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Question Reptile Q and A Thread


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Against Cyrax you basically want to stay away from him and acid spit/forceball at him while dodging his bombs and blocking the net. If he fires a net/bomb and you acid spit, you will hurt him and you either just step away from the bomb or dodge/block the net. Eventually the Cyrax player will get fed up and teleport, at this point you can punish with 321 or 122 is faster. DO NOT ELBOW DASH, I tried punishing with that at SummerJam and lost to two Cyrax players because I didn't know how to properly punish it.

Against Ermac you want to rush him down, but once you get in that telelift/push distance you have to be prepared to block and punish. Ermac has a very tough time with REptile, in this match you don't want to be zoning him.

Against Noob you have to rush him down and bait out the up shadow.

Kano you can't stay far away from, again you have to rush him down. Don't jump at him or else you're dead/
I feel as if when reptile is being zoned out, he has a very tough time to actually get in. Because dash isnt gonna be sufficient when it comes to projectile and his dash would just forces you to get hit and knock down. His universal forward forward isnt a big help either. And force ball has slow recovery rate, so teleport is fast enough to punish. (to be honest i really hate using ex slide against cyrax, since you need meter to break)

Snip: I feel like cyrax can take him out far range though, because if net and your projectile trades; he wins with 60% damage. And 2 bombs on the field with a net isnt too easy to dodge either. Is there a video of reptile vs cyrax? I know chris g fought maxer and loss but i havent seen any other cyrax v. reptile matches. It was an hilarious match though.


A seldom used crab named Lucky. AKA Citizen Snips.
Reptile will struggle vs. any character who can zone him out. This is why Sektor can also be a big problem if he knocks you down with a missile. You're just gonna have to learn when to duck under things while moving forward and also dodging with a jump while risky can mess with their head becasue they might think about doing anti-air and then you can move in more.

Against Cyrax you want to zone him. It's scary but from what I understand, it's the best thing to do. If you are full screen, then net won't trade with the spit. If you are full screen, just start spamming that acid spit, don't wait for that net to come out. If Cyrax starts throwing bombs, then don't over think it, just step aside and if a net is coming, just block it. You do not want to get in mid range because then the spit and net will trade and he will proceed to rape you. You want to force Cyrax to teleport to you, and if he starts to do that then you know you have him in trouble.

That strategy is how I deal with Cyrax. At SummerJam although I lost to 2 Cyrax's, I lost due to not knowing how to punish the teleport, but my strategy was on point. When he teleports you can't punish with elbow dash because he is tecnically in the air and your elbow dash will fail. Instead you can 32 forceball. I got to play Maxter a bit in casuals and he also confirmed that the best way to fight Cyrax is to zone him. I don't know if that's still the current strategy, but that's what I think is still probably the best thing to do.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I don't have this game for 360 at the moment, but for those of you who do, this is the place to post GG's(Good Games) in. Have fun!
Hey man I saw yer question but I'm busy at work right now give me about 10 min and I'll break down all yer matcups yer requesting.

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Hey man I saw yer question but I'm busy at work right now give me about 10 min and I'll break down all yer matcups yer requesting.

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer
Edit:nvm I'm set now snips pretty much nailed all of this. cyrax just kind of bob and weave his bombs while zoning him. You can bait nets and punish them with full combos as well, but this can be risky. Anytime you see a teleport punish the shot out of it lol.
As for ermac get in his grill. On knockdown watch wake up tk an ts and then punish/pressure. Use ex dash a lot in this match. You have to play kano the same way because he can outzone you if you let him.

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer


This is probably a real stupid question, that's probably been asked long ago, but here goes....

Q - Does going invisible give you any advantage other than actually being invisible?

AREZ God of War

The Crazy BeastMaster
What kind of UVB lighting do I need for my Reptile and what is the healthiest diet to feed him? How much humidity should it have and what temperatures should I keep him at? He keeps trying to bite me every time i take him out of the cage....can someone advise me on how to get him to tame-down?

I have been keeping Reptiles a long time, but this one seems to be a little stubborn, and I'm not sure what to do. Help plz? ;)


Salt Proprietor of TYM
What kind of UVB lighting do I need for my Reptile and what is the healthiest diet to feed him? How much humidity should it have and what temperatures should I keep him at? He keeps trying to bite me every time i take him out of the cage....can someone advise me on how to get him to tame-down?

I have been keeping Reptiles a long time, but this one seems to be a little stubborn, and I'm not sure what to do. Help plz? ;)
Just make sure sure that lizard, gets caged. Gets caged hard.

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer


Salt Proprietor of TYM
This is probably a real stupid question, that's probably been asked long ago, but here goes....

Q - Does going invisible give you any advantage other than actually being invisible?
Just a way to try to catch yer opponent off guard really but can be useful.

Sent from Gotham City via the Batcomputer

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
Any reason why 2xinvis gives enough advantage for a safe jump whereas 2 on its own doesn't? I assume it detects the special input and gives it more advantage incase of a combo. this game is whack.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Any reason why 2xinvis gives enough advantage for a safe jump whereas 2 on its own doesn't? I assume it detects the special input and gives it more advantage incase of a combo. this game is whack.
Yeah I honestly have no idea why that is lol. I have noticed this though, this game's mechanics are funky.

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
What kind of UVB lighting do I need for my Reptile and what is the healthiest diet to feed him? How much humidity should it have and what temperatures should I keep him at? He keeps trying to bite me every time i take him out of the cage....can someone advise me on how to get him to tame-down?

I have been keeping Reptiles a long time, but this one seems to be a little stubborn, and I'm not sure what to do. Help plz? ;)
Shut up Juarez.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Its a weird thing. 2 on hit is 0, but 2 invi on hit gives a free jip. Its kinda pointless because you dont know if your 2 will hit or not, if block. 2 invin on block is very very negative, but 2 on block is 0
Tis very strange


Monster Island Tournaments
2 invis is pretty safe due to the pushback a blocked 2 provides. Its exactly the same as 1221 on block.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Yo Reptile what was that 50% combo you showed me at revival?
Corner only
321 Ex acid hand 4 ffb 321 sfb 321 slide, I saw it in a tylerlantern or muffinmuggers video but I don't remember which.

sent from Gotham City via the batcomputer

AK Toxic

Graphic Designer
thanks man, I'm going to keep working on my reptile because I haven't been playing him as much as I should. I really want to do well at FR and I think Reptile and Liu would be better than Quan, so they're going to be my main focus.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
thanks man, I'm going to keep working on my reptile because I haven't been playing him as much as I should. I really want to do well at FR and I think Reptile and Liu would be better than Quan, so they're going to be my main focus.
Np man, Liu and reptile sounds pretty solid to me. I look forward to playing you soon :).

sent from Gotham City via the batcomputer

AK Toxic

Graphic Designer
Same here man, next level up, or if you can make it to a B&B and of course... Final Round. I'm going to be breaking down my chars til I have mastered them completely. According to Pig I need some more AA ex balls, invis mix ups, etc. I'll be using that EX Dash technique that you were using too, it proves to be extremely useful.