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Pre-Game Tier List Discussion!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
It only looks UBER safe because the recovery is faster than any MK game to date. It's just as punishable like all the others, only this time there is no long pause if the spear is blocked. Many old specials are faster in this game anyway. Just practice punishing spears with Sub-Zero's slide, Mileena's roll, her face bite, or Cage's Shadow Kick when the demo comes out.
@Dog and Momotaro, did you guys see the recent Scorpion vids? Plus the fact that the gameplay is fast is part of it but still safer regardless of that. Mid screen Scorpion is clearly safe on a blocked Spear kind of like MK2 style seriously, definitely way more safe then he was in the 3D MK's for sure no doubt. Just look at the opening window, he's able to block almost in no time on a blocked spear from mid to far screen I don't see many moves punishing him. You'd have to be close in order to punish Scorpion, now if you were to block his spear say in a 3D MK game you could easily punish him at mid screen.

I'm also not saying you can't punish Scorp at all I just said he's uber safe on a blocked spear now more so then before previous MK games.


@Dog and Momotaro, did you guys see the recent Scorpion vids? Plus the fact that the gameplay is fast is part of it but still safer regardless of that. Mid screen Scorpion is clearly safe on a blocked Spear kind of like MK2 style seriously, definitely way more safe then he was in the 3D MK's for sure no doubt. Just look at the opening window, he's able to block almost in no time on a blocked spear from mid to far screen I don't see many moves punishing him. You'd have to be close in order to punish Scorpion, now if you were to block his spear say in a 3D MK game you could easily punish him at mid screen.

I'm also not saying you can't punish Scorp at all I just said he's uber safe on a blocked spear now more so then before previous MK games.
Scorpion's spear safe on block in MK2? The only characters that can't punish a blocked spear directly are Shang Tsung and Baraka, due to their slow fireballs. Everyone else has at least one move that can punish a blocked spear mid-screen. Even Scorpion can punish his own spear. Also clearly you and I are not eye-to-eye. An UBER safe move is a move that I cannot punish no matter what character I'm using or how fast I can react.

Ya know that guy in your GIF? You don't think he can punish a blocked mid-screen spear with a TK Slam or his X-ray? How about Cage's Shadow Kick? Or Mileena's roll, or Sektor's X-ray? How about Nightwolf's Charge or his Lightning move?

You mention far or full-screen as well, but here's a question. Who the hell would block a full-screen spear knowing damn well it's coming? The only answer that comes to mind is someone who is not accustomed to high-level play. When you make a claim ya gotta back it up. Not saying that you don't know what you're talking about; I don't talk down on ppl I don't know, but I will say you are a little misinformed. Don't judge a move based off of videos from ppl who arguably don't know the full game.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Scorp's spear looks as safe as it always has been...from range.


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
i agree that spear isnt what id call safe. but ill reserve total judgement until I play. To me, a safe move is simply a move that cant be punished on block or in some cases, whiff. no ifs ands or buts.
Usual suspects I think will be Nightwolf and proberly Scorpion. I know Nightwolf, because the fact that I see him taking trade hits and him catching you with the Shoulder Ram to me is gonna be a problem. His rushdown game is gonna be insane, so I would say Nightwolf will proberly be in the top 5 if not top 3!!

Despite the videos not showing this I have a feeling Reptile will be up there too, along with Kung Lao.

Why do I get the feeling Stryker is proberly gonna be mid-tier but he'll be a threat.

I think Baraka is gonna be low-tier and yes this is speculation but due to the blades they are gonna nerf him, I got this feeling in my gut!!

Jax is gonna be top-tier I think, only problem is his ground pound which will proberly get fixed but yeh Jax is gonna be top-tier I reckon as well!!


Thats why they call this thing bloodsport, kid.
Usual suspects I think will be Nightwolf and proberly Scorpion. I know Nightwolf, because the fact that I see him taking trade hits and him catching you with the Shoulder Ram to me is gonna be a problem. His rushdown game is gonna be insane, so I would say Nightwolf will proberly be in the top 5 if not top 3!!

Despite the videos not showing this I have a feeling Reptile will be up there too, along with Kung Lao.

Why do I get the feeling Stryker is proberly gonna be mid-tier but he'll be a threat.

I think Baraka is gonna be low-tier and yes this is speculation but due to the blades they are gonna nerf him, I got this feeling in my gut!!

