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Official MK9 Community Matchup Chart

Shadow Zero Kyo

(VSM) Leader of the Tarkatans and I am Shazam
Really? Somecubanguy? no disrespect but I rather have jamessmk or bravo moe do it.Seriously I would love to mirror match him and show why it should be me but im sure thats never gonna happen unless he comes to nyc so please if anything bravo moe for baraka.


MK is kinda dope
Really? Somecubanguy? no disrespect but I rather have jamessmk or bravo moe do it.Seriously I would love to mirror match him and show why it should be me but im sure thats never gonna happen unless he comes to nyc so please if anything bravo moe for baraka.
List reasons as to why those players should, not why somebody else shouldn't. This isn't the republican national convention


Cock Master!!
List reasons as to why those players should, not why somebody else shouldn't. This isn't the republican national convention
Wish I could thank this post lol from my iPad :(

CSZ ~ piggy

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk


Im not gonna do everybody. Just some thoughts.

Reptile-THTB, Chris G,
Kung Lao- Classy Sasquatch, Perfect Legend.
Sektor- Sektroll, Swift Tom Hanks.
Subzero- Tom Brady should absolutely be the guy, but since hes being stubborn I guess Maxter and Shoryuken.
Kano - Funkdoc
Noob- Maxter, Hitoshura
Kitana- Crazy Dominican,16 bit,Konqrr
Liu Kang- ATL_Redd
Mileena- REO, Pig of the Hut
Kabal- Erik Warda,REO,Michaelangelo.
Cyrax- Maxter,Darth Arma.
Scorpion- Slips,Check
Nightwolf- Lordofthefly
Johnny Cage-REO,Riu48
Jax- CD.Jr, Tyrant
Shang Tsung- Detroitballn, Alex Valle
Sheeva- CD. Jr, Digimon
Quan Chi-REO
Cyber Subzero- REO, Pig of the hut
Rain- CD. Jr

Shadow Zero Kyo

(VSM) Leader of the Tarkatans and I am Shazam
Ok the reasons why Bravo moe should cause hes the only one I see posting combo videos and strategy videos for baraka and he posts more helpful information on the baraka forums then anyone I've seen. Hitoshura should do noob saibot cause he goes to almost all the tournaments and hes the best noob I've ever seen.


My blades will find your heart
Agreed^ Bravo moe would also be a good choice as many of his contributions are through practice mode and offline play. SomeCubanGuy would also be a fine choice imo.


Cyber Sub = UsedForGlue
Stryker = Vulcan Hades
Scorpion = Slips

I think the idea of limiting the elegible players only to the offline tournament players is real crap.


MK is kinda dope
I'm seriously getting so sick of online players whining. Guys, honestly, you KNOW offline is a different game. Things that are safe online are NOT safe offline. If you care so much about a matchup chart, create one for online. Nobody is stopping you. When people see matchup charts, yes, they are considered for tournaments. I, nor anybody that plays this game seriously at tournaments will ever take a sentence seriously that starts off w/ "I played (insert your favorite player here) online". What is so hard to grasp about this?

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
Being able to do combos does not make you an expert on anything besides coombos. Having battle exp with other high level players is what makes your opinion worth something. So Tony -T may be a cyrax combo expert, he is not THE cyrax expert.

What you don't understand is that most people that "think"t they know the game really don't. Lol. Online players typically fall into this category. Not always but most of the time.


Gentlemen, we are not going to continue this pointless debate. Nori stated clearly what the parameters of the thread would be and thats the way it is. As he said, if you want to make a thread for an online specific matchup chart, by all means do so. But the debate about allowing purely online players to participate in this thread ends here. From now on anyone posting in this thread solely to complain about this will recieve an infraction, NO EXCEPTIONS. Consider this your warning.


MK is kinda dope
Online only players, create your own matchup chart. I'm no longer entertaining discussions. If you want to PM me, fine. If you know a player who you feel is the BEST player to speak about knowledge of matchups, post it and post why. I and others have made it clear how the matchup chart will work. I am not getting paid for this, I'm doing this for the community. Being a moderator is extra work, doing this thread is extra work, and certainly, trying to sift this more GARBAGE (which I wanted to avoid) to find the good posts is equally annoying. This matchup thread chart is going to take a lot of work. Help me or get out of the way, I'm over this discussion


My blades will find your heart
Online only players, create your own matchup chart. I'm no longer entertaining discussions. If you want to PM me, fine. If you know a player who you feel is the BEST player to speak about knowledge of matchups, post it and post why. I and others have made it clear how the matchup chart will work. I am not getting paid for this, I'm doing this for the community. Being a moderator is extra work, doing this thread is extra work, and certainly, trying to sift this more GARBAGE (which I wanted to avoid) to find the good posts is equally annoying. This matchup thread chart is going to take a lot of work. Help me or get out of the way, I'm over this discussion

Im on this, this pointless debate has got to stop


Come On Die Young
Freddy - DarkNatas. He's the only offline player I know of who's actually trying to main him.


hes just the random person that opened this thread, why would he make the rules?
When someone, anyone starts a new thread, by nature of the fact they created the topic they dictate what the thread will be about. Posting in contradiction to that is considered going off topic. Continued off topic posting is considered derailing a thread, an infractable offense if warnings are not heeded.


MK is kinda dope
hes just the random person that opened this thread, why would he make the rules?
Sorry, I must have missed YOUR attempt to make a community matchup chart. Did you know I've PMed top players, about 20 of them, before CEO 2011 to start this? I then waited for this patch and now again am trying to get everybody together. I'm not some "random person" who created the thread, I'm doing this for the community but some people are not smart enough to see that. I also support my community every single week since 2002 and have ran tournaments for years.

AK L0rdoftheFLY

I hatelove this game
I love reo but I request you take him off of csz and let glue and pig handle that one. Reo does not have a top csz.

Please and thank u.


MK is kinda dope
I love reo but I request you take him off of csz and let glue and pig handle that one. Reo does not have a top csz.

Please and thank u.
I don't have him on there. Not saying he won't be or will be, right now that list I have on the 1st page is not 100%. I'm taking as many votes as possible and then going over the list one more time and then we'll go from there.


Looks like we're missing Freddy, Jade, and Raiden reps from the main list.

Freddy - Dark Natas seems to be the only offline Freddy player
Jade - I think Krayzie played her, maybe REO can do it as someone suggested before
Raiden - Nivek's got a pretty sick Raiden