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Tech - Summoner Quan Chi METERLESS 53% Corner Combo- Is this Fair?


Pew pew pew quitality
I don't know what's more entertaining on tym, people crying for unneeded nerfs, or people downplaying what really needs to be nerfed. Both have their moments.


Guessing is apart of every fighting game. You painting the broad brush stroke of saying all he is, is guessing shows your lack of knowledge. Even in MK9, you had to guess to get out of Cage pressure, Kabal pressure, etc. Was Cage not a footsie based character? Kotal Kahn is as well.

Asking questions isn't downplay. It's common sense. Many times when I've been wrong, I admitted it.

I like how you completely ignore context. It suits your otherwise flimsy talking points.

When I asked for the d1, it was pre patch. Pre Patch Quan suffered from block infinites from Dragonfire Liu Kang among others. No one knew that they were going to make the changes to the dash cancel pressure that they did. So all we had to go on was the knowledge we had at that time.

Now, post patch i don't think he needs the meterless damage he has. I don't think he should take as much meterless damage as he does, as I've said before

See, you're one of those guys that takes any kind of talk that doesn't fit your view and uses a broad, sweeping generalization to make your point.

Scrubby behavior is making 8 stealtg Nerf Cry threads. Scrubby behavior is ignoring people offering help to push an agenda. Scrubby behavior is making the same thread over and over and over again. There is a fine line between venting and bitching.

Imagine how much better these forums would be if you took all that time and energy devoted to tearing about a character and used it to talk about fighting said character?

This is supposed to be a haven for competitive play, is it not? Are the consistent Top 8 players spending their time making nerf threads or are they learning match ups?

Only on TYM would you get called scrubby for offering help in a match up, attempting to break down a character, and insisting that the community try to get better at the game rather than complain. Defend him how? By saying they need to return Skull and Bat Spark to pre-patch? Which is what I did in this exact thread.

That's how bad it's become and people like you, threads like these are part of the problem.

I agree with you, I don't do any of what you said lol. But that's how this community is. And the top players cry about characters too tbh. That's how this community is. They know there will be patches to tone down characters, hell even SonicFox wanted Sub nerfed. The only thread I've ever made on this site was when I posted about Sky Temple and the left side being hard to see. I actually realized it was my TV moreso than the stage itself but since then I've heard a lot of people say it should be banned or changed. The stage sucks. Legit the only thread I've made on here I believe. I don't support the whining about character but I accept it. In this day and age of constant patching and updates this happens. The most popular game in the world has this too, and the game is thriving (league of legends), that's what competitive gaming has come to.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
It was a week ago i think and even dink hit an 58% one on one of the stbs ( forgot who) but why would it be impossible to land? All you need is to get them into a trance get the bat out , s3 or d3 and they have to guess if they guess wrong you could do w/e combo im pretty sure dink has footage of it
I'm ever a skeptic. I didn't say it was impossible. I just wanted to see it done.


Joker waiting room
114 mb air grab, f2, b14 max Sun Choke isn't a punish?

Cause that does 46% for a bar. Tried it for Tempest Spin punish. Nothing to sleep on.

F2,f2,f2, b14 mb grab, b14 into Choke is 47% also punishes spin. I'm sure you could use these for stuff like slide and the rest.

This isn't bad damage at all.
Like I said, it's a lower punish than usual, f2 is also something you won't do on reaction to the spin since you must be 100% ready to punish.

I mean, you know there's something wrong when you have to compare the second highest damaging char on a punish situation to make QC's look normal.

You can tell he was supposed to have this kind of damage to reward him for playing good footsies. Quan on the other hand is like Cyrax, just happened to have it, if there's going to be a nerf for him I'm betting on it being only a damage reduction of some sort.
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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
Like I said, it's a lower punish than usual, f2 is also something you won't do on reaction to the spin since you must be 100% ready to punish.

I mean, you know there's something wrong when you have to compare the second highest damaging char on a punish situation to make QC's look normal.
Who said it was normal?

