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Match-up Discussion RiBBz22's Killer Frost Matchup Chart [Updated: 10/10/13]

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Trust me, I'm a doctor
Shhh. Ribbz might lock the thread if he thinks you're downplaying.

Lalala... so as we were saying, KF has absolutely no weaknesses beyond what Ribbz and Khaotic have already previously said, and she's probably the best character in any fighting game ever. More broken than ST Akuma maybe.
I hear she's a pretty cool character. she blocks every and doesn't afraid of anything. :3


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Bane can punish slide and he's still a 3-7 :(
Life is hard.
I agree that KF's that just throw slide out non-stop will lose this MU

Why are u guys eeven doing this pre patch
We are really not if you've been keeping up with the thread tbh. I did one final update on the MU's before the patch and I have been kind of waiting to play seriously until the patch drops. On another note, I will probably never change the Bane MU number just because of the butthurt it causes in that community lol.

If you say or believe Killer Frost as being anything other than top 3 your at risk of being a downplayer
I don't have her as top 3, top ten for sure.

Shhh. Ribbz might lock the thread if he thinks you're downplaying.

Lalala... so as we were saying, KF has absolutely no weaknesses beyond what Ribbz and Khaotic have already previously said, and she's probably the best character in any fighting game ever. More broken than ST Akuma maybe.
Cmon bro, this thread is way too good to ever lock it. I love the discussion anyways. I think you always make good points so props for that.

I don't see her being better than Supes, BA, or Batgirl who does her job only better and for free.
Its a sad day when an entire sub-forum just about are bigger up-players than even I.
I co-main BG and I put her on the exact same level as KF. Much better normals and pressure, but the threat of slide opening up KF's game in most cases probably is an equalizing factor between the characters.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I agree that KF's that just throw slide out non-stop will lose this MU

I co-main BG and I put her on the exact same level as KF. Much better normals and pressure, but the threat of slide opening up KF's game in most cases probably is an equalizing factor between the characters.

I wasn't going to read this but I loves you Ribbz. So I did, and I was pleased.

Its not just slide, but the resets too. When you have to deal with 50/50s from Bane every time you launch an offense it becomes an issue. Likewise, I don't feel the damage is in her favour on a good read because while you get some damage and a possible reset, we get more damage and a knockdown (which is the better overall situation). I don't see it being a 3-7, a 4-6 yeah I can agree with that but nothing more.

I don't know, the ability to outright bypass zoning and the better frame-traps and wake-up... Also theres Aquaman too.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
This patch will undoubtedly act as a semi buff to KF with the stage interactable tweaks. It will be interesting to see how some of the MU's change after we get a chance to mess with the new features.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Dude we can punish dive kick now and use IaDash on lightning. Lmao looks like MMH will be her only bad MU
Holy hell. Nearly the entire top of the cast, and particularly the big 2, get noticeable adjustments while KF is untouched. This is, albeit indirectly, an enormous buff.

They shoulda thrown him a better bone to be honest will the severity of those nerfs. Like more advantage on Ra Power to allow setups or something.
Significantly less buffs to the lower characters than I would have guessed. Top 2 nerfed very hard.

And it doesn't end there. General interactable nerfs are huge for her. I know it's very early, but I would be incredibly surprised if she wasn't top 5 in this version.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Significantly less buffs to the lower characters than I would have guessed. Top 2 nerfed very hard.

And it doesn't end there. General interactable nerfs are huge for her. I know it's very early, but I would be incredibly surprised if she wasn't top 5 in this version.
I've been saying she wasn't really going to get touched for a long time now. They already addressed her balance issues in the previous patches and I think she became a much fairer character in the grand scheme of things. I think Superman could potentially return to 6-4, and Black Adam I am going to have to play a lot to feel out the changes. Honestly, yes he is more punishable and that is excellent...but I feel like if the BA player plays the MU properly it will likely at best be even.

Like I said, all this is just talk at this point...


The Ignore Button Is Free
Dude you are a crappy Frost if you haven't been using this. Scrub

Lol I hate it. Its so slow and has no range. The only reason why I messed with it was due to the damage she gets. But now she'll get +50% from it. Its worth using now lol
Lol I hate it. Its so slow and has no range. The only reason why I messed with it was due to the damage she gets. But now she'll get +50% from it. Its worth using now lol
Well it adds about 5-6% to her b3 attack. I don't generally consider 5% for 1 bar worth it, so it's not hugely game changing IMO. But it's a nice perk where her armored b/f3 were already really good.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Lol I hate it. Its so slow and has no range. The only reason why I messed with it was due to the damage she gets. But now she'll get +50% from it. Its worth using now lol
I actually use it a lot. Against trickier jump-ins, randomly mix it into meterless vortex, at the end of matches when trying to avoid a clash.... or on any general read where I think I can armor through something and get a free combo out of it...19 frames might be slow from the outlook, but that shit is a lot quicker when you are constantly watching low when you are in slide range...


The Ignore Button Is Free
I actually use it a lot. Against trickier jump-ins, randomly mix it into meterless vortex, at the end of matches when trying to avoid a clash.... or on any general read where I think I can armor through something and get a free combo out of it...19 frames might be slow from the outlook, but that shit is a lot quicker when you are constantly watching low when you are in slide range...

Fool. I'm talking about b3 lmao.


This mean you don't like me?
So I just read the notes. I was dancing. Literally. I was literally dancing. I pulled something.

I've since calmed down. We did it Frost brethren. We made it. It's over. Rooftop tyranny, Black Adam bullshit, Insurgent insurrection? No longer will we have to stand idly by while others utilize this. MBF3 buffs? More damages essentially when parrying an armored move since they don't remain in the armored state? Why not. Superman nerfs? Elle oh elle.

I actually feel very bad for Black Adam. Might have been her worst MU but I never really felt the MU was an inevitable loss against good BAs and actually have more success with Frost vs Adam than WW vs Adam. But oh well.

To the Frosts that already jumped ship that have now returned: Look at you. All of you traitors. How dare you show your face here? We will accept you back into our folds, but know that you will be our personal errand boys and/ or scapegoats as punishment, not to mention the life long burden of living with your sin.

Taken from the Patch notes thread is my initial reaction. Now that I've sobered up, I realized I may have gone a little overboard in my eccentricity. Again, I danced:

Du du du du du....here I am browsing TYM, being my good ol Killer Frost self...I...wait...what's this? Patch notes?



http://www.mmcafe.com/tiermaker/injustice/index.html?tc=ya0-trf27oc96pic726a8dl95b8x5tkhg7n38i746o6radn6afad62n26gd57emdcgo47vk06kgt7ddzo089dzljef76cgf73v9qfzdwixihhogqopcuijglj7bghp-bk5-naThe truth about injustice



This mean you don't like me?
Everyone on this forum. Look me in the Goddamn eye and tell me you aren't smiling right now.

Oh happy day.
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