@Pig Of The Hut as far as I can tell, against Kitana, if you are out of range for Kenshi's bf2, you cannot be punished on block for doing bf3. If you're closer than half screen then yeah she can punish but if you're that close you could do bf2 instead (which is safe against her from far enough away) or run up and do a mixup or something.
Other punishes on Teleflurry:
Sub Zero Slide: Regular punishes from about 3/4th screen, EX punishes anywhere except absolutely full screen (like get full screen and take 1 step forward = you're in range to get punished)
Liu Kang flying kick: Punishes from 3/4ths screen.
Kung Jin flying kick: Punishes from 3/4ths screen.
Shinnok Scepter Slam: Punishes from 3/4ths screen
Reptile non-EX slide: Punishes from inside of bf2 range.
Jacqui Forces Rush: Punishes from inside of bf2 range.
Kano ball: Punishes from inside of bf2 range.
Quan Chi non-EX Trance: Punishes from as far as it reaches whiiiiiiiiiich is anywhere inside of bf2 range.
e: Erron Black Slide: Punishes from 3/4ths screen.
@the pooper I double checked, not only does Takeda's teleport NOT punish but if he does it you have time to react to it with EX Rising Karma (don't try this online)