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Can you cite specifics comments that you find "unhinged?" Waxing nostalgic for MKX isn't unhinged, even in the sense of a gaming review.
It is unhinged, at least in my opinion. Wanting to completely redo an entirely different game into an entirely different one, is insane. He doesn't really offer any constructive advise towards making MK1 better, he just wants to completely change it. Love him or hate him, even MKTomBrady has voiced some pretty good feedback and suggestions towards making MK1 a better MK1.

The fact that guy Hollow is soft spoken, doesn't change the context of his content. There's one thing to holistically not like a game like him and wanting a completely different game in the future, which is totally fine. But there's another thing completely to advocate to fundamentally change a product that already launched and many people love. This has nothing to do with bugs, desyncs, content, online, etc. It's about wanting to change the inner workings of the game to fit your own needs, to which the only thing I have to say to anyone supporting this to kindly fuck off.


RIP Akira Toriyama
I don't often agree with Brady but he has a few good points in his criticism. Same with Mike Hollow. This game should be criticized on the many issues it has, if anything, more so by top players and content creators with influence and followers.

Calling on NRS to blacklist them and whatnot is shilling at its finest and quite sad.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
It is unhinged, at least in my opinion. Wanting to completely redo an entirely different game into an entirely different one, is insane. He doesn't really offer any constructive advise towards making MK1 better, he just wants to completely change it. Love him or hate him, even MKTomBrady has voiced some pretty good feedback and suggestions towards making MK1 a better MK1.
Think this was taken out of context. Hollow wants an MKX game with projectile clashing. I don't think he said or even thinks NRS is capable of implementing MKX mechanics in MK1. They can't even fix the most rudimentary issues plaguing it, so such fantasies would be far fetched.

At the root of NRS's issues that I whole heartedly agree with, is the lack of legacy. I can't play MK9 right now because these dipshits lost the rights to Freddy. This wouldn't be an issue if they built up on previous games as opposed to scrapping them and reinventing the wheel each time.

Next game needs to have a cemented identity on how this franchise plays out for years to come. The blueprint is already there with MK9/X,. Build on that blueprint. They can salvage MK1's blueprint as a layout for Injustice3. At its surface level this game can be fun. It just lacks depth and is loaded with QOL issues and inattentivemess.
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Think this was taken out of context. Hollow wants an MKX game with projectile clashing. I don't think he said or even thinks NRS is capable of implementing MKX mechanics in MK1.
I don't think I took anything out of context. I'm not talking about 1 specific video he made, but in general. This guy openly stated he doesn't like MK1 the game itself. Which would be totally fine if he wasn't a hypocrite. Why, you may ask? Because he's using all the objective criticism all of us have been saying from the beginning as a "vessel" to crap on everything HE doesn't like. For example, he'll say that the game has lots of bugs which is objectively true and then proceed to insert his opinion as why the game is not fun, aka it's not MKX. That's hypocritical and slimy.

There's a reason he has a following though. I guess those people just don't like MK1 and would prefer NRS to completely drop support on it. I do believe these people would be genuinely happy with this. If that's your prerogative, good for you. But in the end of the day, I enjoy the game and unless you have something constructive to say about it I don't see any reason hanging around anything MK1 related. At least I wouldn't. In fact, I didn't for both MKX and MK11.
Namco should blacklist Arslan Ash from any future opportunities:
Yeah basically every fighting game “scene” or community imaginable (strive for guilty gear, soul calibur 6 for that scene, sfv for that scene, etc etc) has gone through a polarizing entry because of bugs, simplified gameplay, bad netcode and more. MK1 has been criticized for all 3! You can sometimes get away with bugs if your gameplay is amazing (mk9) or you can simplify your game like guilty gear strive but people won’t mind if the netcode is so smooth. But when you’re a major fighting game dev you can’t drop most of the balls.
And things change when there’s public discourse, no matter how grumpy the messenger is.
Additionally, It sucked to see Sajam get blacklisted from Capcom for pointing out their at the time bad netcode but then being vindicated today many years later. Anything approaching that situation (and that’s what this kind of looks like it’s doing) is bad. It creates a chilling effect around criticism.
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I like Tekken 8
Yeah basically every fighting game “scene” or community imaginable (strive for guilty gear, soul calibur 6 for that scene, sfv for that scene, etc etc) has gone through a polarizing entry because of bugs, simplified gameplay, bad netcode and more. MK1 has been criticized for all 3! You can sometimes get away with bugs if your gameplay is amazing (mk9) or you can simplify your game like guilty gear strive but people won’t mind if the netcode is so smooth. But when you’re a major fighting game dev you can’t drop most of the balls.
And things change when there’s public discourse, no matter how grumpy the messenger is.
Additionally, It sucked to see Sajam get blacklisted from Capcom for going hard on their inferior product but then being vindicated today many years later. Anything approaching that situation (and that’s what this kind of looks like it’s doing) is bad. It creates a chilling effect around criticism.
Yes. People don’t get that there’s so much criticism, because there is SO much wrong with the game. It’s also because they dropped sub par games back to back (of course this is subjective).

