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What Pig is upset about, is the intentional weaponizing of hate, the self-destructive attitudes of people who profit off of destroying their own community for views, and the total lack of balance.
Even if this is true, the fact is he's acting like a fool. He is not the MK police or this community's ambassador. Especially when his social footprint on anything MK these days is essentially non-existent, aka no one knows him.

Even if TomBrady is a legacy MK figure, I think you grossly overestimate his overall reach. As for MikeHollow, he is no one really. Outside of Twitterland and here, no one talks about these guys.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Even if this is true, the fact is he's acting like a fool. He is not the MK police or this community's ambassador. Especially when his social footprint on anything MK these days is essentially non-existent, aka no one knows him.

Even if TomBrady is a legacy MK figure, I think you grossly overestimate his overall reach. As for MikeHollow, he is no one really. Outside of Twitterland and here, no one talks about these guys.
Pig has never claimed to be the MK police. He's just stating the obvious: that if people go way beyond constructive criticism into calling people at the company idiots, hacks, and losers, and trying to burn the entire competitive community to the ground for views.. Those same people shouldn't be surprised if they don't get early access, a pass to a company event, or or an invite to commentate the same events they're bashing.

It's fine not to like a game. But if you make it your life's mission to spit all over the competitive scene while not contributing anything positive, don't turn around and ask for special trearment and favors.

Example: I've seen Destroyer criticize plenty of things. But if you look at his Youtube, it's clear immediately that he uses his time to support our community and players anyway. For others to bash the events he creates while not spending one minute to help anybody else, and then complain that they aren't used as an official representative for the game, is ridiculous. I've sat through calls with some of these people and the hypocrisy is crazy.

If something negative happens, people who aren't part of our community suddenly jump into it to make content, but when something positive or exciting happens, they can't be found to talk about it.. Yet they want early access and invites to the media events? An agenda is clear.


Pig has never claimed to be the MK police.
I understand that. But, he is acting like it. Even if he's right, he goes the wrong way about it. Completely wrong. In his arguably failed attempt to call out the clout, which completely backfired on him btw, he was essentially asking for people to be blacklisted and censored. Pathetic.

Look, I think we all see the drama with people like MikeHollow and TomBrady and for the most part, it's not worth our time. They have their crowd, I think it's totally fine. Feel free to call them out; I did on multiple occasions. Just don't be like PigoftheHut trying to blacklist them or some crap like that. It's pathetic.


Zoning Master
Ps. I'm glad the podcast is not heading down that road and even though @M2Dave is critical about the game, he doesn't seem interested to chase unnecessary drama... like a fool.
I definitely did in the past. LOL. Presently, however, I refuse to call out people, many of whom are either my peers, friends, or former competitors, publicly.

A couple of days ago, I talked to Pig for an hour over the phone. While the conversation remained amicable, I vehemently disagree with what he has been tweeting recently. Nonetheless, I will not engage in drama on Twitter.

I do have to reiterate that the reason why the majority of the community has been feeding on the negativity is because of the pitiful state of the game. Even if you disregard the criticism of the gameplay mechanics and meta, which may be perceived as subjective, the online gameplay as well as single player content have never been more deficient for a Mortal Kombat game. People paid 120 dollars for this game only to receive the bare minimum, so people are entitled to be angry.


@M2Dave I believe voicing concerns and even calling people out is acceptable as long as everyone is being respectful. In the end of the day, we're talking video games and opinions are opinions. Everyone has one, it's ok :D

The online gameplay as of lately has been quite good in my experience, with a wired connection. No desyncs, and relatively stable even with crossplay on. Of course, it still lacks modes and it took many months to fix the never ending bugs. As for single player content, I think if someone's going to complain about the perceived lack of it, they probably don't like the game as a whole as much. Which is fine.

