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Your tech is awesome and I respect that grind. I only push back on that characterization of Brady's work. Absolutely YouTube titles, thumbnails etc are meant to be yellow journalism. Those titles and headlines are slanted a certain way because of audience behavior. But his editorial is good. Often it's in reference to tangibles like game play, tournament attendance, viewership, frame data, etc. Until three months ago he was sharing tech as well. But apples and oranges. And with all due respect, many personality streamers used to do tech. Even Aris (avoiding the puddle) has OLD Tekken tech videos. But I listen to Aris mainly to hear the gripes, the anecdotes and the holistic opinions that can only be forged from years of participation in the scene. Doing tech vids is awesome though and I salute you.
You aren't wrong about Brady - I watch his videos the moment they come out and have been doing so since the MKX era. But as of late, with the exception of his very latest video, he's been overwhelmingly negative. And it's not as though he's just giving constructive criticism - it's things like "the game is dead", "NRS is incompetent" and other non-helpful diatribes. The way he makes it sound, this game has absolutely nothing good about it and even as a fan of his, I can see that simply isn't true. Furthermore, his audience has been increasingly made up of people that cannot stand the game rather than people that like the game and want to learn tech.

If MK1 really is dying, he isn't helping and neither are the people that constantly exhort negativity about the game, whether it's deserved or not. By this point, virtually everyone is well-aware of MK1's numerous issues, so there's no need for anyone to rub them in. At this point, we need to support the game while urging NRS to fix the game's issues - tearing our game down doesn't help us achieve this.
You aren't wrong about Brady - I watch his videos the moment they come out and have been doing so since the MKX era….Furthermore, his audience has been increasingly made up of people that cannot stand the game rather than people that like the game and want to learn tech.
Hey I commend your passion and I hope your audience continues to grow. I appreciate your attitude. It is worth pointing out that the swathe of people who will click on a negative MK video were created by NRS/WBDiscovery, Brady is just among the more visible and credible critics who capitalized on it. Oddly enough after watching his videos I feel like playing some MK, I think his love for the franchise remains present even when he’s emotional


Genuine, passionate criticism almost invariably comes from a place of actual love for something.
That's why I feel disappointed with him. It's obvious he truly cares and he's very knowledgeable. BUT, his latest content has not been constructive at all. Three months into the game he started calling the game dead, and from that point on there was nothing constructive going on. It's extreme hyperbole that doesn't help him, the game or anyone else.

Unlike Brady, Hollow and his fanbase have nothing to offer other than clout and garbage opinions. Trash.


Latest Brady video is all constructive criticism, without being overly whiny. Though poor cat sounds depressed AF.

I loved his Sektor suggestions. I've said it before, Brady does offer some pretty good suggestions.

What does Hollow, your MK representative has to propose about making the game better? Clashing projectiles and a run button you say? :coffee:


For real. Truly unhinged behavior. Mike Hollow has had good chats with Brady about various parts of MK1 and how it could be improved. They didn't agree on everything but both shared ideas and even built on quite a few.

Also we all know MK doesn't have clashing projectiles because Boon didn't know how to code that in the first MK.


In Zoning We Trust
Tekken was never a difficult game. It was never scrubby either. All the difficulty is completely artificial because it's just a knowledge check because there are so many characters. The game itself, fundamentally is quite simple and in no way more complicated than MK or SF.
Not sure if serious lol. Tekken is monumentally more difficult than MK or SF. Not every character is Lee-Level execution sure (yet even that is more execution heavy than anything in MK1), but the 3D aspects, required knowledge checks, awareness of when to do what setups due to stage positioning/wall carry variation/stage hazard variation/etc, etc etc is so much more deep than SF and MK combined. That's the difficulty. Being able to do combos with Dragonuv or grabs with King doesn't mean it's not difficult to play lol.


Not sure if serious lol.
I was serious. Other than the required knowledge checks, everything else is relatively simple. Nothing complicated at all. Tekken was never a complicated fighting game. Except maybe TTT2.

The reason it got this relatively new portrayal as a complicated game is because it's essentially the same game as T6, so people that want to compete are met with some dudes playing the same character, the exact same way for like 15 years. That's artificial difficulty. Even SF has more variety between installments and it's still a legacy fighting game. I'm surprised people are caught up in this elitist BS in MK forums.


In Zoning We Trust
I was serious. Other than the required knowledge checks, everything else is relatively simple. Nothing complicated at all. Tekken was never a complicated fighting game. Except maybe TTT2.

