I was in the process of making a video on Noob Saibot on whether or not he needs buffs and I stopped because I wasn't sure if it was worth my time, since I doubt anyone would take anyones 2 cents into consideration. It seems like those who believe Noob needs buffs refuse to acknowledge any other belief that conflicts with their own.
I was writing the script for it and in their I talk about the points those who want buffs are asking for and it dawned on me that with their suggestions for buffs plus how Noob is now would equate to Noob being MK9 Kabal tier, if not the close to it. It made me realize how absurd the idea of Noob receiving buffs is.
The buffs people have been suggesting are:
- More mixups
- Better Zoning
- Safer strings (He's safe on a lot already, so I guess they mean + advantage to make him more of an aggro character)
All those combined with great midrange gameplay, some of the best pokes in the game, 3 combo starters that start at 7,8 and 9 frames, and strings that advance him forward would make him stupid good.
I just think people don't realize what they're asking for. They don't realize the character isn't the reason why they're losing. It's them.
If anyone is curious about the video and would actually take the time to listen then maybe I'll de ide to finish it.