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NRS Introduces Enhanced Online BETA For MKX; Sign-Ups Are Now Live


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
It's good to know that in my KiT-based absense, other regulators have risen to the call.

You have my blessing.
It's posts like this that make me feel good we are MKs smallest fan base.
Care to elaborate? I bought the game (I live in Italy, not many people play fighting games offline here...), the game claimed it had online but I refuse to call it such (at the beginning I thought it was just my shitty connection but I've tested it on MUCH better ones and it still is unplayable). Have I no right to be angry? Should I just be grateful because they are implementing a feature the game should have had 9 months ago??


Can of Corn Main
Care to elaborate? I bought the game (I live in Italy, not many people play fighting games offline here...), the game claimed it had online but I refuse to call it such (at the beginning I thought it was just my shitty connection but I've tested it on MUCH better ones and it still is unplayable). Have I no right to be angry? Should I just be grateful because they are implementing a feature the game should have had 9 months ago??
Those questions are loaded, in context.
You're stating a scenario in which both promote yours and distance itself from others.
You're saying that you are angry that the ggpo-esque netcode was not woven into the game yet. That, they knowingly put it to the side to get the game out.


bye felicia
Care to elaborate? I bought the game (I live in Italy, not many people play fighting games offline here...), the game claimed it had online but I refuse to call it such (at the beginning I thought it was just my shitty connection but I've tested it on MUCH better ones and it still is unplayable). Have I no right to be angry? Should I just be grateful because they are implementing a feature the game should have had 9 months ago??
Tragically, the butthurt are blind to reason. I never said the netplay wasn't an issue, i never said you have no right to be upset, I never said this wasn't overdue.

What I said was "we have proof nrs listens to their fans, now acknowledge it".


bye felicia
I think the fact that they successfully went through two ESL seasons proves that it wasn't broken and unplayable, just bad.
The major concern is not that MKX can't do good online matches, but that if your set up is anything less than optimal (which it isn't, in most territories outside the us) it cannot compensate. People with shit connections get "good" games all the time in other games. In MKX, they get a big fat dick in their mouth.
That's weird... I could of sworn that certain community members stated several times that it was not technically possible to change the netcode on an already produced game. That some people were very adamant about their programming knowledge and expertise on the subject. I had thought that they were misinformed uneducated statements, or perhaps just blatant lies in order to look "smart". Maybe I just imagined it, that couldn't of actually happened... or did it?
you are right and wrong, cause they said you can't fix the netcode itself for the game, thats why they are making a new engine for the beta, thats why only 4 are playable. its huge work for nrs, so probs to them <3


My pussy, my rules
Any word on a general time frame for when sign-ups will start?

Will it just be at midnight tonight (for a given timezone)? I must know.@__@
congrats to all the people that complained for a year and didnt give up! if it wasnt for our continuous stating of facts, they would probably never do this. CHEERS

fukk you to all the haters and braindeads that came up with stupid solutions such as get a better internet to find an offline scene. i think NRS gave a fukk you to you too with this video


Plus on block.
Getting hard just thinking about being able to consistently do my one bar 45-48% Jacqui combos with next to no lag that can fuck up her tight timing.