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Rate the Above Person's Skill


To all that have a problem with me post why and what i did in my new thread cus i dont want to ruin this guys thread


EFL Founder
first of all dream catcher you did drop and break the game.. and you suck ass on mk and dc i dont give a fuck how good you are at mk, your still a little bitch to me.. so get off my dick and get fucked cus all you are is a over rated idle to all these little mk scrubs
I haven't ever dropped a game, I've been viciously raped by DC about 10 in a row and still not quit or dropped like your [ban incoming] ass. I suck? Play me. I guarantee I'm higher than a 4 lol. Fuck you and your "own topic"; yes I started it here, but I'm not going to tolerate your ass one day on this site. Just letting you know, don't expect a whole lot of love. I'm done with this shit, sorry staff.

I suppose I'll actually rate people I've played enough that can do likewise. ;)

DC: 9.5-10
ROFL: 6-6.5
Blk Album: 6-6.5
Buttman: 6
Dizgirl: 8.5-9

Sorry to the rest of you, but I haven't played you at all or enough to throw a number out there. Just for fun anyway, right?


I haven't ever dropped a game, I've been viciously raped by DC about 10 in a row and still not quit or dropped like your [ban incoming] ass. I suck? Play me. I guarantee I'm higher than a 4 lol. Fuck you and your "own topic"; yes I started it here, but I'm not going to tolerate your ass one day on this site. Just letting you know, don't expect a whole lot of love. I'm done with this shit, sorry staff.

I suppose I'll actually rate people I've played enough that can do likewise. ;)

DC: 9.5-10
ROFL: 6-6.5
Blk Album: 6-6.5
Buttman: 6
Dizgirl: 8.5-9

Sorry to the rest of you, but I haven't played you at all or enough to throw a number out there. Just for fun anyway, right?
Take your sweet fuckin time to go read the first post on this thread.. IT IS JUST A NUMBER DONT LET IT GET TO YOUR FUCKIN HEAD.. IVE PLAYED DC AND LOST 20 - 0 the other night i believe that doesnt make me a hardcore bad ass does it?..

what ever save the shit talk for someone who gives a shit about your shit talk


EFL Founder
Take your sweet fuckin time to go read the first post on this thread.. IT IS JUST A NUMBER DONT LET IT GET TO YOUR FUCKIN HEAD
Okay, I have no idea what you're talking about. I even said, "just for fun, right?" See, now you're just trolling...and instead of crossing my fingers hoping you'll get banned, I'll just add you to my ignore list. Filer could use the company anyway.
MistaKM: 10

DizDubsonWillOwnU: 10000000000

Ampl1tud3: 11


IDreamcatcherI: 8

Kiki Aka Game: 9

Ninja Ryo45: 10

Phoenix ReLyT: 10

PK ButtMan: 8

Jokalk: 10


Bryant shut you're mouth, you're not even close to good. Or don't you remember the time where I shit all over your Kung and turned your ass into a baby 5 straight games before your bitch ass left.


MKKhanzo: Ded is from Bulgary jahha
Get off your high horse then and play me. You talk a big fuckin talk, lex. I don't care how good you were 0157u08147 years ago when no one played this game online. Come get some anytime :) Don't back down

I'm a challenge you as soon as you can afford an xbox account, cause that's all you were waiting for, right? Oh wait, you said in chat today that you weren't gonna play umk3 on xbla, oh yeah, so you're talking shit for no reason. Well until you play me, don't even think about judging me.

don't be scurr lex
letting the reasons speak for themselves.

you sir, simply aren't worth my time.


MKKhanzo: Ded is from Bulgary jahha
Lex, if you are so much better than everyone on XBL, why not play? Fear? If you know you will win, I don't see what the big deal is.
because no matter how many times I win, if some scrubby ass console warrior that started playing yesterday gets a round on me, I lose forever. Get it? Ive progressed far and beyond almost everyone on this site (A LONG TIME AGO) to the point of playing only a certain set of people. Think of it as a heirarchy: Shit talking peasants dont swordfight with the royal guards.
because no matter how many times I win, if some scrubby ass console warrior that started playing yesterday gets a round on me, I lose forever.
QFT! "omg I beat Lex a round!!!"

on topic:
Lex = 10

lol ded_ I typed the same thing and I walked away and after I submitted I saw you also QFT!


