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Question Reptile Q and A Thread

You are missing 1 important point of the reset. It DOESNT need to be cancel by a dash, it can be cancel by any normals or ff (universal dash). So you could dash 321 pressure, you could f2 ah, you could d4, you can even jump. Reptile's dash isnt just 1 option, so it is not punishable at all since you are at +8 frame.


This one's for you
You are missing 1 important point of the reset. It DOESNT need to be cancel by a dash, it can be cancel by any normals or ff (universal dash). So you could dash 321 pressure, you could f2 ah, you could d4, you can even jump. Reptile's dash isnt just 1 option, so it is not punishable at all since you are at +8 frame.
I was talking about the universal dash, not elbow dash. You aren't at +8 unless you dash to cancel the recovery frames. You are actually at least -12 afterward because Mileena's roll punished it everytime.
I was talking about the universal dash, not elbow dash. You aren't at +8 unless you dash to cancel the recovery frames. You are actually at least -12 afterward because Mileena's roll punished it everytime.
well yeah, the universal dash animation is way over 8 frames. So if you dash and do 321, mileena's roll will win every time.


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well yeah, the universal dash animation is way over 8 frames. So if you dash and do 321, mileena's roll will win every time.
I'm saying that 2f3,1+2 is at least -12 by itself. If you do the reset and do nothing but block afterward, your opponent will blow you out of the water. If you immediately dash, it allows you to recover faster i.e. +8 frames on block.
I'm saying that 2f3,1+2 is at least -12 by itself. If you do the reset and do nothing but block afterward, your opponent will blow you out of the water. If you immediately dash, it allows you to recover faster i.e. +8 frames on block.
no you can cancel it, just hold a direction + block. Because any direction will cancel the reset. Holding block alone wont cancel the reset.


This one's for you
no you can cancel it, just hold a direction + block. Because any direction will cancel the reset. Holding block alone wont cancel the reset.
I'll test this again tomorrow to make sure. It doesn't really make sense though. Why do you have to press any button other than block in order to recover? If this is really the case, I have no idea what's going on with the game mechanics haha


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I have a question. d4 into fastball is it safe? Because d4 does provide pushback and I have yet to have anyone punish me for using it. Plus the advantage off of d4 on hit, the opponent must block the forceball, he can't jump out. Frame data says its -11 but Raiden can't Superman punish and JC can't shadow kick punish. Only character that might be able to punish it is Reptile himself.

I've finally got this poke link incorporated into my game and well its pretty amazing. Its almost a free EX elbow because most people try to punish it and fail. Its also an incredible AA and really catches people napping.
It is safer because the pushback = forceball hits a few frames after initial startup. It likely can't be jumped out of either. If shadow kick doesn't punish it, it is likely -8 (safe by range)...and only punishable by elbow. Slow forceball may be even safer (likely jumpable, though).

This could be huge if the disadvantage is low enough.
I think on hit d4, ex sfb is fucking retarded from max range. You can do a jump in deep kick and continue pressure, if they try to jump out. You can make a read, AA into a full combo


Monster Island Tournaments
d4 fastball can't be jumped out (maybe if d4 is blocked?) and really unless its a mirror match (assuming Reptile can punish this himself) you have a ton of options at your disposal due to the pushback. Dash/ EX dash, charged ball if expecting a jump, NJP/ slide if you're feeling frisky lol. The ball :) really is in your court because people have to respect dash.

d4 into ex slow ball... Hmm sounds dirty, nice Salad Petresky.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I usually just throw out 321, if it hits ok, if not I'm already doing a pressure string lol.
I don't know know frame data for that move however so idk what to punish with.


Monster Island Tournaments
If you know the tiger jump is coming you can f2>> ff3. By doing this the f2 will connect with his invincible frames and the forceball will come out in the other direction. So unless hes blocking immediately (which is never the case) its a free combo. Or you can do ex fastball and you'll prob catch him before he lands.

I like ending a lot of combos with invis and then throwing out a slowball. If they wake up with tiger jump (awesome name btw lol) it will catch him before he lands.


This one's for you
Playing against raiden, if you try to elbow dash & he teleports you automatically hit him with 2. That's sort of an option select against him. Do you guys have any better ideas along those lines?

Edit: Meant to post this in the matchup discussion lol. My bad
I personally have never played perfect legend yet, and he is the only high level raiden. I doubt that not a lot of people know about the match up against high level raiden besides slip and 16bit


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Yeah there's a few high level Raidens. I was just trying to think outside the box of ways to shut down his teleport.


Monster Island Tournaments
I've found with any of the grounded teleport characters (Raiden, Rain, Freddy). Once you see it or hear it just go into a 321 string. You'll auto correct for full combo. If its Cyrax or CSZ on reaction 32 into forceball for an AA combo.
Lol you can not punish that 11 frame teleport with 321. You can't even react to it. Yourbest bet is to dash when you bait it out. And j Wong has a day 1 raiden and he quits the game


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Lol you can not punish that 11 frame teleport with 321. You can't even react to it. Yourbest bet is to dash when you bait it out. And j Wong has a day 1 raiden and he quits the game
He still won tournies...just saying. I am in no way saying his is the best though...not with folks like raidenwins, vilen, and b wizz.


Monster Island Tournaments
Lol you can not punish that 11 frame teleport with 321. You can't even react to it. Yourbest bet is to dash when you bait it out. And j Wong has a day 1 raiden and he quits the game
I do this consistently vs Raiden. If he teleports and tries to go into a combo string hes getting full comboed as all his starters aren't very fast. The only thing he could do is poke or superman. Reptile has one of the easiest times punishing superman from any distance so please take the risk. Lets not forget we can just dash him if we want. Also our d4 catches raiden teleport as well.
I do this consistently vs Raiden. If he teleports and tries to go into a combo string hes getting full comboed as all his starters aren't very fast. The only thing he could do is poke or superman. Reptile has one of the easiest times punishing superman from any distance so please take the risk. Lets not forget we can just dash him if we want. Also our d4 catches raiden teleport as well.
Your theory is nice, this is like how you know many people say "oh I can punish kitana's cutter" or "oh, I can punish jax punch by a full combo". (if kitana/jax are good players) Same thing. I believe there are only a few players actually can punish d1 cutter with a full combo, and one of them I have to say is me because my sparring partner is a rush down kitana. It harder than it sounds. And detroit is the only one who can punish jax's dash punch with a combo. Yeah... sure, again you have not fought a high level raiden.

Comparing the teleport of raiden online isnt a fair way to learn the match up. Trust me, you can not punish a well placed 11 frame teleport. And PL is so good that he would wait for you to start a string, then teleport, you miss the string and he punishes with a full combo. Reptile slow startup wont help either.


This one's for you
I didn't know 32~ffb would punish Cyrax/CSZ teleports, that's awesome. Can 321 punish a max range superman or do you have to use 2/122?