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REO discusses the potential banning of Jacqui in tournaments


I remember when this site had mods/admins for days. I know what happened to Charybdis, not sure what happened to Hellblazerhawkman. There were more, I just can't recall. Been here since 2012, got banned indefinitely for posting a video of a top batman player RQ'ing against my Grundy. The mod said I was shaming and I should have blacked out his gamertag before posting. Lurked for a couple years before creating a new account.

Anyways that's neither here nor there. Shoutouts to @CrimsonShadow for bearing the brunt of load the load in keeping this place clean. I believe he's had the same avatar for damn near a decade now, MK dragon inside a GoW cog. My two favorite franchises. Also shoutouts to @Eldriken, as he also does a lot of the lifting when he's available.

Much love TYM
@CrimsonShadow ^this is the guy I reported for trying to derail a thread. Get em’! :joker:

Lt. Boxy Angelman

You know what would make Jacqui a lot less scary?

If we weren't limited by variations.

I wouldn't give a damn about fighting a Jacqui who could Fly and Clinch at the same time if I had Slide, Amp Slam, and Spirit Ball. At least then it would feel like a fair fight.

Also, no version of Jacqui in this game would be more annoying and uninspiring than MKX Full Auto.


Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
I wasn’t around in competitive MK9 and INJ2 days (I was like 11 lmao) but, correct me if I’m wrong, Kabal wasn’t banned right? Batgirl wasn’t right?
I know in MKX Tanya and Alien weren’t banned. INJ2 didn’t ban Black Adam
So what’s the problem in this game, the most balanced NRS game to date?
On a side note Jacqui as a character is cool as hell, even tho her play style isn’t really for me in this game :p


But anyway, point is it’s fine to not be a fan. But how much her presence enrages people even pre-Upgraded to the point that people bring up in random threads “remove Jacqui from the series!!!” is a huge red flag
Yeah, ironically it seems the people that hate Jacqui so much are the ones that end up talking about her moreso than the ones that like her.

It really makes me wonder if we were to get another "everyone is here" game, will such people complain about her inclusion simply because of how they personally feel about her and even though she wouldn't be "stealing" a spot from anyone.
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Yeah, ironically is seems the people that hate Jacqui so much are the ones that end up talking about her moreso than the ones that like her.

It really makes me wonder if we were to get another "everyone is here" game, will such people complain about her inclusion simply because of they personally feel about her and even though she wouldn't be "stealing" a spot from anyone.
Personally of the kombat kiddo's she's probably my favorite by virtue of being the least obnoxious (at least writing wise). Movset I like takeda more, but she's still more interesting to me than Kung/Cassie.

As for all of this I think its easy to say this isn't some ST Akuma/MKT Noob scenario where you're just warping the entire game if you let people pick them. I get that it might be problem, and it might get worse (and i really think the MK9 comparisons are fucking silly given how different the game is), but I don't see anything so dire that the ban MUST BE NOW.

It might wind up that you've got top 8's of all jacqui's or everyone has a pocket jacqui, but "wait and see" strikes me as fine at this point


This dream has a sad ending
Also, no version of Jacqui in this game would be more annoying and uninspiring than MKX Full Auto.
  • Machine gun
  • Machine gun
  • Machine gun
  • Ex machine gun
  • Random armor when you get too close
  • Machine gun
  • Machine gun
  • Knock jacky down
  • Safe high armor(if it hits repeat above. if knocked down repeat armor until out of meter and just lose)

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
1. Jacqui absolutely should not be banned. It makes the people who want reasonable nerfs for the character look like stupid pussies.

2. Fuck Jacqui, bland dogshit vanilla character, but even more so fuck the people that call her ratchet or ghetto. It makes the people who don't like Jacqui for legitimate reasons look like racist assholes, when thankfully our community is pretty great and inclusive as a whole, with bigots being the outliers. Like people LOVE Jax.

3. Do you guys remember Tekken Master's tier lists he made for MKX and Injustice 2? They were some of the most god awful takes I have ever seen on a game, he is a great player but that doesn't mean he should be an authority for this type of shit at all.
He banned me on his twitter for disagreeing with his ridiculous kotal buffs even to this day


It has begun
Honestly people who were following this game pre-release should have know that Jacqui was never gonna be anything but absolute tippy top tier.

