Can you pls give us a link to the stream?Good shit to Chris G for playing Green Arrow at Arturo's stream tonight..
Can you pls give us a link to the stream?Good shit to Chris G for playing Green Arrow at Arturo's stream tonight..
Please demonstrate where I disputed this.Chris G is an amazing player and is working with the limited character that is Green Arrow. He is on point with Green Arrows pseudo mixups and overall strategy. The only thing Chris G needs to improve is his corner damage. Chris G doesn;t go for Green Arrows hard hitting corner combos but other than that, he's playing on point.
If you really did play Green Arrow you'd know 111 or 113 is a rarely used string by green Arrow players. The reach on his standing 1 is terrible, and not only that, off of a ji2, the first hit whiffs 9 times out of 10. Either they fix his ji2 or his 111 113 because it is unusable for now unless done naked with out the jumpin, but good luck with that, the reach sucks. His best string is f2d13 and 223 for the untechable knockdown after bnb.
When I saw the video earlier I thought about GA, but what exactly changes? What is the difference between doing a meaty savage blast and doing a normal in to savage blast? It's not really an OS as many people who have commented on the video has pointed out. The only time the normal in to the special move won't come out is on backdashes, so what is the advantage of doing the normal in to the savage blast rather than just a meaty savage blast?Seapeople
You guys need to see this and help me test this.
Watch THIS.
This changes the ENTIRE meta of wakeups in some matchups and it may just make GA get some insane stuff.
In essence we can cancel on wakeups into stuff on whif now and that should be IMPOSSIBLE. This is called WCOS (whif cancel option select) I'm gonna try to get this front paged ASAP.
Get crackin' guys and spread this around.
Also if what I'm thinking is correct this means in matchups with folks with high low WCOS options folks will abandon wakeups and just backdash...except vs Green Arrow that may not work because I think we might be able to B2 WCOS into Stinger and slide would still chase them.
Lab time.
EDIT: Savage blast so safe![]()
Are there ways out of f2d13~Super on block or hit?
No because that is a true combo and not a reset. When the super hits it doesn't reset and scale the damage, it counts as a full combo. However, If he delays the super after the f2d13 string then a simple tech roll will avoid it or an invincible wakeup attack whatever you prefer.
I highly doubt that can be backdashed because of the blockstun. The only way I can think this could be countered is with your own super, but if you don't have the full meter, then I suppose it's pretty much guaranteed. I cant test it out since I have no once to fuzzy the string.
Some super will not make it out. CW and GA have supers dont make it out. Superman and black adam supers will. I didnt test everyone though.Your own super doesnt work for whatever reasons. Tested with CW only though.
Correct, not all supers can be used as a reversal.Some super will not make it out. CW and GA have supers dont make it out. Superman and black adam supers will. I didnt test everyone though.
Im still new to frame data, but down one is -2 on block so how can savage blast be a good follow up with a start up of 23What do you all think are the best ways to use d1~special as Green Arrow?
-D1~savage blast is nice because it punishes counterpokes & mb b3/f3 attempts, plus it's really safe. They can jump out of it but you still can't be punished.
-D1~slide could be extremely important in the corner since it's one of the only ways you can convert into big damage (d1~slide, d1~freeze). It can't be counterpoked, jumped, or even armored I don't think. The only thing that seems to interrupt it is a super but nobody's going to throw out a super like that.
-D1~arrow seems pretty good but the main problem is that it can be counterpoked. Even d1~air arrow can be counterpoked before you get off the ground. I think this is going to be most useful when you do a max range d1 because it puts you outside most opponents' poke range, so the arrow will punish their counterpoke attempts. F2d13 & 223 on block set up this distance perfectly![]()
For real? What'd it lose to with you that was different than before? I'm still abusing its hitbox.I remember jump 3 being so good in the early patch but I get the feeling that got nerfed and not listed. It loses air to air now. I replaced it with Jump 1 which appears to win air battles.
I am interested in the mid screen combo though@SimSimIV the corner one you gave me is very good. Thanks so much for it. Gave me ideas for two different combos that I didn't think worked.