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Tech - Summoner Quan Chi METERLESS 53% Corner Combo- Is this Fair?

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
I find it hard to believe one could train with yomi and not be considered good enough to succeed with quan
That has absolutely nothing to do with quan chi being capable of winning. Not taking anything away from Michaelangelo, but it could very well be a different story if DJT were the one playing quan chi or if REO never dropped him. Forever King just started using him too so now more than one yomi player is using him. Just wait for upcoming tournies. I bet he wins one very soon
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Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Until we see someone who is proven to actually accomplish shit at tourneys, pick Quan Chi and not dominate with him, can we stop using this tired ass fallback? I mean, it's stupid even if we do look at a great player not dominating him and use that as the justification anyway, but at the very least can we just wait till this happens? I mean let's be real, Michaelangelo, Shujinkydink, Wonderchef, these guys aren't dominating the tournament scene regardless of character lol.

But why I think it's dumb regardless to go by this, I mean let's say King, a great player who has just picked him up, I mean OP or not he's still likely gonna have to beat SonicFox at a lot of events and no doubt a bunch of other serious competition as well, and while Quan may have an advantage over the rest of the cast that needs to be toned down, but it's not auto-win material, so him not winning isn't really representative of shit, how bout we watch the actual matches when they come and use our actual judgement and common sense to see what the character needs and what he is capable, because the currently competitive scene is nowhere near large enough, or evenly skilled enough for just ignorantly ignoring all the actual gameplay information we can pick up and instead just flatly looking at win-rate statistics and expecting it to be an accurate measure of anything lol

God gave us brains and the ability to use them. I say rather than taking surface level reads on a game with a competitive scene dominated by a player who mains two upper-mid tier characters, we maybe look a little bit deeper than flat tournament results since it's been proven that even the strongest characters in the game who do need nerfs, are not auto-win at tournaments, the balance is still tight. However just because your character isn't an auto-win, doesn't mean it doesn't need tweaking lol.
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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So when Tanya was "OP" and "broken" there were four of them in CEO's Top 8.

When Shinnok was "OP" and "Broken" only one of them won a major, but there were all over EVO and EGL.

Where are all the Quan Chis? If Summoner is so braindead, so easy, so "OP" and "Broken", why was he only a pocket character for King at the last major? Shouldn't Quan Chis have been everywhere?

Isn't it also very telling that Sorcerer, a variation TYM INSISTS is weaker than Summoner(it isn't, it's just as good but in a completely different way), made top 8 at EVO? The best Summoners were there.

But tournaments don't matter unless TYM wants them to. They'll use CEO Tanya placings as a justification to nerf her, but not Quan placings because it doesn't line up with their agenda.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Why does everyone forget that Wonderchef WON a major?
You mean the major all the way back in april where the people he beat to win were Slayer, REO, and one of the other people on that list (Shujinkydink)?

Cool that must means if he now goes on and loses to SonicFox, DJT, King, HoneyBee, etc, it must prove that Quan Chi is well balanced right :DOGE

See the logic fallacy here? It's not rocket science

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Retracting back on arguments now I see...also, you really think that King just started playing him? He's got like 8 back hand characters he uses.

You people are too slow...or too stupid. At least he didn't get Bane'd and got a useful wakeup in Sorcerer/Summoner.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Retracting back on arguments now I see...also, you really think that King just started playing him? He's got like 8 back hand characters he uses.

You people are too slow...or too stupid. At least he didn't get Bane'd and got a useful wakeup in Sorcerer/Summoner.

Of course King didn't just start playing him. Still, he was a pocket character, not 100% Quan. Michaelangelo was, and didn't crack top 8.

If TYM can use consistency of placing as justification of nerfing Tanya, than the same standard has to apply to Quan. People can't cherry pick when tournaments matter and when they don't.

It doesn't work that way.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
You mean the major all the way back in april where the people he beat to win were Slayer, REO, and one of the other people on that list (Shujinkydink)?

Cool that must means if he now goes on and loses to SonicFox, DJT, King, HoneyBee, etc, it must prove that Quan Chi is well balanced right :DOGE

See the logic fallacy here? It's not rocket science
That wasn't my point at all.

I only mentioned that because no one remembers the poor guy's win. I feel bad for him.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
So when Tanya was "OP" and "broken" there were four of them in CEO's Top 8.

When Shinnok was "OP" and "Broken" only one of them won a major, but there were all over EVO and EGL.

Where are all the Quan Chis? If Summoner is so braindead, so easy, so "OP" and "Broken", why was he only a pocket character for King at the last major? Shouldn't Quan Chis have been everywhere?

