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Results and Videos - UMK3 Tournament at NEC7 2006



Edit: Match videos are now up in the match videos section under nec7. Some matches had to be cut because the camera was knocked out of focus and we didn't realize. There's still about 45 to check out.

It's time once again for NEC to grace the city that sleeps as much as it freakin' wants. Philadelphia. Eric has posted a thread over at Shoryuken.com requesting input on what games should be there and there is already talk about some enhanced prizes for the main games this year.

UMK3 will be there (with a digital projector to make it life-size perhaps?).


From Tournament Coordinator Eric:

"NorthEast Championship (NEC7) in Philly

OK players here we go again this is the thread for NEC7 in Philadelphia Pa. . Park Plaza Hotel--Days INN(2015 Penrose Av.) (215-336-4516)--South Philadephia, 3 miles from the airpot.) will be the location of NEC7."

UMK3 will be hosted by Shock (aka MK2KungBroken) and DreemerNJ from www.ultimatemk.com. Sticks and pads will be provided, personal controllers, game pads, personal sticks, etc are also accepted in the PSX/PS2 and USB formats. The game will NOT be played on the PS2 or XBox 360 versions. Entry fee is $5 if there even is an entry fee by the time players get together. The more players that show, the more the cash prize, and the better chances at 2nd and 3rd place being awarded prize money as well. Depending on turn out it will either be standard double elimination, or Round Robin if there are less than 16 players.

Players who will most likely be in attendance on one or either days: Shock, DreemerNJ, BustaUppa, RSigley, Julian, Jeron, Tom Brady, DeludedFool, plus others. Hope to see a lot more people there with the game being available on XBLA for practice.


It'll be the arcade version running on a computer. And registration is usually informally through SRK, or with UMK3 you could do it here.


LoL, it'd be something else to have people Kaillera playing the game at the same time. I actually forget what version Shock usually runs on his gaming comp.

I don't know if we should allow keyboards this year. Last NEC I used one and actually did pretty well, much much better than if I had used a stick. Keyboards allow for easier buffering of moves and on a keyboard its extremely easy to always avoid throws. On a stick there's more challenge to doing something like holding Down + Away (depending on the sticks). If we can have 2 sticks working right, I personally think it'd be the most equitable to use them.

That said, this will be a tourny full of console games where people can bring any controller they want, so maybe its not so crazy to let people choose :) And maybe then I can actually do good :)


Its too soon to have anything solid yet. But, there are probably 6 or 7 that could be listed as 'Should make it' right now. Hopefully that number will increase dramatically.

Honestly, there's no reason not to come. Even if people suck at the game they should still come. It's not like they're going to get any better any other way besides playing. Might as well do it in a fun environment where they can meet a lot of people, enjoy the local cuisine, or maybe just stay in and have a burger off the hotplate next to the MvC2 section :-D


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Right now we're looking at me, DreemerNJ, BustaUppa, RushedDown, Julian, Jeron, and Kyle as definites. Battousai will also be there representing various old school capcom games and Puzzlerz. There are always people who tell me "Definitely I'll be there" and don't show, but there are people I know I can count on.

I'll have a room with two beds, so anyone who wants to come for both days can crash (on the floor since they apparently do not supply cots as I found out the "hard" way last year) with me and Busta.

As for the keyboard situation, I am not opposed to anyone using the KB, but last year, when I used the keyboard vs Julian on my custom UMK3 stick in casuals, he was in awe. It took a match and a half before he connected a hit. After that he adjusted to my accuracy but was still no match. Stick vs Stick we are very close.

The UMK3 stick has had some power overload issues DreemerNJ suspects, which I think is the same thing with Prophet's stick, so what we should do is rewire those sticks and use them for the tournament, unless DreemerNJ can get the reserve sticks he has at his place working and set up like UMK3. We'll have PSX gamepads, and the sticks available, I'll bring pretty much everything I have including my psx Blaze which is a jap stick, unfortunately only one side works but that's all that is needed, and I love it.