People that keep comparing MK1 to SFV forget that Capcom dropped Street Fighter 4 before it. One of the most iconic fighting games ever. Which is what earned them good grace. NRS dropped MK11 before MK1…


I think there is a disconnect between the source of the complaints, Pig's twitter post and this topic of silencing criticism.

The main source of the complaints are coming from Brady, Fate, and people that associate with them. And, their complaints are parroted copy/paste shit everyone already knows about, but they continue to scream into the void repeatedly and make clickbait thumbnails because negativity and outrage farms views and engagement. Its obnoxious behavior. On top of Brady and Fate being actually proven pieces of shit.

Pig's post in short is hoping that those select few people are being "tracked" so that they don't slip through the cracks and get future benefits from NRS (early access, testing, presenting, sponsored content etc)

Nobody is suggesting that people can't voice their complaints like normal human beings.


The goalposts have moved so far it's crazy.

To follow along...

1. If you spend $110 on a game and the game is bad and objectively broken in many ways, just shut up and stop criticizing it because you're just trend-chasing negativity. Do something productive like OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS CRAZY EASTER EGG IN THE BACKGROUND OF MK1 RED CIRCLE AROUND OBJECT NOT MENTIONED IN VIDEO?!?! because obviously this is not chasing any trends and is very positive & meaningful content.

2. If you just say something is bad and don't go into detail about stuff you might like in the game to improve it, that is bad because you are not being constructive and offering meaningful feedback.

3. If you go into detail about stuff you might like in the game to improve it, this is not being constructive, it is being UNHINGED because you are trying to fundamentally change the game. This is especially true if you ask for the game to include elements from previous entries in the very same series. People suggesting to potentially include components in a sequel that were in the previous game should be medicated immediately and institutionalized for being obviously insane individuals who have lost touch with reality.

4. If you point out someone is saying nonsense about someone, you are going to great lengths to defend a person and this is SERIOUSLY CURIOUS BEHAVIOR, YOU GUYS. For real, let's stop everything to interrogate that right now because it's suspicious!

I guess those people just don't like MK1 and would prefer NRS to completely drop support on it.
So what you're saying is that you fundamentally don't even slightly understand what people have been asking for and are actually so off-base that you're 180 degrees off? Me saying this to you should be a genuine moment of self-reflection regarding just how wrong you are about what people want. For real. It doesn't even make sense. "Wait so the people that are saying things need to improve in MK1 want NRS to stop supporting it?" Yes. Yes that's what they want. You cracked the code. They want their money utterly wasted by leaving the product in a state they dislike. This is precisely what people that complained about SF5 at launch wanted and they were deeply pissed off when Capcom went on to vastly improve the game over update after update. Correct. You cracked the code. You did it.


or you can simplify your game
This is a criticism I find hilarious because most of the times it comes from MKX fans. And that game was the scrubbiest, most shallow one of them all.
don't even slightly understand what people have been asking for
I'm talking about Hollow and his fanbase, specifically. Yes, those people want nothing to do MK1.

And to be even more specific, I don't want run buttons in my game. I don't want armoured launchers, 50/50s, EZ vortexes, anime game assists, crazy fast gameplay in MK1. If you want those in MK1, too bad. That's not the game for you and I hope none of this crap goes into the game.
Brady and Hollow definitely found a niche and Brady definitely is passionate but after watching many of Brady’s videos his criticisms seem fact based like how he brings up entrant numbers or bugs with the game. That player 1 round start advantage bug didn’t get fixed until a high profile event so I don’t really think it’s productive to ominously talk about adding critical voices to a list lol


And to be even more specific, I don't want run buttons in my game. I don't want armoured launchers, 50/50s, EZ vortexes, anime game assists, crazy fast gameplay in MK1. If you want those in MK1, too bad. That's not the game for you and I hope none of this crap goes into the game.
Dude, chill out. Your criticism towards MKX sounds absolutely unhinged. We get it, you don't like the game. Move on, you obvious lunatic.