Isn't it also very telling that Sorcerer, a variation TYM INSISTS is weaker than Summoner(it isn't, it's just as good but in a completely different way), made top 8 at EVO? The best Summoners were there.

But tournaments don't matter unless TYM wants them to. They'll use CEO Tanya placings as a justification to nerf her, but not Quan placings because it doesn't line up with their agenda.
If we can't nerf Quan until he sees this level tournament dominance, by this logic, do you think every single other nerf to date in MKX was undeserved, because not a single other character has seen the dominance that those guys did in tournaments? I'm afraid I don't understand the logic here

Unless it is you saying that we shouldn't keep using tournament results to balance characters, in which case I fully agree. Tanya needed nerfs before CEO, everyone could see that, and CEO did nothing to affect my opinion there. I'm sure I don't speak for all of TYM but I don't think tournament results should really be held to such a crazy pedestal. I think we should be able to do things like put tournament results aside, and look at things like pre-patch Tanya and recognise that the character is either well balanced, OP, or UnderP, just like I think we should do with the rest of the roster. Just my opinion.

Retracting back on arguments now I see...
Show me the argument I put forth and retracted, and I'll show you where you are either inventing nonsense or misunderstanding my argument.
also, you really think that King just started playing him? He's got like 8 back hand characters he uses.
So relevant. InfraDead honing in on the important stuff as always. The key thing here is most definitely making sure people don't think King just picked up Quan recently, not at all absolutely everything else actually relelvant to the topic right

That wasn't my point at all.

I only mentioned that because no one remembers the poor guy's win. I feel bad for him.
That's fair enough, he earned his win and smashed through a major fair and square, beating some great players! Not trying to take anything away from him or the other people I mentioned either, they are all good players. Better players than me. But not the best players.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
If we can't nerf Quan until he sees this level tournament dominance, by this logic, do you think every single other nerf to date in MKX was undeserved, because not a single other character has seen the dominance that those guys did in tournaments? I'm afraid I don't understand the logic here

Unless it is you saying that we shouldn't keep using tournament results to balance characters, in which case I fully agree. Tanya needed nerfs before CEO, everyone could see that, and CEO did nothing to affect my opinion there. I'm sure I don't speak for all of TYM but I don't think tournament results should really be held to such a crazy pedestal. I think we should be able to do things like put tournament results aside, and look at things like pre-patch Tanya and recognise that the character is either well balanced, OP, or UnderP, just like I think we should do with the rest of the roster. Just my opinion.

Show me the argument I put forth and retracted, and I'll show you where you are either inventing nonsense or misunderstanding my argument.

So relevant. InfraDead honing in on the important stuff as always. The key thing here is most definitely making sure people don't think King just picked up Quan recently, not at all absolutely everything else actually relelvant to the topic right

That's fair enough, he earned his win and smashed through a major fair and square, beating some great players! Not trying to take anything away from him or the other people I mentioned either, they are all good players. Better players than me. But not the best players.
My point is that TYM needs to make up it's mind. Hell, you were there when The Tanya Scare and Shinnok scares happened.

Their tournament placings were one of it's biggest talking points as to why it needed to be nerfed.

Either placing matters or it doesn't, but this pick and choose shit has to go.

Personally, anything can happen in a ft2 in an offline tournament setting. So I don't think it's as important.

Generally speaking, I'm against nerfing characters on general principle. I'd rather see low tiers buffed to match The pre-patch Tanyas and Boneshapers.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Generally speaking, I'm against nerfing characters on general principle. I'd rather see low tiers buffed to match The pre-patch Tanyas and Boneshapers.
Yeah, I would too. If everybody is OP nobody is OP, just a bunch of crazy characters doing crazy shit. However, that's very much ideally, and realistically when the majority of that is pretty well balanced around a certain power level, I think it's better to just tone down / pump a steroid into some of the outliers.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
That sounds like the worst possible game

It sounds awesome. What Can I say? I'd rather grind a hard MU forever than see a character nerfed.

I played nothing but Quan in MK9. Fighting Cage and Sonya was absolutely brutal, but I never wanted them nerfed.

My favorite fighter of all time was Guilty Gear X-2, and that game was full of dirty stuff. Back then, you didn't get patches. You had to play the game you were given or not play at all.


It sounds awesome. What Can I say? I'd rather grind a hard MU forever than see a character nerfed.

I played nothing but Quan in MK9. Fighting Cage and Sonya was absolutely brutal, but I never wanted them nerfed.

My favorite fighter of all time was Guilty Gear X-2, and that game was full of dirty stuff.
I dunno I think I'd rather see weaker characters fighting each other than stuff like that.

Back then, you didn't get patches. You had to play the game you were given or not play at all.
Isn't it wonderful to live in the future?