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Pre-Game Tier List Discussion!


Cock Master!!
Dan Loves lows :D

Check ~ throws arent done much in mk vs dc cause they suck unless your on a pillar stage, then guys like you and tom do wacky combos with them lol

with mk9 characters having atleast 2 throws, throws will be done alot more again.


Lows are always tricky in fighting games. If the low is too fast to be blocked on reaction, it can't lead to much damage at all. Maybe 0.5% damage, but with frame advantage on hit? On the flip side, if a low is too slow, it's virtually useless.

I like how Soul Calibur 4 handled most of the lows (talking about generic lows like Yoshi 2K, not stupid lows like Mitsu 2K). You rarely got frame advantage off of a low and were usually at disadvantage even on hit. The lows were fast enough to be useful, but since you got minimal damage and were at disadvantage on hit, it was pretty much a one off.

I'd love to see fast lows that are barely unsafe on block (say only jab punishable), but leave you at disadvantage on hit. That would be my ideal situation.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
That'd probably be the best way to handle lows in MK9.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Dan Loves lows :D

Check ~ throws arent done much in mk vs dc cause they suck unless your on a pillar stage, then guys like you and tom do wacky combos with them lol

with mk9 characters having atleast 2 throws, throws will be done alot more again.
Hey, hey I loved to throw in MKDC lol and in general haha :p

I'm all for throws, it makes people who make love to the block button MOVE or get thrown haha. I also like how they're not blockable but you just have to throw escape them....

He wouldn't have a chest harpoon because he won't be Cyborg nor the teleport uppercut but yeah, it's likely they'll give him air throw, and invisiblity while also giving him a spear and a teleport punch.
This is a good point I was going to also say at Dar's post, but on top of that I mean they could always give human smoke a grappling hook like Batman kind of as long as it's different then Scorp's infamous spear move since they said no "recycled moves" and so far they've kept their word on that.

I'd even sacrifice his air throw for perhaps stinky cloud moves.

I'm thinking Smoke will have the following:

-Teleport punch different then Scorp's, Ermac's and Sektor's(should just knock you back on the ground with him turning into a cloud of smoke then hitting you from opposite end.

-Invisibiliy(should be done the same animation as his teleport punch to "throw your foes off" thinking is he turning invisible or teleporting to punch me....it would make for some nice head games lol, turn invisible mid screen make your foe block and you quickly dash and throw lol.

-Smokey Cloud(either up close like MK D(but balanced like MKA's version)

-Smokey far cloud(can do it anywhere on the screen like MKA if you're not blocking it hits you)

-Grappling hook, you know I was thinking it would be cool if he shot a mini grappling hook rope at you(like a ninja would have) similar to batman's but instead of impaling you like previously or Scorp's, have it wrap around your and as he pulls you closer it spins you in a stun but not as fast as say Kabal's dash spinning you more of an unrolling effected. It would serve the same purpose as his UMK3 spear/hooks in both forms but be totally different and new.

@Check, yeah dude can you imagine if they change that so that Low kicks don't get past the Ice clone/self freeze lol, so that this time ANY contact what so ever freezes you?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
They actually haven't 100% kept their word on no recycled moves, as in one screenshot of Ermac, he appears to have Scorp's teleport punch.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
That looks nothing like Scorp's teleport, Scorpion's looks like a combo teleport, Ermac's looks like a single punch plus we haven't seen Ermac's in full yet so so far looks like they have. And even Paulo said this, I doubt he'd lie. Scorp's both his feet are on the ground where is Ermac is clearly airbourne....


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
That looks nothing like Scorp's teleport, Scorpion's looks like a combo teleport, Ermac's looks like a single punch plus we haven't seen Ermac's in full yet so so far looks like they have. And even Paulo said this, I doubt he'd lie. Scorp's both his feet are on the ground where is Ermac is clearly airbourne....
Idk what footage you've seen, but of all the footage I've seen of Scorp's teleport punch, it looks the exact same as the one attack Ermac does in the screenshot.



Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Scorp's teleport is only airborne on the first hit as he's telporting but hits you again thus knocking you back looks like this and is on the ground as he hits, Ermac is airborne(in the air when he hits with no sign so far of another hit in his teleport)

Besides like I said we haven't even seen Ermac in action yet so we're judging based on a screen shot?