I think people are justified to feel disappointed for all the bugs in the game, how slow NRS' response was in fixing them and their total lack of communication, and the lack of online modes. In terms of gameplay and the fun factor, this is subjective. But, if you're having fun I think these issues are probably not enough to make you stop playing the game.


Administrator and Community Engineer
The online gameplay as of lately has been quite good in my experience, with a wired connection. No desyncs, and relatively stable even with crossplay on. Of course, it still lacks modes and it took many months to fix the never ending bugs. As for single player content, I think if someone's going to complain about the perceived lack of it, they probably don't like the game as a whole as much. Which is fine.

I think people are justified to feel disappointed for all the bugs in the game, how slow NRS' response was in fixing them and their total lack of communication, and the lack of online modes. In terms of gameplay and the fun factor, this is subjective. But, if you're having fun I think these issues are probably not enough to make you stop playing the game.
And this is exactly what a balanced, rational, non-clickbait critique looks like. This is the opposite of what/who Pig was referring to in his post.


This is the opposite of what/who Pig was referring to in his post.
I know, that's why he needs to do better. Otherwise, he's not better than the people he's attempting to call out.

Anyway, drama breeds drama. Everyone involved in this arguably harmless situation, needs to do a bit better. We, as the community I think need to just casually move on from this somewhat, artificial clout.


Zoning Master
@M2Dave I believe voicing concerns and even calling people out is acceptable as long as everyone is being respectful.
I have been respectful and disrespectful over the years. LOL. The reality is that nothing has changed at WB and NRS. People have been complaining about the lack of communication, depth, and long-term support for the games and their respective tournament scenes for years. Irrespective of whom people perceive as the "shills" and the "haters", WB and NRS follow a business model that evidently works for them. Obviously, this model is devastating to the tournament scene, as observed by Mortal Kombat 1's declining offline and online registration numbers.
A couple of days ago, I talked to Pig for an hour over the phone.
You really are something.
Hey BTW, remember that time he told me to duck out of the group photo at NRS? Guess that's why I still never hear from you. Even with me sick for years with bacterial infections, trigeminal neuralgia, not to mention all the psyche meds that you guys put me on since 2012, not once have you even spoke to me, after being best friends for years before you met your new clique.

Have a great day, man. Hope you give all your friends in the community another phone call. Never ever reach out to me again, not like you have in 20 years since becoming friends with all these toxic individuals and throwing me under the bus (just like they all did).

Even after multiple times of trying to reach out to you, you still not once have to me.

BTW, they robbed my stuff at tournaments too, rigged brackets, harassed me every year at NRS, and all stood by and did NOTHING when he told me to duck out of the group, including Hector Sanchez, who left NRS a month later.

Have a wonderful life, my friend. It was nice knowing you.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
If anyone has any direct questions about this tweet ask now. First time logged in for 8 yeats

Legend my brutha, Pig is a huge drama queen. There's always a motive behind what he says, and I doubt it's magnanimous.

One day he's Brady's bestie, the next he's dragging him through the muck bringing up old grifts. (That's friendship?) If your hamie is ranting and raving, let him rant to preserve the relationship. Just shows how tenuous and fraudulent some of these cats are on a personal level. Fooqs just want clout and some false kudos from the nameless masses, and have no desire to build a tangible community via interpersonal relationships with the game being the glue.

If Kenshi was dog shit, he'd be shitting on the product AND THEN MOVING ON.

Not going to dispute the Brady/Hollow click view remark. Often times the same thoughts are repeated over multiple videos.Nevertheless, I find the Brady "character" to be extremely entertaining.

On the Move On topic, trying to do myself. Hence most of my posts as of late are about other games lulz.
Brutha, I’m not Tom’s friend. Idgaf about clout from this scene and the scene matters extremely little to me.


that’s it….imagine giving AF about clout from you or anyone in the FGC but I still call bullshit when I see bullshit. drama queen? For what? Calling bs out when I see it? You can post all day about me bitching about Kenshi in MKX, that’s fine. But make sure you also post about everything I’ve done for the community and members themselves.

