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Noob Combo Thread

I'm pretty sure i'm doing something wrong here because i cannot let the shadow charge hit the opponent and knock him in the black hole because it already dissapeared. And even if the shadow charge knocks the opponent in the black hole can you even do a combo afterward, isn't the recovery too long on the shadow charge?
The timing is very strict with the Shadow Charge, sometimes they won't land inside it. It could be character specific, however if they block it should be more reliable for them to land in the blackhole.

You can combo with jabs after the blackhole hits, I don't think you have time to do a NJ :bp though.

D. R.

Good shit on the blackhole resets! Just more stuff for people to have to think about at higher level play. I was messing with it too but used it more to catch people full screen after tackle, then they wake up block or eat tackle or EX blackhole. I may have to mess with this.
The timing is very strict with the Shadow Charge, sometimes they won't land inside it. It could be character specific, however if they block it should be more reliable for them to land in the blackhole.

You can combo with jabs after the blackhole hits, I don't think you have time to do a NJ :bp though.

I tested it out today, and you have time to do a Neutral Jump punch, allowing you to follow up with another combo. However, its HARD getting the Shadow Charge to come out at the right time to pin down the opponent into the portal! Its very strict timing. You'd have better luck having the opponent block it and getting pushed into it.
I tested it out today, and you have time to do a Neutral Jump punch, allowing you to follow up with another combo. However, its HARD getting the Shadow Charge to come out at the right time to pin down the opponent into the portal! Its very strict timing. You'd have better luck having the opponent block it and getting pushed into it.
To be fair, the more likely option is that the opponent will either jump or block. A mistimed jump is a win for you (unless they have an air teleport of some sort, which can be baited.) and a block is an even bigger win for you.
I don't know if anyone heard but Tom brady mentioned that Noob saibot will be buffed slightly, apparently you will be able to cancel into all versions of blackhole, seems like more options are going to open up mid screen.
Can't really go through the thread at the time but can someone post the midscreen BnBs? I'm sure there has been more since the guide.
:l+:fp:bp:fpxx:d:r:fp 11% + Disabler
After Blackhole:
NJ :fp or :bp > dash :fp:bp > dash :fp:bpxx:d:r:fk 27% (28% pre-patch)
NJ :fp or :bp > dash :fk > dash :fp:bpxx:d:r:fk 27% (Less than 1% lower damage, but slightly easier IMO)

Midscreen Meter
:l+:fp:bp:fpxx:en:d:l:fk > :d:u 25% (28% with :en:d:u)
:l+:bp:fpxx:en:d:l:fk > :d:r:fk 21% (4% less than the last combo, but a faster overhead.)
After Blackhole:
NJ :fp or :bp > dash :fp:bp > dash :fp:bpxx:en:d:l:fk > :d:u 34% (36% with :en:d:u)
NJ :fp or :bp > dash :fk > dash :fp:bpxx:en:d:l:fk > :d:u 33% (36% with :en:d:u)

:bp:fp:bpxx:d:l:fk > :fp:bp > [:fp:bpxx:d:l:fk]x3 > cr.:fpxx:d:r:fk 41%

D. R.

Got a couple new combo starters...

In the corner unfortunately. I'll show them off later in a video and upload them here. Unless someone else finds them before I post them, stay tuned. :D


I feel Noob really has to make the most of every situation, because landing a corner combo every match is just not happening, so instead i'll take the scraps i can get:

-Air-to-air :fp/:bp>:d:u.
-Air-to-air :fp/:bp>:d:r:fk
-NJ.:fp/:bp>dash:fp:bp~:fp:bp xx :d:r:fk or >dash:fp:bp~:fp:bp xx :en:d:l:fk>:d:u/:d:r:fk
-Blocking a teleport(they start spinning, have to wait till the end) :fp:bp~:fp:bp xx :d:r:fk or :fp:bp~:fp:bp xx :en:d:l:fk>:d:u/:d:r:fk

I saw in the other thread a few matches of Noob players(Tomahawk and Alioune) doing this after Anti-air with the :d:l:fk or Air punch, they dash>:d:bk xx :d:r:fk, haven't seen this before so i don't know if it's common knowledge. Anyway, don't know if this is truly helpfull, but i just thought i throw it out there, maybe there are more of these situation specific "combo's", i don't know.

