Gold Lightning
A robin shooting guns wouldn't really go well with a lot of people don't you think lol.Jason if you get in the game take this with you
A robin shooting guns wouldn't really go well with a lot of people don't you think lol.Jason if you get in the game take this with you
no man, for nightwing, compat skin.A robin shooting guns wouldn't really go well with a lot of people don't you think lol.
no man, for nightwing, compat skin.
I'd prefer Dick over Tim.I think that will happen... the Arkham city version of Robin is a clear cut robin with all NWs weapons... and a considerable amount of ppl have been asking for it for a while now... Boon already confirmed more skins are coming, so my guess atleast 2 are a done deal...
Besides Red Hood coming out and if his trailer was vs Nw in a Robin costume i think A LOT OF PPL will be happy with something like that... theres always a flavor for everyone, if ppl are not happy that Red Hood gets in maybe they will be with the skin, if they dont like both im sure that another character and skin will come along that will be more to their liking afterwards...
i think so far the most requested skins are Robin, Black Adam Classic and MOS ZOD that seems to be confirmed already
Yeah i like NW as well but in the Arkham City Robin most of his weapons are based of NWs specs so its not that far of a stretch to be that skin that makes it... i dont see them using a classic skin to be honest... the most of the most im going here is the exact same skin but without the hood he uses in B-ACI'd prefer Dick over Tim.
I completely brainfarted. Ahah, I thought you were talking about one DLC character, but you were talking about the process of making the game itself. What I interpreted was that you were saying they would do concepts, model, and animate a character and then ask for permission. You mentioned the game itself's project flow, and getting DLC characters approved. My bad xDIm really not going into much detail here... honestly i could talk bout this all day, but lets say it depends on the interaction one company has to the other. i know your not trying to be an ass its a very good question actually let me give you an example then to explain what happens then.
in the initial roster, you have original designs based on the theme of a character lets say for instance the normal and Regime costumes right...they are original designs created by the concept team of NRS, this costumes need to be pre approved by WB and DC before NRS has the green light to start the workflow for the characters in question... for the said 2nd season characters MMh Zatanna... the only approvement they need is for the character itself im assuming, since their costumes so far are Cannon to their stories respectfully... so if the character is approved lets say they want to add Red Hood.. they present the request saying "we want to incorporate New 52 Red Hood in the game" and if he is approved as is, no really concept needs to be done by NRS since DC usually has concepts from the original design they( the artist that took over the series) made before the character was put in the comics... so NRS only has to create concepts ready for a 3d workflow and they are good to go...
if you have anymore questions feel free to ask or to create a conversation with me ill be happy to answer and explain anything im able to.
Its cool lol yeah i was talking about for the game but for DLCs is like i explained in the reply you quoted , the process is not much diferent, once they give the green light on the character if its New 52 or Classic or whatever iteration they chose, the costume is already done DC has concepts for the costume, and usually its this kind of material that is giving to NRS to workwith... usually there is a bunch of stepstops before a character gets in the game, and its quite frustrating at times even tho not very time consuming (basicly all the steps i meantion need to be approved at some point by the company that holds the licence)... I really dunno what kind of Relationship NRS or in this case Boon has with DC and WB but for instance when MVC3 was being done Marvel was all up in their faces.. nothing could be out of character, i really dont think the guys that worked on MVC3 had much room for brainstorming/originality... now in NRS side i think they had a lot of freedom when they wher emaking the characters... from what the game is so far ( and im a comic book reader i know this characters quite well) all the characters just seem to be based of their personas but their atacks and animations seem to be coming from NRS concept and visual team, doesnt seem like WB and DC gave them a lot of restrictionsI completely brainfarted. Ahah, I thought you were talking about one DLC character, but you were talking about the process of making the game itself. What I interpreted was that you were saying they would do concepts, model, and animate a character and then ask for permission. You mentioned the game itself's project flow, and getting DLC characters approved. My bad xD
Lol, thought everyone knew this already.LOOOOOOOOOOOOL Ben Affleck is the new Batman... just lol AFFLECKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK IS BATMAN WHEN HOW WHO ALLOWED THIS T HAPPEN!!!!
Nonono jsut noooooouuuuuu no way... he has baby face... in now way is ben affleck threaning just look at him,... he might as well be a poopy or a big eyed cat... you really imagine him going.. FEAR ME CLARK I AM THE BATMAN.... no jsut noLol, thought everyone knew this already.
I really don't mind, I look forward to him being the new Dark Knight
OMG DEADNonono jsut noooooouuuuuu no way... he has baby face... in now way is ben affleck threaning just look at him,... he might as well be a poopy or a big eyed cat... you really imagine him going.. FEAR ME CLARK I AM THE BATMAN.... no jsut no
Angry joe posted exacly what i was thinking
This has to be the funniest Sh...t ever
Dude i seriously cannot stop Laughting at that duck Screaming AFFLECKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKOMG DEAD
I LOVE when he hops on the tableDude i seriously cannot stop Laughting at that duck Screaming AFFLECKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
OMG i have to stop watchin this clip its just TO GOOD.... cant stop alughting im about to piss myself allover LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLI LOVE when he hops on the table
major medical aflac major medical aflac major medical AFlac major medical AFLAC major medical AAAAFLAAAAACOMG i have to stop watchin this clip its just TO GOOD.... cant stop im about to piss myself allover LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
Yeah really man! I'm dying over here waiting for some kind of hint of a hint of an announcementDamn Boon sure is taking his sweet time giving us news.... someone should try to tweet him see if he has anything to say
I douht he will make any hint or give any news over the weekend... most likely he will give something next week and release the character the week that follows...Yeah really man! I'm dying over here waiting for some kind of hint of a hint of an announcement. Hopefully the next character is teased this weekend and announced next week so we can have it by Sept. 3.
lol m8 nothing works online... Since they anounced MOS Zod skin i started training with him... even started doing the Lows into trait grab to perfection i went online couldnt even do it a single time... Online sucks period its not about Rushing a character or not.. offline Zatanna seems solid as in Bug free and everything seems to be working as it should... and honestly i think the characters should be mostly done by nowIf there's gonna be more characters, I think they should take their time. It seems like they rushed to get Zatanna out. Her trance move doesn't function properly online and IIRC one of her BNB's doesn't work online either.
Come on, Affleck looks exactly like what Bruce Wayne should like like:Nonono jsut noooooouuuuuu no way... he has baby face... in now way is ben affleck threaning just look at him,... he might as well be a poopy or a big eyed cat... you really imagine him going.. FEAR ME CLARK I AM THE BATMAN.... no jsut no
Angry joe posted exacly what i was thinking
This has to be the funniest Sh...t ever