My point was that more than one character can wreck your shit, not just Quan.

That's all.


Joker waiting room
Who said it was normal?

My point was that more than one character can wreck your shit, not just Quan.

That's all.
Yes, that makes it sound normal too though if you apply it to kabal, cyrax, etc, not that I'm comparing quan to them but pointing out how it comes off. I use normal as a "what is acceptable".

edited my previous post.


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I'm just here for the Quan Chi...

All jokes aside, so few players play Quan Chi. Even fewer can play him well.

Can you play him a little before acting like you're an expert on all things Quan Chi???


Official Loop Kang Main
People cried about liu kang, raiden, shinnok, predator and they all eventually got nerfed, some harder than others. Thing is, there is no way this character will remain like this for the life of the game. I use liu kang so against quan its more of a whoever touches the other person first wins situation..the character is odee now, you know it,we know it, his mains know it and are struggling to downplay him to avoid nerfs just like all the other characters who have been put on blast with threads. The quan is op threads are the definition of repetitive though. It devolves into people shouting for nerfs, his mains severely downplaying him and random trolls saying he needs this and that. Just play the game and leave the balancing to nrs (lol). The my character hasn't won a major so hes not busted counter argument is pretty silly though..But people really have to relax...seriously. .
you think its fun not having any wakeup attacks against high level players ? when I play summoner quan(usually against sonya or kitana) they usually put my ass in the corner, then while quan is resting his mind for new evilness on the ground, I have too be like " what should I do now " oo wait, I cant do shit ! gotta stand up and block till I see an opening, I think its more than fair for him to have the opportunity too deal this kinda damage, what he lacks in defense (which every quan player will at some point have too block all the time, no reversal, no wakeups), he makes up in his offence and zoning and vortex, super cool going against an high level tempest player, what I know he will try to do (put me in the corner and pressure me there, and make a saturn out of himself right on top of me -.- they made him look like a bitch in story mode, but I like that he's the most disliked character, which makes him one of the best in the mkx,

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
You're clueless about Kotal. He doesn't even have 50/50s in Sun God. Of course he has to play footsies. The nuetral game and footsie game happens a lot faster in this game than in others, so I understand why you're confused.

---Guessing between B1xxCommand Throw and B14xxcommand throw or B14xxprojectile are all mixups, I know MKX has poisoned your mind but it's true. Just cause it's not high/low doesn't mean it's not a 50/50.

Here's some Sun God knowledge:

F1,B2 is -13 on block. Not special cancellable. --- Wait, F1,B2? Yes it's special cancellable.

B1 is safe, B12 is not, and B122 is not. ---- B12 is -8. That's like the closest you can be to being safe. So it's like a 1-2 frame punish with jab and you have to know they won't be cancelling on block into anything else. Lol ok.

The only tick throws in that sequence are B1 and B14. B14 doesn't combo midscreen on hit and is -13 on block. Correct.

So unless you go into the armorable MB Sun Stone, you're left unsafe and at risk. You could go the tick throw option in b14, but if it hits the throw whiffs and you CAN'T hitconfirm b14. ----Ok, still more guessing. I'm not saying everything he does will combo or be safe. Just that you have to guess a lot. And for the record, I said War God had 50/50s, And Sun God was basically the same shit, just with command grabs. He's unsafe on a lot of stuff but is still a bully that requires you to guess A LOT whenever he touches you. Let's not forget how good 114xxAir Throw is in these mixup situations. I *know* how to fight Kotal he's just really good and underrated and has a lot of braindead shit.

Do some homework.---- I train with the best Kotal in the world, I've done my homework,

Accepting shitposting only enables more shit posting. Is that a hard thing to understand? TYM is made almost entirely of shitposts, who cares?

Just because TYM does a stupid thing doesn't make it not a stupid thing. It just makes it an often practiced stupid thing. You know how you stop stupid things? By trying to be better. ----Good luck with making TYM better sir. You're doing gods work.