So many people spoke out against the character that NRS went the extra distance to make sure she'd get picked, so then when the next MK rolls around and she ends up replacing another fan favourite people can point at the pick rates and go "look, she was popular!"

I think the character is boring, obnoxious in both gameplay and writing, and I also believe there isn't a chance she'll get the nerfs she deserves.

That said, I don't care one way or another about the ban; although if I was to weigh pro's vs con's, I'd be in favour of banning her because I'm just tired of seeing her and her stupid "fuck neutral eat this pressure and die if you ever press" mentality.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I hate fighting Jacqui more than I can describe but banning her would be really dangerous. She truly isn't broken, people could then just cry about anyone they don't like. Every match would eventually just end up being Scorpion vs Robocop if we could ban characters with dumb shit.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Tanya was so broken at launch her 3 variations were basically the 3 best characters in the game.
I remember the first tourney that allowed tanya something like 7 of the top 8 was tanya's
She was so broken that she received like 20 nerfs and then was still somehow the best character in the game :coffee:


SO how many of you Jacqui haters have had the balls to go learn her and post your vids of you just mopping the entire cast with her soap bar move set?


That said, I don't care one way or another about the ban; although if I was to weigh pro's vs con's, I'd be in favour of banning her because I'm just tired of seeing her and her stupid "fuck neutral eat this pressure and die if you ever press" mentality.

Just that you said this tells me your neutral is in need of some serious improvement so it wouldn't even matter if she had bounce nerfed. She gets out spaced by sooooooo many characters.


Gentlemen, behold! My opinion!
How do you get outspaced when you have a move that automatically gets you in with like 4 different options once you've jumped in AND well over half the cast can do absolutely nothing about it?


Gentlemen, behold! My opinion!
Comparing Jacqui to broken characters of past games is irrelevant. Is she AS broken as release day Tanya? No. But was MKX, over all, more of an imbalanced game than MK11. Yes. For the level of balance in MK11 which is, generally, pretty good, Jacqui is a pretty big outlier of the balance. ESPECIALLY now.

Just because you can't spam MKX Full Auto moves the whole match and win with absolutely zero thought doesn't make her not broken in MK11. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
SO how many of you Jacqui haters have had the balls to go learn her and post your vids of you just mopping the entire cast with her soap bar move set?
Why must we go to these lengths if we want Jacqui nerfs? You can look at her buttons to see that on paper she’s ridiculous, you can watch her in game to see that the pressure and oppression she puts on is stronger than the rest of the casts. Her weakness, the Achilles heel that everyone says she has is that she gets zoned out and she can’t get in. Well in upgraded she literally jumps across screen for jump in pressure so I don’t understand the controversy here


Gentlemen, behold! My opinion!
The discussion should be centered around Upgraded if we're discussing nerfs. Upgraded makes it literally a self-nerf to play anything other than Upgraded.


Why must we go to these lengths if we want Jacqui nerfs? You can look at her buttons to see that on paper she’s ridiculous, you can watch her in game to see that the pressure and oppression she puts on is stronger than the rest of the casts. Her weakness, the Achilles heel that everyone says she has is that she gets zoned out and she can’t get in. Well in upgraded she literally jumps across screen for jump in pressure so I don’t understand the controversy here
These lengths? Yea it would just be such a time sink to spend and hour learning this "broken" character.
Your all bitching about how OP she is so again. Why not pick her up and go destroy the world since its so easy? Put your money where your mouth is and pick her up just so you can level the playing field until she gets nerfed.

But you wont cause you wont have anything to bitch about after because you will find out the same limitations we all say she has are legit.
Again I will agree there are some nerfs that can be made to her.

But again looking at her on paper and seeing a 9 frame mid is one thing. Go ahead and try using that 9 frame mid against the like of a good Johnny, Kotal, Joker, Skarlet,, Cetrion and on and on. Its not so easy as just pushing the fucking button man. In the right hands those characters will whiff punish the fuck out of you all day because all of her normals including F3 are stubby as a MF.



The discussion should be centered around Upgraded if we're discussing nerfs. Upgraded makes it literally a self-nerf to play anything other than Upgraded.
We haven't really seen that play out that way at the competitive level though. Jacqui is certainly a top tier, but it's not like there aren't other strong characters in the game that you can choose. She could use some nerfs, but it's not that dire.