doomsday does not lose only 4 6
raven loses to nightwing unless she enters demon mode and you can punish that attempt if youre not fullscreen
joker loses 3 7
ares loses 4 6, how the hell is a matchup where you outzone the zoner even? you easily d1 his teleport and can frametrap him to hell when he gets close + when hes fullscreen since you have a faster projectile
Sinestro is dead even, fullscreen sinestro wins but nightwing can take him on midscreen and close up.
Just lol at losing to hawkgirl 8 2 and GL 7 3
WW is 6 4 in her favour, you havent really played a wonderwoman until youve played foxy
so much NW downplaying
You are the biggest Nightwing Up player I have ever seen.
Dude, I play nightwing and you play Doomsday. You are not even playing the game since the last fucking patch. Nightwings d1 got adjusted.
Hawkgirl fucking rapes Nightwing dude. Tell you what, find runwaymafia, pick Nightwing and try to play him. You can barely touch her. It's AWFUL.
After playing THTB yesterday I am upgrading the GL matchup to 4-6. Sinestro pushes you full screen everytime he touches you dude. Ever trying getting in on him in staff stance? Good luck with his trait out. It's tricky, but even I admitted it could be 5-5.
I have played foxy. I have beaten foxy. Foxy was the first Wonder Woman player that showed me how fucking good wonder woman was. I play a wonder woman more regularly now, and while they are not in fact foxy, they are also on my continent.
Ares needs one projectile on the screen to outzone NIghtwing dude. Just one. Also, Ex godsmack can fuck over staff stance pretty god damn quickly.
Jokers jump attacks give Nightwing a really hard time. A harder time than you think.
Like, I don't get it go around saying nightwing is like fucking top 5. I go and tell you why he isn't and his problems and you just stick your fingers in your ears.
His pounds are NOT good zoning tools. You just have no idea how to get around them. Hit the lab, learn the matchups and then start talking to me about his numbers. You are a good player, but you are not the be all end all authority, especially not with Nightwing. I get it, you hate him because he beats doomsday, but jesus christ dude, I don't go in to Supermans matchup threads and say he wins everything 9-1 or 10-0.
You theory fight, and I fight the matchups.