out hellfire (uses meter on break).
Hellfire is to risky vs. Sector 41% from TP hurt to much. Ufff a love missed Spear, even better :en for +50% combo.
Sektor missile DESTROY Scorpion ... hellfire, spear, even :en Spear don`t work well, and Teleport is much to slow to punish missile.
Sektor even dominate air battle, jk to TP are better that scorpion air option.
Ah there is also quite good Sector Flamethrower and shitty Scorpion Takedawn.
I managed to get in a lot of games against Sektroll at Evo, probably the best Sektor in the country and did pretty good against him. Sektor's zoning blows up Scorps zoning, I agree with that. But Scorp doesn't have a hard time getting in on a character like Sektor like he does Kabal, Kitana, or Cyrax. Just like any other character, if you have meter, its risky for them to zone at all. EX TP and EX Spear (if your using it right) deters him from shooting missiles. So then it just becomes a brawl and Scorp is pretty capable in that department. If you don't have meter, it will take some advanced strats to get in which I'll go over soon.Slips how you do against Sektor, any GOOD tip vs. Sector. I play a lot Scoprion (only offline with bunch friend) but vs. Sector a must go for other character. Sector is a little familiar to Scorpion but every tool has better, the worst thing is super fast recovery on missile.
My old post post from matchup, right now a think Scoprion ... is better but other stuff is actual.
For Kung Lao, if he's constantly crossing you up you can NJP, get a full combo AND a vortex opportunity off of it.My biggest problems at this point are Kung Lao and Ermac. I had a Kung Player just rush me down and jump/cross me up all the time, and the Ermac Player is a zoner. I hate moving and even dash blocking cuz the damn push always gets me. Though from reading this he is also a bit of a turtle fighter, I assume I can "wake him up" a bit with Hellfires? Only problem then is if he reads it and TP's ME lol.
Yeah the B+2 on occasion is because I was baiting him into ducking. He ducks and runs a lot and it only seems to be when I guess wrong LOL. as for frame advantage, you're right. I think that's mostly due to panic/aggravation and I don't think straight in the heat of the moment. Now I am aware of the duck jab, but everytime I've tried he still hits me with his own crossup JP. Do I have to wait till he's on the other side of me to do it? I don't know the timing if there is any, or if I just hit D+1 will it auto correct for me? I saw you and check do it millions of times but for some reason I myself still get hit when trying to anti-air a crossup punch.vegeta, push is a bitch, but this is how I usually deal with it.
If you blocked it relatively close, dash in and get in his grill with a d4 or 11 string if you can. Hellfire is an option as well.
If you blocked it and he's far away, back up to get out of range. Here hellfire outzones all of his zoning options, and if he gets hip to hellfire from here and he jumps, dash in on him as he lands to apply pressure or aa spear.
Things in general. When you do a jp, you are waiting too long to do your b+2 for it to combo. You have to input the b+2 (or f+4) while you are still in the air. I suggest jp into 11 pressure personally as the 50/50 is too much of a gamble. But its your own prerogative.
Your not using your frame advantage to the fullest sometimes. You'll hit with a tp and do a 33 or 1 or something. Do a cross over jump into something, you got all day, give yourself a second to think about it and do a mix up.
Like KOE said, you gotta use some sort of anti air. I personally like d1, but his suggestions work as well.
I think once you start doing some of that stuff you'll be winning more no doubt.