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Pool Assignments and Schedule for UFGT 8: Infinity


Media Master
That's what happens when you take away the option to register at the door. A lot of people can't have the money until the last minute. I don't think MK would be last if that was a option.
You can register late, you sure as hell won't be seeded though. Mk is just the smallest there, I am not surprised by that with mlg around the corner. Why go to the grassroot when big money is on the line seems to be the mindset for west coast players and a few others.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I know that everyone in here loves this game to death. However, despite all of that love, we HAVE to remember that we are very much a minority in the FGC. I've accepted this for a while now. It does not bother me.

Keits is doing the best that he can with what he has. At the end of the day, he HAS to please as many people as he can as much as he can. I'm thankful to Keits that MK even has ANY representation at all at this tournament.

Gentlemen, we are on our own in the FGC. Any stream time that we get should be treated for what it realistically is: a blessing. Let us enjoy what we have. Now and forever more....


cr. HP Master
Reading must be difficult. At the door registration is and has always been available, and there is a huge paragraph about it on the registration page.

hmmm if I honestly cared about this event I would have probably paid more attention? You also shouldn't have said, "do you think pools would be up if registration was open?" That's a very misleading statement. Stop being a dick. I was clearly trying to turn around and be nice about the situation.


Come On Die Young
Keits it's not necessarily anything against you. you just have to understand that a lot of the community is fed up with MK's treatment at many other majors over the past 6 months, which is why fgc majors have become less of a big deal when people are all preparing for MLG. i understand why it's only getting one stream slot, but considering the way our community is treated, it should be understood why the # of registered players is low.


I may be able to switch its slot with skullgirls to get pool H on stream. You may also get some of pool D streamed if 3rd Strike finals finish quickly.

But yeah, I'm mad. I've worked very very hard to accommodate you guys and seeing all this negativity is pretty rage-worthy.
Relax. Everyone appreciates all the hard work you put in. Negative people are the most vocal, that's why you're seeing all these complaints.
It would be really nice to see pool H. I'd love to see Reo, 16bit, kevo, jeremiah

PS. Someone please baby Chris G.


Yeah, of the 8 main games, MK has the smallest turnout. Getting one block on stream is more than fair.

If you guys want to do your own thing instead of being part of the event next year, you just let me know and I'll drop MK from the roster straight away.
70 bucks fee and xbox360... + the shitty treatment from all capcom princesses and divas....
No thanks....what were you expecting?


Media Master
Regardless of what happens, I will be recording as many pool matches as I can. Digimon is running brackets so the anticipated matches will be at my station


lol people need to remember if we want our game to get the respect we think we deserve, we with need to SHOW UP.remember a stream is suppose to please its viewership. If the amount of people showing up is ALOT lower than anyother game remember u can bet your ass it would take priority

P.S. Keits i want a team Dive t shirt ...lol

also Pig will win ...that is all

Glass Sword

Don't worry guys if I meet Chris G again in pools he better watch out. Also he better not expect a repeat of last time I got a new technology for that Noob of his if he thinks he can beat me with him. It is called down 2.


missiles are coming
Imbalances pools for sure, just saying. G and H are way too heavy when put next to the other two. I'm sure things could change before Friday, but christ... D and F are a free ride imo for some players while a few great players won't make it out of pools in the other.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Don't worry guys if I meet Chris G again in pools he better watch out. Also he better not expect a repeat of last time I got a new technology for that Noob of his if he thinks he can beat me with him. It is called down 2.
Fuck him up! Glass sword cannot be shattered! He will slice through the competition...

My bet is pig and Clint both go 0-2. Glass sword in grand finals against Lulz Lou!


70 bucks fee and xbox360... + the shitty treatment from all capcom princesses and divas....
No thanks....what were you expecting?
$70 fee? What are you smoking? 16 Bit paid $35 total because he didn't wait to the last minute, and even those who do use Emergency still dont pay $70.

I've never mistreated the MK community. I even worked hard to score you a 1k bonus from WB and spread it down top 8.


PSN: Skkra
Keits, don't mind these forum trolls. They don't understand how the community actually works.

People can talk smack about having MLG all they want, but as much as we should support that, there is NO guarantee that that is going to be forever. I've been going to these community tournaments for over a decade, and they are just as important and relevant (if not moreso), because they aren't going to go away.

We don't get a huge stream because we have tiny turnouts. It is a fact. It cannot be bitched about. God knows Keits would've let Medina stream the whole thing were he not otherwise contractually obligated. All the people who think something like that is "bullshit"... I'm floored. In the real world, such things exist. Please be quiet while the adults are talking.

Players here acting like goddamn children does not help to create a unified FGC, which is what MK in particular needs to continue to grow. I don't know if you realize this, but we WANT players like Chris G and Justin and Dieminion and Marlin Pie to come play this game.

If you feel the Capcom community (or any other) is slighting you, work WITH them instead of turning your back on them. Show some goddamn maturity and be the bigger man. It's amazing how far that will get you.

But no, it's probably easier to bitch, lob insults without real reason, and make stupid statements like we want to be completely separate from the rest of the FGC. Yeah, that's a great way to get MK exposure and grow this scene.

Un fucking real.

Glass Sword

L0rdoftheFLY OH SNAP now I have to beat him if I play him. I have learned a bit since Power Up and I won't be nearly as nervous. I was literately shaking like a leaf when I heard I had to play him at PU. If I had played as well as I had against Waffles I would have at least taken a game off him. The funny thing was Waffles was the better player but since I had never heard of him I was not nervous.


Skkra - Thanks man. Honestly I'm shocked. MK had over 80 players last year and only got 50 this year, and people think that results in MORE coverage? Makes no sense.

And what you said about MLG is spot on. They do not care about your community. They care about marketing a product. If that doesn't pan out for them, you know exactly what will happen.


" Bros before Hoes"
$70 fee? What are you smoking? 16 Bit paid $35 total because he didn't wait to the last minute, and even those who do use Emergency still dont pay $70.

I've never mistreated the MK community. I even worked hard to score you a 1k bonus from WB and spread it down top 8.
Getting sucked into that Keyboard Kung fu.. Chill.. We are all looking forward to viewing your tourney.


PSN: Skkra
Skkra - Thanks man. Honestly I'm shocked. MK had over 80 players last year and only got 50 this year, and people think that results in MORE coverage? Makes no sense.

And what you said about MLG is spot on. They do not care about your community. They care about marketing a product. If that doesn't pan out for them, you know exactly what will happen.
Absolutely right.

I'm part of the MK, Shoryuken, and Tekken communities. I religiously listen to the Kombat Tomb podcast and Wakeup SRK every week. Insane, I know. It will probably blow some people's minds, but yes, you can get along fine with multiple communities.

I couldn't make it this year due to work, Keits, but I can't wait to watch the stream. You run the tightest tournament in the USA. Medina4life, I'll be throwing some money your way this weekend, thanks for all you'll be doing to record matches.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
you can get along fine with multiple communities.
This x a fucking million and a half. You see a LOT of hate between communities from people who have only been playing fighting games since SFIV. But for us who have been doing this shit for the past 10-20 years, we know better.

It's like the 21st century version of the 16-bit Console Wars. Why not love BOTH the SNES and Genesis?!

Tim Static

Most of the people complaining are the ones not going to the tourney. Show up or STFU. Supporting MK is more than watching streams.

Keits is one of the best TO's around, period. He is doing whats best for his tourney, which is a HUGE investment of time, money, blood, sweat & tears. Its not his fault MK9 has the lowest amount of players registered. Thats on each and everyone out there that isnt going to UFGT8. No one else.