So after these new vids we have a little bit more info. my tire list:


- Jax
- Cyrax
- Sonya


- Scorp
- Sub
- Cage
- Mileena
- Liu Kang


- Reptile
- Sektor
- Kitana
- Nightwolf


Premium Supporter
So after these new vids we have a little bit more info. my tire list:


- Jax
- Cyrax
- Sonya


- Scorp
- Sub
- Cage
- Mileena
- Liu Kang


- Reptile
- Sektor
- Kitana
- Nightwolf
I definitely DON'T see Kitana being that low...


Premium Supporter
Low's IMO...

I actually have a feeling Noob will be low, as much as that saddens me... he looks awesome.

I'm not gonna make anymore opinionated calls on tier... simply because anyone with projectiles has a good opportunity to be higher up, especially if they have good combos in to X-ray attacks, and/or if someone like Sindel has all of her UMK3 specials back... zoning will be her toolbox.

I dunno... I'm not very good at making calls on tier lists... that's why I usually just read. :)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Initially I thought Sub was lower judging from earlier gameplay but he officially has his clone back which looks good..I think Sub will be upper mid at least.

Scorpion still looks higher tier to me, his spear is UBER safe and retracts fast...that's offline from these videos, so if he's that safe offline then I can only imagine that online lol...and his recovery on the hellfire is pretty damn fast compared to the 3D games if you compare.

Ermac it's tough to say but I think he'll be upper mid at least and one of the best turtle characters.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Sub's clone looks extremely good. It wouldn't surprise me if it made him better than just upper mid.


Initially I thought Sub was lower judging from earlier gameplay but he officially has his clone back which looks good..I think Sub will be upper mid at least.

Scorpion still looks higher tier to me, his spear is UBER safe and retracts fast...that's offline from these videos, so if he's that safe offline then I can only imagine that online lol...and his recovery on the hellfire is pretty damn fast compared to the 3D games if you compare.

Ermac it's tough to say but I think he'll be upper mid at least and one of the best turtle characters.
How can Scorpion's spear be safe? A safe attack that leads to big damage? I can't believe NRS would be that stupid. It's got to be punishable.


Initially I thought Sub was lower judging from earlier gameplay but he officially has his clone back which looks good..I think Sub will be upper mid at least.

Scorpion still looks higher tier to me, his spear is UBER safe and retracts fast...that's offline from these videos, so if he's that safe offline then I can only imagine that online lol...and his recovery on the hellfire is pretty damn fast compared to the 3D games if you compare.

Ermac it's tough to say but I think he'll be upper mid at least and one of the best turtle characters.
It only looks UBER safe because the recovery is faster than any MK game to date. It's just as punishable like all the others, only this time there is no long pause if the spear is blocked. Many old specials are faster in this game anyway. Just practice punishing spears with Sub-Zero's slide, Mileena's roll, her face bite, or Cage's Shadow Kick when the demo comes out.


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
Lovin pre game tier threads! Heck, pre-seeing all the character tier threads are even better! Im really not sure about the set of guys im keeping an eye on but i hav a few likes/dislikes i can generally apply. But from all the vids iv seen ill go ahead and shoot some horrible and unbased ideas outthere.

upper tier-ish

ermac- love this dude and air priority moves along with suspected teleports and tricky combo setups are great. Eh, really Ermacs just dope, dont need much more reason than that!!!

mileena- ok I made a mistake with umk3 thinking her cheesy shii made her top tier but that was only cuz i didnt know how to "really" play the game. But she looks quick as ever and just as annoying.

scorps- mk golden boy looks to make an impact with his leg grab and teleport combo setups.

sektor- same mentality as mileena, i always thought he ruled but then everyone told me he sucks. ok? Looks ood to me, teleport punch shenans and missle locks look good.

Lower tier

Reptile- srry i know hes cool but his moves honestly just dont look cheap enough for him to be the best. U can see him when hes invisible, his ball never seemed to connect when i saw the videos and he just didnt seem tricky enough.

kung lao- im prob dead wrong on this but he may be getting revenge nerfed from his umk3 days. just a hunch.

johnny cage- poor johnny, ever since mk1 i just never liked him as much as i wanted to. I did like hit punt kick tho lol

Again, there is zero merit to any of these opinions.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
Right now, I'm really not doubting Tom saying Sub is good.

Anyone else I'm still stumped

Except for Jax, he still worries me.