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Pre-Game Tier List Discussion!


Lose without excuses
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I obviously know that discussing tiers at this point with any sort of seriousness is pointless. Just thought it would be interesting to see who you guys think will be top tier based only by what we've seen. This isn't to be taken seriously, there's no way we can justify any claims we will make in this thread. Just post opinions and such, and leave it at that.

Top tier:

- Kung Lao

- Ermac
- Scorpion
- Sub-Zero

I know we haven't seen Ermac's gameplay. But he will be top tier based on badassness alone.


Can you be top tier just on badassness alone?? lol

Anyway from what Ive seen.

2.Kung Lao
4.Sub Zero

They all look pretty good to me, but Cyrax seems really good.


Cock Master!!
1 ~ Jax
2 ~ Cyrax
3 ~ Liu Kang
4 ~ Kung Lao
5 ~ Sindel ~ assuming she has that low fireball i think she has along with all her classic and 3D moves.
6 ~ Scorpion


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Well, in terms of badassness Ermac of course >>>every other ninja lol and most vid game characters alone. I can't judge Ermac because we haven't seen him yet in gameplay outside of his X-ray. He'll probably be at LEAST higher mid tier if not higher.

But from what we've seen so far IMO:

1. Scorpion
2. Cyrax
3. Kung Lao/Cage
4. Liu Kang/Nightwolf, hard to tell here for me...but if NW is a bitch like he is in UMK3, then he'll be up there..
5. Sonya(she looks fast)
6. Sub-Zero
7. Kitana
8. Sektor
9. Jax
10. Reptile/Mileena, I'm sure Reptile is better then Mileena overall or will be but I just see it hard for mileena from what i've seen to use really, really well...

Characters can't judge yet but are confirmed Ermac, Jade, Raiden, Kabal, Stryker among many others.


Premium Supporter
Throwing names...

1. Cyrax
2. Kung Lao
3. Raiden
4. Scorpion
5. Kabal
6. Liu Kang
7. Ermac
8. Jade
9. Reptile
10. Sub-Zero

towards the end I especially was just guessing...


My Top Tier
1. Cyrax
2. Scorpion
3. Nightwolf
4. Sub-Zero
5. Kung Lao
6. Jax

Can't say much about the others, they look good but i'm not sure they can be exploited as well as the ones above.
Top: NW/Sub/Kung
High: Cyrax/Scorpion/Mileena
High Mid: Reptile/Cage/Kitana
Mid: Sektor

I'd even put Reptile at the top as well. His moves are coming out extremely fast and his hitboxes look tough to get near to. Mix the 2 together and you have a pretty tough character to get around. This is a very familiar setup for Reptile because Crab Stance in MKDA was both extremely fast and very unhittable because of its hitboxes.

Cage is also looking pretty tough. Id move him up too probably.

Tim Static

My tops are simliar to Checks

NW/Mileena/Cyrax as of today and what i've seen

btw, i cant stand these kind of threads/discussions. pretty pointless but i figured i'd post this and go back later this year and see who was right! lol
1) mileena, kung lao, nightwolf ( mileena is very good, good zoning tools and very good anti fire ball game ) kung laois very fast and has one of the best fire ball attacks good AA game and good rushdown game) (nightwolf ex shourder is great his ex fire ball is great and it can be use as an AA, what use to be back, back 2 in umk has very fast start up frames and will be very usefull agains fire ball characters)

2) scorpion, kitana , cyrax scorpion he is just good (kitana very good zonning tools can get out of the corner easily and restart her zonning game again) (cyrax i am not so sure about him i think he maybe worst than this position or better if turn back moves from mkdc is back he will be a better than this position if characters turn back like in mkd,mka he will not be as good as many people think he will)

3) subzero, reptile 4) sektor, jax

5) johnny cage
I'd even put Reptile at the top as well. His moves are coming out extremely fast and his hitboxes look tough to get near to. Mix the 2 together and you have a pretty tough character to get around. This is a very familiar setup for Reptile because Crab Stance in MKDA was both extremely fast and very unhittable because of its hitboxes.
I'm willing to side with this. Reptile seemingly has a number of nice things in his favor, including 3 different force balls that could stand to serve him well in the way of trying to control the screen space. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have the potential to at least be high.


Justice 4 Firestorm
Top: (from who we've seen)

Cyrax, Kung Lao, (jumping on the NW bandwagon)Nightwolf

----My guess:

Kabal tier: Kabal ( based on badassery and kickassery alone)

Top: Cyrax, Kung Lao, Nightwolf
Given how juggle intensive the gameplay appears, I'd say whoever has the easiest launchers into X-rays.

I hope not, but in other words, the same as what dictates SFIV's tiers -- whichever characters combo into Ultra easiets/are the scrub friendliest.


Fish can hear you thinkin just before you sneeze
i think reptile will be strong with his combos into forceballs but im not sure who looks top tier yet, maybe scorpion because of his combo potential

Given how juggle intensive the gameplay appears, I'd say whoever has the easiest launchers into X-rays.

I hope not, but in other words, the same as what dictates SFIV's tiers -- whichever characters combo into Ultra easiets/are the scrub friendliest.
i dont think being able to combo into an x-ray will have as much an effect on a character strength as it does with sf4's ultras because ultras have their own meter bar. which makes it likely to see characters like ryu, rufus and balrog land an ultra each round. hopefully ex moves will be what you spend your meter on the most.
i hope there wont be any bad x-rays they all seem to be either combo, grapple, counter. hopefully theres no x-rays that can only be landed by punishing an opponents mistakes like guiles U1

Nightwolf is gonna be absolutely retard strong in MK9. Believe it.
howcomes? is it cause he seems to have quite a range of special moves?

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Who I'm not worried about tier:
Everyone except...

Who I'm worried will be gimmicky shit tier:


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I definitley don't see Mileena being a top tier, I thought she looked lower, like very difficult to use but w'ell see...

I'll laugh though if UMK3's low tiers, Cyrax, Sektor, Mileena wind up being the opposite in this game lol. I also hope NW isn't as lame as he is in UMK3, his axes don't look as fast and no kick starter!! Thank god lol.

I actually won't complain if Jax is shit tier for once...lol every 2D MK game he's been annoying imo except MK4
Cyrax and Kung Lao look tops to me so far. Cyrax has been said to be a grappler in MK9, but so far he looks pretty well-rounded. And Kung Lao looks to be on top with combos, especially with that throw he can combo into.

But, to be honest, no one really looks that weak so far.

Top 5 from ones we've seen:
Kung Lao


Lose without excuses
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If Nightwolf is anything like in UMK3, plus the dash I think he will be pretty solid. DAT RUSHDOWN!
Changed my mind. Replacing Nightwolf with Sub-Zero. I thought his ice reversal had a set follow-up (where he slashes them with that ice-sword), but I just saw a version (probably the EX version) where it just froze the opp and he combo'd off of it.

Also, probably the wrong place to ask, but: Why do I keep getting thanked for my posts? Is it just courtesy at TYM to thank everyone?


Also, probably the wrong place to ask, but: Why do I keep getting thanked for my posts? Is it just courtesy at TYM to thank everyone?
Generally the thanks sysytem on TYM is a way for users to let other users no they appreciated what they had to say, or that they agree with your point of view, or even that they disagree but found validity and reason in your statement. Sometimes its even just to thank you for participating in the thread.