Edit: After again an Air to Air Punch you can actually also do a dash>:fp:bpxx:d:r:fk or into :en:d:l:fk>:d:u/:d:r:fk. So capitalize those.


i see all the time guys complaining about noob beaing bad on midscreen combos!but you all havent understand why noob has these combos!if you noticed all noobs combos throw away your opponent!so if you connect your tele slam on the end of your combos most of the time you will end up with your opponent in your cornen and then its propably GG!his combo that starts with b1 its very tricky because the range of this move is unbelievable !try it!you will see!


Good position after a combo is not an excuse for a pathetic midscreen dmg... Ermac throws an opp at fullscreen off his ForcePush enders and his midscreens are twice as powerfull as Noob's. To be honest Noob has worst punishing combos in the whole roster. Im perfectly aware that he is not about damaging combos, but 30% midsceen for punishing teleports would be awesome.
Here is an Easy 1 meter - 12 hits - 45% corner combo

:bp :fp :bp :enUpknee :fk :fk :fp :bp Upknee :fp :bp Shadow Charge

and a meterless 14 hits - 35% - corner combo

:l:bp :fp :fk upknee :bp :fp: :bp upknee :fp :bp shadow charge

I found that his :fk (by itself) after an exupknee or blackhole in the corner is a great move to keep the opponent popped up and gives you alot of time to hit them afterwords (great for online)



For the 1 meter combo on the corner I use the following:

15 hits and 50% of damage!

(In corner) Jump in :fp , :bp :fp :bp xx :en :d :l :fk, Jump in :fk , :fp :bp xx :d :l :fk , :fp :bp xx :d :l :fk, :fp :bp xx :d :r :fk .

Wthout the jump in punch it does 47% dmg. The begining of this combo was based on a 65% combo posted by DR in this thread. Props go to him for the discover.

And the prefered meterless corner combo is this:

14 hits and 41 dmg!

(In corner) Jump in :fp , :bp :fp :bp xx :d :l :fk, :fp :bp xx :d :l :fk , :fp :bp xx :d :l :fk, :fp :bp xx :d :r :fk .

Without the Jump in punch, it does 37% of dmg.

@ Trini_Bwoi : Does this Black Holes combos work for you against real oponents ?? Cause the first one has a really good damage, but I found that those Black Holes are too easy to dodge and very slow. Usually, I foud myself never using them against real oponents due to those factors.


Was trying to connect disabler without using any meter after every starter Noob has so i got:

:fpxx:d:l:fk/:r:fkxx:d:l:fk/:r:fk:fkxx:d:l:fk/:l:bp:fpxx:d:l:fk/:l:fpxx:d:l:fk,:l:fp:bpxx:d:l:fk, :d:fpxx:d:l:fk, :fp:bpxx:d:l:fk, :l:fp:bp:fp:bkxx:d:r:fp

:bp:fp:bpxx:d:l:fk/:l:fp:bp:fpxx:d:l:fk/:l:bp:fp:bkxx:d:l:fk/:r:bk:fkxx:d:l:fk, :fp:bpxx:d:l:fk, :l:fp:bp:fp:bkxx:d:r:fp

jump in :bk, :d:fpxx:d:l:fk, :fp:bpxx:d:r:fp
(blackhole)NJ.:fp, :bk, :bk, :l:fp:bp:fp:bkxx:d:r:fp

D. R.


More to come!

And Trini_Bowi, I swear on my life I've never seen your combo til right when I posted this. Good shit nonetheless! Great minds think alike. We even both set Smoke as the opponent! Lol


Nice videos!

Anyway i'm not sure how usefull this is but i'll just throw it out there.
When doing one of his strings that can cancel into a black hole, his b.1,2,1,4 or 2,1,2 string for example, if you are fast enough you can do a teleport after you throw the blackhole, this will cautch people neutral jumping and maybe(?) on some occasions that jump back or forward. If it is somehow blocked they get caught in the black hole. Best thing is you can still do a NJ:fp/:bp into whatever combo after you teleported.

Edit:Forget the teleport after the blackhole, it doesn't really help when someone is rolling back or doing a wakeup attack and catching someone on a neutral jump is pretty iffy, sometimes it misses, sometimes it catches.