Jax is gonna be top-tier I think, only problem is his ground pound which will proberly get fixed but yeh Jax is gonna be top-tier I reckon as well!!
Seems tough to nerf baraka, he already sucks in every game hes in right?! Im hoping the make him good.
Seems tough to nerf baraka, he already sucks in every game hes in right?! Im hoping the make him good.
That is very very true what you said about Baraka. He is already nerfed but I don't see him being top tier at all. Hopefully they give him more options!!


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Scorpion's spear safe on block in MK2? The only characters that can't punish a blocked spear directly are Shang Tsung and Baraka, due to their slow fireballs. Everyone else has at least one move that can punish a blocked spear mid-screen. Even Scorpion can punish his own spear. Also clearly you and I are not eye-to-eye. An UBER safe move is a move that I cannot punish no matter what character I'm using or how fast I can react.

Ya know that guy in your GIF? You don't think he can punish a blocked mid-screen spear with a TK Slam or his X-ray? How about Cage's Shadow Kick? Or Mileena's roll, or Sektor's X-ray? How about Nightwolf's Charge or his Lightning move?

You mention far or full-screen as well, but here's a question. Who the hell would block a full-screen spear knowing damn well it's coming? The only answer that comes to mind is someone who is not accustomed to high-level play. When you make a claim ya gotta back it up. Not saying that you don't know what you're talking about; I don't talk down on ppl I don't know, but I will say you are a little misinformed. Don't judge a move based off of videos from ppl who arguably don't know the full game.
I'm referring to Scorp's spear in MK2 as oppose to the more recent games where he's less safe(MK9 excluded of course) I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying here a tad, I never said "Scorp can't be punished" I just said his spear is uber safe meaning far more safer and harder to counter on block as oppose to some previous MK's(namely the 3D ones) With respect, I don't think you've played the 3D MK's otherwise you'd know I was right here...I've played every MK to date, literally not just the older ones nor the newer ones nor a former MK fan that comes out of the woodwork now with MK9 like some people out there have..just want to establish that.

If you read my previous post, I even stated that some characters could counter him at mid/far range and Ermac is a prime example(offline) online may be a different story with lag and all, but if you were to take someone say Sub-Zero, Scorp shoots a spear at mid/far range he blocks it and tries to freeze Scorpion after he blocks the spear, Scorp won't be frozen and he'll be able to block it no doubt because Sub's move takes too long to start up where as Ermac's TKS is more immediate if you know what I'm saying.

With all due respect I've played every MK game to date and know what high level is, I've just yet to go to any tournaments like a lot of people on here....I do think you misunderstood what I said since you mentioned mid screen characters that could counter, I clearly said in my previous post SOME characters could counter Scorp on a block, you seemed to have missed that part I've noticed.


pirates > ninjas
i'm not sure about the full game, but so far in the ps3 demo the tiers feel like scorp / mileena at top followed by sub-zero / cage.

i'm pretty happy with the balancing so far. everyone is fun to play with and effective in their own way. hopefully they'll keep balancing as time goes along. i think that a perfect (and impossible to make) fighting game should be relatively tierless. hopefully they'll keep patching towards that ideal now that they're embracing dlc and have an easy way to distribute updates nowadays (psn, xbl).


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I had some hands-on with the demo today.

Lol, Sub is stupid. That's all I gotta say. Clone...nuff said.


*Supreme Member*

Shang Tsung (165/158)
Raiden (161/154)
Kung Lao (159/152)
Nightwolf (158.5/151.5)
Johnny Cage (155/147)
Ermac (154/148)
Smoke (153/147)


Kabal (145/138)
Liu Kang (142/136)
Kano (140.5/134.5)
Kitana (139/133)
Mileena (136.5/130.5)
Reptile (136/130)
Sindel (136/130)
Scorpion (135.5/129.5)
Sonya (134/128)
Stryker (133.5/127.5)
Sub-Zero (133.5/127.5)


Jax (131/125)
Jade (130.5/124.5)
Cyrax (125.5/120.5)
Noob (124.5/119.5)
Sektor (123/117.5)


Baraka (112/106.5)
Kratos (107/---)
Sheeva (105/100)
Quan Chi (103.5/98.5)
Cyber-Sub Zero (101/96)


Imo strategy guide tier list is fail in regards to the unlockable characters- Cyber sub zero for example is not the worst character in the game.