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A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
You told me and community for 2 years you couldnt poke tele 3 delayed or instant on block before pressure

that hurt my feelings
I also taught the community:

- Normals for anti-airs (check all tournament videos, I was the first)
- Johnny Cage 101 & advanced shit (matchups, tech etc.)
- Sonya Blade 101 & advanced shit (matchups, tech etc.)
- Anti Sonya tech
- Various forms of KL tech
- Footsies brah, footsies
- Anti KL tech
- Boiling Rain down to literally 4RH
- Kenshi corner setups
- How to destroy Jax - my personal favourite
- How to destroy Sektor (if people ever paid attention)
- Alot of Skarlet 101 came from myself & UFG
- Using normals as counterpokes instead of pokes
- Loads of other little bits about our game

However you look at it, love me or hate me, its not like I didnt contribute to breaking down the game in points that are now crucial to being anywhere near decent in MK.

On top of that, any character you hand me, I've never made them look bad.



Speaking of living guides, I want my compensation T shirt...I was promised one and never got it :-P....welcome back Bill


I also taught the community:

- Normals for anti-airs (check all tournament videos, I was the first)
- Johnny Cage 101 & advanced shit (matchups, tech etc.)
- Sonya Blade 101 & advanced shit (matchups, tech etc.)
- Anti Sonya tech
- Various forms of KL tech
- Footsies brah, footsies
- Anti KL tech
- Boiling Rain down to literally 4RH
- Kenshi corner setups
- How to destroy Jax - my personal favourite
- How to destroy Sektor (if people ever paid attention)
- Alot of Skarlet 101 came from myself & UFG
- Using normals as counterpokes instead of pokes
- Loads of other little bits about our game

However you look at it, love me or hate me, its not like I didnt contribute to breaking down the game in points that are now crucial to being anywhere near decent in MK.

On top of that, any character you hand me, I've never made them look bad.

Dont forget the Anti-Kabal guide u and glue made right before EVO.....That deserves an honorable mention imo....