UMK3 itself will be played on my gaming computer via MAME v.82u1. It seems to work the best, no audio garbling, fewest glitches, unless of course something better comes along. If there is some sort of miracle and PS2 UMK3 is good enough we can just use that. I'll know within an hour or so after buying MKA if it is. I will laugh if UMK3's tournout is more than MKA, but at ECCXI, UMK3 morally beat out DOA. I did laugh.

Those burgers were great. They were like, a dollar, made by the nephews of the guy running the tournament on the George Foreman Grill. I will do my best to get as many people there as possible. Last year there were only 6 people in the tournament, and right afterwards, literally under a minute after the final match finished, 3 or 4 guys walked up and asked to be in the tournament.

Depending on the situation, it'll either be free entry, of $5. I just want people to show up, and play.

I will start posting info on boards in the near future, it's too early right now.


Mmmmm. Dollar Forman Grill Burgers.......

Yeah keyboard makes a huge difference. I mean, on the sticks at ECC I couldn't touch anybody. On the keyboard at NEC I actually managed to win against Julian (but not Shock or Prophet).

I still am working on Battousai's super keyboard. I should be finished with that soon. I think everything works right now but I have to button it up. Hopefully it'll be a nice suprise for Batt when its actually done.

Shock, I don't think it would be too ridiculous a job to rewire those sticks to use keyboard controllers, but I'm not certain. I think the wiring in them already is really tight and to the point. I know I can wire up the backup sticks I have, with those its more an issue of building the box they'll be in, and laying out the buttons in an authentic UMK3 style.

You know what would be cool? If 20 hours a week constituted full-time.
Shock said:

Shock said:
...literally under a minute after the final match finished, 3 or 4 guys walked up and asked to be in the tournament.
Maybe the tournament acted like it's own "attract mode". I don't know but maybe doing a lot of 'warming up' a lot more people might see it and get interested.


should be fun, would be great to see a history inf 100% using your best play style, has the only high dam inf performed in a tourny been lex's 99% (kung) vs julian(usub)?


Premium Supporter
I'm having good feelings about this tournament. Konqrr, ASAP contact me, we can make this happen you know it!


Westbury Nathan's 4 Life
Ooooh, I look forward to sampling those hamburgers. I still salivate over those cheese steaks at The Break... actually I went to Philly for the first time a couple months ago, and I went to the famous "Geno's," and I found myself UNDERWHELMED with the steaks there. So you could say that The Break "ruined" Philly steaks for me. Although, I hear "Jim's" is better and I should really try it out. But for now, The Break honestly has the best cheese steaks I've ever tasted. So for me it seems that UMK3 and good food go together.


I have always felt Geno's are overrated. I'd get kicked out of my office for saying it, but I can't stand cheese wiz.

Jim's steaks rock. They are some of my favorites, but I usually prefer a street vendor. There are many of them and their grease is delicious. American cheese, mayonaise and extra onions. My heart is crying for one right now. Or is it crying because of one.

The food is just one of the many reasons for everybody to come to this tourny. Honestly, there is a diner across the street from the place (The Penrose Diner) and their food is really fantastic.


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I want everyone to go who can. Food is always a great incentive.

As for me, for NEC 2 and 3, it was University Pinball, and both times on the walk over, Ryan and I would stop at this vender several blocks down who makes the most unreal double cheeseburgers. The cheese is so gooey and the grease really moistens the shit out the bread but not too much. The meat is great quality as well. I kinda want one right now...damnit.

There's a chinese restaurant across the street too, for NEC4 I had their General Tso's Chicken but it wasn't very good.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
I will have to see...it's unlikely, but could happen.

My son's birthday is Dec 2nd and wife's birthday is Dec 3rd!

Can someone explain to me how NEC works? Like is it hosted at a college or something?

I think my cousin and I might try to make it up from VA. We have battled back and forth for the past ten years and had no idea MK had a competitive scene until recently.


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NEC use to be held at University Pinball, that was just the name of the place on U Penn Campus. Now it's held at a hotel, America's Best I believe. I'll get the full directions and info.


The place has been awesome. It's basically a hall rented on the ground floor of this hotel. It's a big open room, consoles are set up on tables along the walls and there are usually a couple of games set up in the middle.