Yeah, I admit to trolling. Mostly because this thread was made two weeks ago when a poster released unbreakable Quan combos. I questioned those, too. I question just about everything I read. That's how you separate fact from fiction.9--- No it makes you look like you're downplaying, which you are. Lol@ saying those combos are situational. Just shows what the character can do and why he's so dumb.

Downplay? Many, many times I've said the character was extremely good, you can even look through my old status updates and the DAY after the patch I said Quan was the best in the game.

I write several paragraphs in multiple threads explaining Quan and offering Quan help, and proposing that we as a community explore the match ups, and I make the Quan community look bad? ---Offer help sure, but don't defend how stupid he is. He's really really dumb. Honestly has some of the most broken shit in a current era game. Let people complain about him, they should have an outlet to complain without some jackass saying some shit like "oh enough of this I'm so sick of these threads" Who are you?

How stupid are you?

I've offered more game knowledge, character knowledge and content while trolling this idiotic thread and answering your stream of stupidity than you have in the at least two threads we've talked in.

Your best response to my words about offering content and trying to get better as players is to compare me to Immortal?

Now who is fucking scrubby? -- Still you, knowledge doesn't make you any less of a scrub. Know what makes you a scrub? Wanting a 6f poke on a character like Quan chi. Haha
Bro. I kept quiet in this thread, but seriously half the shit in this post, you have absolutely no right calling anyone a scrub.

1. Doing gods work trying to make tym better? No. This website was not that bad until the end if IGAU and the beginning of MKX. Also known as the beginning of the era of the online scrub. Your response to that is tym is mostly shit posts so who cares? Seriously? In order to stop a bad habit, you gotta stop it from the source. That source being you and 80% of tym posting this stupid shit.

2. Quan has some if the most stupid stuff in a fighting game? Kabal, cyrax, martian man hunter, aquaman are all just as/ more stupid. And all these characters have defensive options. "But quan chi has a game breaking 6f d1 poke, Brows!" No. Shut up.

3. If someone has a good amount of knowledge on a game and actually knows what they're talking about is still a scrub? In order to succeed in a game, you need to UNDERSTAND said game and HAVE KNOWLEDGE on how the game works. If you have both of them, then you know what you're doing. If you know what you are doing in this game, you're still a scrub? Smart. Only way that works is if you just flat out suck.

4. Us quan mains before the patch are scrubs because we wanted a faster poke? So you're saying that quan chi being put in block infinite is okay? That's the only reason he got that. So liu kang, kotal kan, etc couldn't loop the same block strings that quan chi could not get out of. And that poke is only used right up close. D3 is still better because it has better range, more plus on hit and only -1 on block. D3 is +14 on hit I believe. So other than armlr you gotta respect what quan does next. D1 is -9 on block and +3 on hit. So nothing is guaranteed after a d1. Stop bitching about something that's not even a big deal. Like at all.
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RM Ree

Shiba Tamer
People cried about liu kang, raiden, shinnok, predator and they all eventually got nerfed, some harder than others. Thing is, there is no way this character will remain like this for the life of the game. I use liu kang so against quan its more of a whoever touches the other person first wins situation..the character is odee now, you know it,we know it, his mains know it and are struggling to downplay him to avoid nerfs just like all the other characters who have been put on blast with threads. The quan is op threads are the definition of repetitive though. It devolves into people shouting for nerfs, his mains severely downplaying him and random trolls saying he needs this and that. Just play the game and leave the balancing to nrs (lol). The my character hasn't won a major so hes not busted counter argument is pretty silly though..But people really have to relax...seriously. .
Rip early Grandmaster Sub-Zero. Clone cool down and clone staying on block, plz come back. We miss you.

STB Shujinkydink

Burning down in flames for kicks
Your character got 5th at evo, a tournament that had 1100+ players, using what is arguably not his best variation. And that's before the buffs. Clearly the problem are the quan players , the character is more than capable.
I strongly disagree with this statement