What can I say? I do have a passion in crapping on that game :laughing:
Make some videos breaking down the issues with it. If you're likeable and chill I'd likely listen to them all even though I'm a fan of the game because I like hearing people break things down and review them. Hell, if NRS kept screwing stuff up with it I'd keep listening to stay abreast of those situations. I certainly wouldn't pitch a fit and demand you stop speaking your mind and suggest you're unhinged for having opinions. That would be weird.

And I definitely wouldn't shove NRS' boot laces-deep in my throat to suggest you should be blacklisted by them (I know you never suggested this and spoke against it).
Make some videos breaking down the issues with it. If you're likeable and chill I'd likely listen to them all even though I'm a fan of the game because I like hearing people break things down and review them. Hell, if NRS kept screwing stuff up with it I'd keep listening to stay abreast of those situations. I certainly wouldn't pitch a fit and demand you stop speaking your mind and suggest you're unhinged for having opinions. That would be weird
Yeah honestly these tom Brady videos are kind of entertaining because he’s well versed in the subject matter and has that arcade rat charm. Just speaking as a new fan. It’s a vibe to hear former pros do game analysis. It’s nothing deeper than that. He’s emotional but he also plays a character and it’s entertaining he doesn’t cross the lines I believe some are insinuating he does (angry game nerd territory at most).
Sorry for all the edits but he seems like a net positive force. A grumpy one maybe
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This is a criticism I find hilarious because most of the times it comes from MKX fans. And that game was the scrubbiest, most shallow one of them all.
don’t know who you speak to but the last MK game that I bought before mk1 was mktrilogy on the n64. I got mkx on psplus as a monthly game and enjoyed it! I dabbled in mk11. MK is shallow as a design philosophy. The block button or the dial a combo system or the slow pace relative to Japanese games are there to make the game more forgiving. But they nerfed character kits on top of that in mk1.
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Yes, the real MK pill to swallow is that the game has basically always played not-good and that its appeal is its characters, setting and style.
Yeah it’s fine also for it to be a simpler game series. MK1 is close enough to being decent compared to mk11 I guess but it’s not much of a selling point given we’ve been stuck in a rotational kameo meta where they keep nerfing their availability. It doesn’t feel like a good direction but I’m no dev. Maximillian says NRS is known for lowering the character power of their games as the life span goes on so that’s what I’m dreading.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
This is exactly the stuff MikeHollow talks about and you threw him under the bus specifically by name. He's also said stuff that's good about the game and has offered constructive criticism about the game along with direct suggestions for what might improve things.

So people are allowed to voice criticisms until you arbitrarily decide it's too much and that they need to move on? Grow up and ignore it. It isn't hard. Stop getting ass-blasted and defensive over a bad product. Cuz that's all it is...a shitty product people paid a lot of money for.

Yeah how dare someone make videos that people have interest in right? God forbid. Maybe stop making 45 posts of the same thing whining that you don't like people criticizing the game? Wait I'm sure that's somehow different...

MikeHollow made vids, he got some traction with them and has been also branching out into other stuff as he finds his groove in making vids. The market spoke and said "We'd like to watch videos taking NRS to task for their garbage product". Simple as. The fuck is the harm in that to cause you to swoop in and take the biggest fucking lick I've seen in a long time of NRS corporate boot to say they should be blacklisting people? Holy shit no wonder video game journalism is in the state it's in when one of the worst releases of the year (the worst release of a series entire 40 year life span, mind you) has people coming to suggest lists be made of Youtubers to make persona non grata over light criticism of a verifiably garbage product.

NRS shit the bed. People are still complaining because we're still gagging on the fumes we paid $110 to huff. Want people to shut up about the fact that they're unhappy about it? A valiant goal to alleviate their unhappiness. I'm one of those people. You can get me to shut up about MK1 forever by paying me back the money I wasted on it.

Paypal work for you?