The reason it got this relatively new portrayal as a complicated game is because it's essentially the same game as T6, so people that want to compete are met with some dudes playing the same character, the exact same way for like 15 years. That's artificial difficulty. Even SF has more variety between installments and it's still a legacy fighting game. I'm surprised people are caught up in this elitist BS in MK forums.
This doesn't even make sense lol. T8 is the easiest Tekken game to get into and it's still exceedingly difficult to play it at a high level. Just the neutral movement and whiff punishing alone without any legacy "knowledge checking" is more difficult to do effectively in real matches than anything in MK1. Optimal Lee, Mishima, Nina types of characters are harder execution requirements than any combos in MK (I.e. you'll take weeks learning Lee's 10F punish let alone his optimal combos potentially months to hit consistently whereas I can learn any MK optimal within an hour at most). Stage positioning is exceedingly more difficult than any stage-to-wall positioning in MK, light-years different actually. All of those comments (and many more but don't wanna drag) are harder than anything in MK1. I'm not sure how this is even debatable. MK is one of the easiest FGs to pick up and play and get good. You can swap characters at a whim in MK and be good with them in a couple of days. Just because we're on an MK forum doesn't mean we have to pretend it's as difficult as Tekken or KOF levels of play.


I'm not sure how this is even debatable.
Uhm, ok. I know people are taking pride for how "hard" is to play Tekken these days. If you feel it's hard and you're accomplishing stuff, good for you. I'm fully aware what I'm saying is shattering some peoples world view on the difficulty of Tekken, but hey. It is what it is.

Back in the day, VF fans where saying exactly the same things for Tekken. EZ game, EZ life compared to VF, etc. Those guys where the elitist pricks back then. Nowadays it's the Tekken fans. Unbearable kunts.


Tekken 8 is fuckin ez bro. It's never been more easier than now.
Tekken players nowadays acting like they're solving quadratic equations while playing the game. Like, chill dude. It's the same people who call MK a party game btw. To which I tend to say if MK is a party game, then Tekken is a full-time job :coffee:


In Zoning We Trust
Uhm, ok. I know people are taking pride for how "hard" is to play Tekken these days. If you feel it's hard and you're accomplishing stuff, good for you. I'm fully aware what I'm saying is shattering some peoples world view on the difficulty of Tekken, but hey. It is what it is.

Back in the day, VF fans where saying exactly the same things for Tekken. EZ game, EZ life compared to VF, etc. Those guys where the elitist pricks back then. Nowadays it's the Tekken fans. Unbearable kunts.
I mean Virtua Fighter is also a very difficult game. VF4 and VF5 is even more difficult than Tekken lol, Akira might be the hardest Top Tier character to play of all time, so not sure what the point was there.

Have you ever played more than a few hours of Tekken? If so, what is more difficult in MK than Tekken. I can give you examples in Tekken. Movement, execution, stage awareness, are all both more important and more difficult (in some cases much more) in Tekken. I can explain why if needed. What in MK is more difficult? Do you have examples?


Have you ever played more than a few hours of Tekken?
Only since the original launched.
If so, what is more difficult in MK than Tekken.
lol It doesn't matter if Tekken has slightly higher execution, or more directional planes and whatnot. Tekken, has in fact a slightly higher entry than MK. Both are easy though. Both are easy to play but difficult to master.

You want to play a hard fighting game? Go play SF4. That game demands high execution to play competitively.


In Zoning We Trust
Only since the original launched.

lol It doesn't matter if Tekken has slightly higher execution, or more directional planes and whatnot. Tekken, has in fact a slightly higher entry than MK. Both are easy though. Both are easy to play but difficult to master.

You want to play a hard fighting game? Go play SF4. That game demands high execution to play competitively.
I'll take that as you don't have a single example. Yea, my point.

SF4 was also a hard game. I love KOF but it's really hard. GGST on the other hand is very easy, easier than MK hands down. There's nothing wrong with MK being an easy to play game or more accessible right away than most fighting games. That is intentional by design and doesn't make it more or less fun. Every game is different and aims for different things.


I'll take that as you don't have a single example. Yea, my point.
I didn't bother giving one because I consider both of them easy. Blocking is harder in MK than Tekken, and possibly neutral. In Tekken everything launches and it's easy 60%. Maybe that's different nowadays but whatever.

SF4 is a hard fighting game, Tekken isn't.


In Zoning We Trust
I didn't bother giving one because I consider both of them easy. Blocking is harder in MK than Tekken, and possibly neutral. In Tekken everything launches and it's easy 60%. Maybe that's different nowadays but whatever.

SF4 is a hard fighting game, Tekken isn't.
Blocking is harder? There's literally a block button LOL. Bruh... I'll have to agree to disagree.


Blocking is harder? There's literally a block button LOL. Bruh... I'll have to agree to disagree.
Precisely. You have to use it wisely and it's an integral part of your movement. In Tekken, you can negate blocking altogether just by wave dashing. It's not super easy to do, but it's there. You also don't really need to press anything to block. In MK we have dash blocking, it's easier than wave dashing but much more balanced.

Actually, blocking in Tekken is completely braindead easy.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Rifraf wore out his block button (he's free to jump ins btw), much like he wore out the space bar on his keyboard going in on unhinged Hollow rants.

MK is easy af, so idk who you're playing Tekken with? You know the arcade quest tournaments are AI operated right? Stay grounded my brutha, and give The Ghost of Harada that salty run back.
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I remember no one liked T6's seemingly infinite combos back in the day and MK9 had just released. The gameplay was super dynamic with combo breakers and Harada was considering introducing them with an addition of a meter in Tekken :laughing: