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Man this thread can take a piss. Our Kung Lao players are so far from the level they should be at.
When was the last time you seem a Lao use ex teleport glitch? Or freaking ex low hat pressure and breaks? This character has the best throw in the game as well since he's the only character that can get 30+ % out of a throw. fucking dive kick footsies and ex dive kick advantage. No one is even jip with b1 f1 yet or just checking with chain fists which can cancel into specials ( like fucker armour )
The list goes on. Lao is top 5 because LBSH Lao players are all free. except like PL, REO, and P Board are the only players I have seen push Lao further to his full super saian potential.


Vampire Jesus....he wants YOUR blood now!!
Hardly!!! It's Lao!! Ounce he activates armour glitch he can instant dive kick to a 7 frame move with armour! You don't just walk away from that
you have to dash away and block that, but in that case, lao can just role, sure you didn't really get damage for your meter, but at least you got better positioning, that counts for something.
Did you see what Maxter did to PL? How can you even call that a 5-5?
What you and many other forget when they talk about how people beat him, is that PL isn't really that good, so someone who actually is shouldn't be much of a surprise when he gets annihilated.


Jump at me
imo for kung lao to be as godlike as people make him out to be he would need better armor . he is def top5 - but online mk and pl's kung lao evo performances make him seem better than he actually is.not many people can play kl at 1000mph.


WOW. a thread about what PL say? lol. gotta be kidding. But lets be serious, Kung lao is top 5. everyone has bad matchups but Lao IS top 5. Just cause PL lost doesnt make Lao not top 5 or top 10. come on guys. CLOSE THIS THREAD.


how does lao lose to sektor?
Actually it's a rather interesting match-up.
Kung Lao blows up Sektor in close range thanks to things like the spin, the string from 2, mostly stemming from the fact Sektor has T-rex arms.

What makes it a challenge for Kung Lao (a 5-5 is a challenge IMO), is that a good Sektor will keep you out with good footsies and combo punish Kung Lao's advancements, such as teleport 3 with using Sektor's jab starter (I forget what it is, I know it is short frame jab), and punishing dive kicks on reads with Sektor's kick combo starter (b+3,4 or b+4,3 again I don't know the inputs). To stop jump-in punch pressure Sektor uses his flame thrower on read or reaction, not all too much damaging but hurting a Lao player enough times with the flamethrower will close off one method of Kung Lao's advancement.

All in all, it is a mind game battle between Lao and Sektor, with Sektor winning exchanges.


are you calling PL dumb?
Man stop shit stirring! Yes he is, though he probably wont admit it. I think PL is one of the greatest players ever, he's won 3 Evo's in a row and doesnt have to prove anything to anyone. I love his playstyle but on this occasion he is WRONG!

I know the guy has his fans and his haters, and im one of the fans, but wow, saying KL is not Top 10 is the bitterest lemons ive heard and he's just saying that cause he got sent home early.

And I thought only Justin Wong made excuses about losing.

Name 10 characters in this game better than Kung Lao. I bet no one can.


KL is unquestionably top 10 but like ive been saying since i can remember, he probably sits between 4 - 7 somewhere