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Injustice marks new days ahead which means we need all our top players to return and feel welcome, and when they return they need to make others feel welcome..

In truth.. we don't want to go anywhere else.. TYM has the right idea and it's where we all want to stay..

I know i plan on saying that this is a new day and handling everything much different in Injustice then I did during MK9 and I think the community should handle things differently as well..

No more vilifying top players, let the past be the past.. even if they were accused of "bracket rigging".. remember how much good they have done for the community rather then focusing one a rumor or a video with "talk" about it.

Stop trying to replace top players with who was hot for the first time yesterday. Give accomplishments props without saying others are washed up because they didn't make one event or missed top 8 once out of every 4 events...

Top players.. we are examples that everyone follows.. remember that things we hate now, we probably all did at one time which set the example. The community looks to us for leadership, not for us to become absent when they need us the most. Don't get so frustrated when someone who doesn't have your knowledge tries to tell you how it is with strats, etc.. Be a leader, be patient.. they will come around and ask for help, they just need to experience some things for themselves before they do.

To my community... I owe you everything... I have had so much opportunity because of you. I promise to be the leader going forward into Injustice that you wanted me to be in MK9.


Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Injustice marks new days ahead which means we need all our top players to return and feel welcome, and when they return they need to make others feel welcome..

In truth.. we don't want to go anywhere else.. TYM has the right idea and it's where we all want to stay..

I know i plan on saying that this is a new day and handling everything much different in Injustice then I did during MK9 and I think the community should handle things differently as well..

No more vilifying top players, let the past be the past.. even if they were accused of "bracket rigging".. remember how much good they have done for the community rather then focusing one a rumor or a video with "talk" about it.

Stop trying to replace top players with who was hot for the first time yesterday. Give accomplishments props without saying others are washed up because they didn't make one event or missed top 8 once out of every 4 events...

Top players.. we are examples that everyone follows.. remember that things we hate now, we probably all did at one time which set the example. The community looks to us for leadership, not for us to become absent when they need us the most. Don't get so frustrated when someone who doesn't have your knowledge tries to tell you how it is with strats, etc.. Be a leader, be patient.. they will come around and ask for help, they just need to experience some things for themselves before they do.

To my community... I owe you everything... I have had so much opportunity because of you. I promise to be the leader going forward into Injustice that you wanted me to be in MK9.



Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Our community doesn't want anyone to leave. We want to thrive and evolve and more importantly, we want to grow. Whatever problems we have had in the past no longer matter. It's time for the MK community to stand up. No matter what forum you're apart of, no matter your opinions on one another, it's time to push that all aside. It's time for us to unite against a common enemy. It's time for us to show the world we aren't something to mock. It's time for us to rise up and show THAT NUMBERS DON'T FUCKING MATTER! WE WILL NOT BACK DOWN, WE WILL NOT SURRENDER! WE ARE THE MORTAL KOMBAT MOTHER FUCKING COMMUNITY, AND WE WILL NEVER BE AFRAID OF A FIGHT!