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General/Other - Grandmaster New patch removes Some of SZ corner combo & trapping options


That's about right.
If Sub took one tiny minute step back before each of those moves, no she couldn't. #Ilabbed.
On b2 they have to be standing directly behind the clone. If they stand behind the clone and attempt a b33 the first hit whiffs and can be blown up by a EX Ball Roll. If they connect both hits a regular Ball Roll punishes, but I guess none of this matters since things have changed. While it was tough for Mileena I think she had it easier than some other characters. Especially since she can roll under mids.


It seems like all you guys arguing over why they changed what they did are forgetting the fact the competitive scene is still a very small minority of the people who bought this game.

In-game balance is meant to create balance between both the lowest level of play and the highest level of play. I personally didn't think that it was bad, but understand that you can't yell, "stop crying and level up," to anyone outside of the competitive scene without them laughing and putting the controller down.

It's a game. To us it's a hobby, to most buying it, it's simply the next game in a very long line of games they plan on buying, and to NRS it's a business, and it's their job to make sure the people who are just buying it because it was the next big game, continue to play it long enough for them to shove DLC down their throats.

When a character has a tool that is as good as Ice Klone that they activate by pressing three buttons, it's hard to balance it between all levels of play, and I bet Subzero is still the best character at the lowest level of play because of it and his other tools: 50/50's, a slide, a projectile that wins all trades, etc.

Just be happy that they are actually interested in what the competitive community has to say and take comfort in the fact there is a discussion at all because I have seen entire franchises of competitive titles fade away due to balancing toward the casual player, because, again, at the end of the day, the competitive communities for games may be the loyal following, but they don't bring a fraction of the revenue to the table.
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Bingo! This right here is what people can't seem to comprehend. If everyone had a meterless option to escape klone pressure then you would never have to fear anything from SZ and klone pressure would be terrible/nonexistent.
This is exactly the case with the clone post nerfs, u can escape it for free and pretty much ignore it with little to no effort

The cool down nerf is reasonable but disappearing on block is just fucking dumb


Where is crossplay?
I feel like if you get somebody in the corner, you deserve the rewards. I was a Johnny Cage main, hated fighting sub, but it's beyond silly he was nerfed. People in todays generation REFUSE to adapt to situations, instead they ask for nerfs and buffs. EVERY char in this game has dirt. Every char has retarded corner combos.

Some chars are better than others, but there were BETTER chars than SZ that didn't get nerfed as bad. Quan Chi/Raiden/Jax/Sonya/Cassie were IMO better than SZ and barely got touched (as a Raiden player, if you think it was his damage that makes him top tier, then LOL).

Again, I hate SZ, hate fighting him, but there was NOTHING broken about him that needed to be patched/nerfed/fixed


Oh sorry I forgot superman punch is unblockable! Thank you so much! So as long as I have meter, I don't have to spend most of the round in the corner! How did I miss that?
Much of SZ playing style is pure based on corner pressure, man. You wanted to all characters in the game get out of corner pressure for free? Fuck, why I even wasting my time replying...


The Longbow Hunter.
For 36% damage. I'm just going to quote Tom on this:

"If you didnt have to spend a bar, the situation would be useless and SZ would be bottom. This idea that you are entitled to get out of the characters main strength for free is ridiculous. And SZ dies not beat Raiden by running away. If this is what's beating you the the issue isn't with SZ, its with you knowing what to do."
Don't feed the trolls.


My blades will find your heart
Maybe that's because people "cry" about things the developers themselves also realized are ridiculous.

If you realized something was dumb, the game developers probably already knew as well and were just waiting for their opportunity to correct it or watching to see how it would play out.
Can we not recognize the fact that Jacquis guns weren't nerfed, and that they were bar none the most complained about move in MKX?

Can we stop this narrative yet?

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
So far, the most annoying thing about the nerf is that it forces you to use meter in combos where you didn't have to before. That's dumb. As for the block thing and the cooldown in footsies, he's still a top tier character. Those things didn't hurt his core design.


Beso de Muerte + Fantasía Oscura
The "its just business" excuse is silly. Casual players that picked up MK so they could play Subzero or Scorpion while they wait for the next game release to come out don't give a flying f**k about cool down time or what plus or negative. They could have left the game alone and the casual would have never tweeted or email about a clone trap or 45% meterless combos. NRS patch had to do with the Competitive scene and the feed back receive from the community. So people complained about GM/SZ and KJ/BOW so that shit got hit. The cool down really sucks and was a bit unwarned. the Clone disappearing on block is just dumb. In some ways im more mad about that than the cool down. SZ is defiantly hurt by this. No mater how you try and re cope the damage fact is SZ players got shafted. Ive noticed the changes that came out in the patch made it so you have to spend meter to get what they took away. Raiden, jin and SZ matches just got more expensive meter wise. Also only the complained about variations got touched. Other variation that could have used some additions/subtractions got jack. I just hope this isn't a patten.
One of the best D4s in the game, good d3, long reaching anti-airing overhead with b2, b12 and f42 great whiff punishing mids that are safe, double low into full combos with b33, 6 frame stand 1
His D4 is pretty average, D3 I agree, B2 is slow and easy to read, B12 and F42 are not safe, and B33 takes meter to combo outside of the corner and is a very low damaging combo
Sorry but no I do not completely ass fuck SZ with an armored escape. I can get out, provided I have meter and haven't used it on a breaker trying to gtfo of Alcatraz.

I shouldn't have to hope and pray I have a meter to get out. Also if he has half a brain and keeps an eye on my meter, a competent player won't endlessly try and combo me. He will bait my wake up and full punish me and I'm right back where I started.
So maybe try not mindlessly waking up whenever u have meter?