Otherwise, I'll keep giving my feedback (which will remain negative so long as NRS keeps fucking up) as a customer. I imagine other people will too.
I’ve played MK1 more than any game since September so after paying $260 Pc/ps5 I’m good. I enjoy playing online a lot and I make zero apologies for wanting people who offer no constructive Criticism but just pure hate to not be considered for opportunities and quite frankly it’s obvious nobody wants these people around.

Individual customers can post and say whatever it’s not like the avg consumer would get an opportunity so including yourself or others referenced
  1. Nothing to do with being soft. It's completely unhinged in the context of a game, not in general real life situations.
  2. Why are you going to the extent to defend a person like that? Even if you share a similar sentiment with the guy, why are you doing it? Do you feel he represents you?
As far as I'm aware of, only PigoftheHut suggested something like that and everyone including me, called him out for it. The vast majority has no desire to silence or blacklist anyone. Everyone's free to voice their crappy opinion online and get (respectfully) called out for it.
Basically same response as above

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I don't often agree with Brady but he has a few good points in his criticism. Same with Mike Hollow. This game should be criticized on the many issues it has, if anything, more so by top players and content creators with influence and followers.

Calling on NRS to blacklist them and whatnot is shilling at its finest and quite sad.
Under no circumstance will Fate or dynasty get opportunities

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I hope Namco writes Arslan Ash’s name and remembers this when future opportunities arise. If he doesn’t like things about the game, he should just move on!
Ash is not a bigot, racist, Holocaust denier. He actually is a contributing and positive member of his game

fate and dynasty are not and these are the people I’m talking about. Idgaf about 13 y/o yung Joe living in South Dakota. Not applicable to anything I’m saying

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Yes. People don’t get that there’s so much criticism, because there is SO much wrong with the game. It’s also because they dropped sub par games back to back (of course this is subjective).

People that keep comparing MK1 to SFV forget that Capcom dropped Street Fighter 4 before it. One of the most iconic fighting games ever. Which is what earned them good grace. NRS dropped MK11 before MK1…
Remember how Tekken was gonna take over the NRS scene? Lol yea go check sonic, Rewind, and everyone else’s Twitter lately.
If you don’t like the game stop buying their products and just move on. Won’t be missed or continue to incessantly whine

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I think there is a disconnect between the source of the complaints, Pig's twitter post and this topic of silencing criticism.

The main source of the complaints are coming from Brady, Fate, and people that associate with them. And, their complaints are parroted copy/paste shit everyone already knows about, but they continue to scream into the void repeatedly and make clickbait thumbnails because negativity and outrage farms views and engagement. Its obnoxious behavior. On top of Brady and Fate being actually proven pieces of shit.

Pig's post in short is hoping that those select few people are being "tracked" so that they don't slip through the cracks and get future benefits from NRS (early access, testing, presenting, sponsored content etc)

Nobody is suggesting that people can't voice their complaints like normal human beings.
Thank god someone gets it

appreciate you buddy

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
This is a criticism I find hilarious because most of the times it comes from MKX fans. And that game was the scrubbiest, most shallow one of them all.

I'm talking about Hollow and his fanbase, specifically. Yes, those people want nothing to do MK1.

And to be even more specific, I don't want run buttons in my game. I don't want armoured launchers, 50/50s, EZ vortexes, anime game assists, crazy fast gameplay in MK1. If you want those in MK1, too bad. That's not the game for you and I hope none of this crap goes into the game.
I agree, in no shape or form does Mike Hallow or whatever his name is want to play MK. I’ve played MK since 1993 and I’ve never heard the name before until he started joining brady.
Sonic complains? I care
Mike hollow? I seriously do not give AF


I like Tekken 8
Ash is not a bigot, racist, Holocaust denier. He actually is a contributing and positive member of his game

fate and dynasty are not and these are the people I’m talking about. Idgaf about 13 y/o yung Joe living in South Dakota. Not applicable to anything I’m saying
Tom Brady isn’t anyone of those things (that I know of) but that didn’t stop you from throwing him under the bus.

That man thought you were his friend and you turned your back on him. For what? I know don’t know any of you personally, but on the outside looking in, it’s weird for you to be calling into his streams, inviting him on yours, and acting friendly with him when you didn’t like him this whole time.

And I’ve seen you on his streams after the whole scamming thing happened. But now is the time to virtue signal about it.
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