MKKhanzo: Ded is from Bulgary jahha
I got wheels now, should be able to go down $outh to eriks so we can play. (if i dont get shot)
because no matter how many times I win, if some scrubby ass console warrior that started playing yesterday gets a round on me, I lose forever. Get it? Ive progressed far and beyond almost everyone on this site (A LONG TIME AGO) to the point of playing only a certain set of people. Think of it as a heirarchy: Shit talking peasants dont swordfight with the royal guards.

I agree, but lex all players are not like that especially mistakm. Only a fucking noob would actually take it that way.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I have'nt been on kaillera in years and XBL its probably been a year since i've played on that. I played on a cabinet about 2 months ago at throwers and I saw how rusty we were.
Well, you Chicago boys are very much invited to my tournament in late July hre in Columbus (300-ish miles away! car pool!:p) It will be played on my cab and if on a 360, with sticks. :)

Do you have a stick for XBL, Mr Moe? If you do, and want to play in a lagless room, I'd love to train with you & that Lex guy. :)

PM me here or on XBL if interested.


MKKhanzo: Ded is from Bulgary jahha
I will try to make it down there, time permitting, keep me informed about it, tim pm me ur aim


MKKhanzo: Ded is from Bulgary jahha
I agree, but lex all players are not like that especially mistakm. Only a fucking noob would actually take it that way.
then explain to me why martial arts uses that hierarchal concept? so are you saying martial artists are noobs when it comes down to measurement of skill and pairing people off?

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
I will try to make it down there, time permitting, keep me informed about it, tim pm me ur aim
Cool. I can also arrange for you to get a hotel room for free (my homeboy works at Best Western, and he owes me favors, lol). But I will PM my AIM when I get my laptop in a week or 2.

But I want to make this the biggest MK tounament.......in the US. :) My bowling alley is fucking huge, so we gots the room, And I got the cabs :p


because no matter how many times I win, if some scrubby ass console warrior that started playing yesterday gets a round on me, I lose forever. Get it? Ive progressed far and beyond almost everyone on this site (A LONG TIME AGO) to the point of playing only a certain set of people. Think of it as a heirarchy: Shit talking peasants dont swordfight with the royal guards.
Have you ever played CD, DC, or Shaney? How do you know you have progressed farther than players you haven't played? There are no videos of MistaKM on the internet...how do you know you have more skill than he does? You said yesterday you would be playing very soon on XBL (when you got your stick), then later when someone challenged you, you said you won't play on XBL. I'm confused.


MKKhanzo: Ded is from Bulgary jahha
Have you ever played CD, DC, or Shaney? How do you know you have progressed farther than players you haven't played?
ok heres some credentials for you:

- was one of the first ppl to ever play mk3 @ amoa reno, vs eddie ferrier the whole time
- played mk3 and umk3 from release day in the ARCADE
- worked on the wavenet project to generate traffic on umk3, where i played vs all of Chicago for free on a cabinet I maintained as practice so i could service field cabinets.
- logged over 10 years of playing experience in the birthplace of mk.

what has flier and km done?

- hide behind their laggy xbl tv's with a pad and talk shit on forums.

videos on the internet mean nothing. they are for entertainment only. everyone knows that is my stance.

im glad you guys are enjoying the game, save all your negativity for someone else.

as far as me getting xbl again i have decided against it after experiencing the xbl 'community' a little bit more. id rather help people like tim static get better.


ok heres some credentials for you:

- was one of the first ppl to ever play mk3 @ amoa reno, vs eddie ferrier the whole time
- played mk3 and umk3 from release day in the ARCADE
- worked on the wavenet project to generate traffic on umk3, where i played vs all of Chicago for free on a cabinet I maintained as practice so i could service field cabinets.
- logged over 10 years of playing experience in the birthplace of mk.

what has flier and km done?

- hide behind their laggy xbl tv's with a pad and talk shit on forums.

videos on the internet mean nothing. they are for entertainment only. everyone knows that is my stance.

im glad you guys are enjoying the game, save all your negativity for someone else.

as far as me getting xbl again i have decided against it after experiencing the xbl 'community' a little bit more. id rather help people like tim static get better.
First, I don't want to play you...I don't even really play this game anymore. I'm not being negative, but rather trying to undestand why you won't play...and to be honest, would really enjoy watching you play the top players on XBL and see the results, nothing more.

My comment on the videos online was....that how do you know you are at a higher level than someone you have never even seen play? This was all.

If you haven't played CD, DC, or Shaney...how do you know you are better than they are? I'm just curious, is it possible CD has risen to your level?