You’ve got guys threatening to harm themselves if they don’t get opportunities from NRS, you have guys robbing people and being forced to pay it back, you’ve got bigotry and Holocaust deniers all whining incessantly on YouTube about a fucking video game. You’ve got mid 40s guy kicking his monitor while a child cries in the background. So who here really need to get their shit together? That’s who you support? By all means speak it.

Even if this is true, the fact is he's acting like a fool. He is not the MK police or this community's ambassador. Especially when his social footprint on anything MK these days is essentially non-existent, aka no one knows him.

Even if TomBrady is a legacy MK figure, I think you grossly overestimate his overall reach. As for MikeHollow, he is no one really. Outside of Twitterland and here, no one talks about these guys.
You’ve said a lot and seem to be really a good guy, what specific questions do you have for me on this issue? below might clear it up some.

You really are something.
Hey BTW, remember that time he told me to duck out of the group photo at NRS? Guess that's why I still never hear from you. Even with me sick for years with bacterial infections, trigeminal neuralgia, not to mention all the psyche meds that you guys put me on since 2012, not once have you even spoke to me, after being best friends for years before you met your new clique.

Have a great day, man. Hope you give all your friends in the community another phone call. Never ever reach out to me again, not like you have in 20 years since becoming friends with all these toxic individuals and throwing me under the bus (just like they all did).

Even after multiple times of trying to reach out to you, you still not once have to me.

BTW, they robbed my stuff at tournaments too, rigged brackets, harassed me every year at NRS, and all stood by and did NOTHING when he told me to duck out of the group, including Hector Sanchez, who left NRS a month later.

Have a wonderful life, my friend. It was nice knowing you.
Jesus…..this post is straight up nuts and I probably should ignore it. Nobody asked you to sit down during a picture or get out of the way.

just quick summary:
You’ve never reached out to me
Nobody asked you out of a picture
Nobody robbed you at tournaments (I know of..?)
Hector Sanchez is a good dude
I have no idea what to make of this ramble.

As for the original tweet everyone is butthurt about let me see if I can be clear.

Things that are acceptable:
critiquing Desyncs
Criticizing missing modes
Criticizing a game being force-released 9 months before it’s actually ready.

These are All valid criticisms

What I’m specifically talking about is the constant crying from people who hate the game, hate NRS isn’t funding their pockets or giving them a career, hates assist system and just can’t seem to stfu and move on. I played MKDC like 5 months maybe and quit because I didn’t like the game. I played mk11 maybe 3 months seriously and quit because it was more dull than the band Creed. You didn’t see me make 45 f ing videos of the same thing every day whining I don’t like the game.

At the end of the day this is a f ing video game and if you don’t like it stop playing the video game and don’t purchase the next unless it’s something that pleases you.

Also use your heads and realize why the game came out incomplete. Don’t blame NRS - blame the ones who forced their hand.

I don’t wanna be here all day posting so let me summarize.

-New engine
-Coding new engine from home couch for a next gen era AAA studios HATE making games for
-Company acquisition from Discovery
-Audit from discovery (likely a stop in development)
-Significant amount of employees in lead roles poached by other game companies. This in itself was a nutty phenomenon. So many leads changed companies during 2020, a lot of the time it was because remote availability but this was a crazy time in gaming.

If anyone has any legitimate concerns w anything I’ve said here or have further questions feel free to ask, though I won’t be spending too much time on this because at the end of the day absolutely none of this matters.
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Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Pig has never claimed to be the MK police. He's just stating the obvious: that if people go way beyond constructive criticism into calling people at the company idiots, hacks, and losers, and trying to burn the entire competitive community to the ground for views.. Those same people shouldn't be surprised if they don't get early access, a pass to a company event, or or an invite to commentate the same events they're bashing.

It's fine not to like a game. But if you make it your life's mission to spit all over the competitive scene while not contributing anything positive, don't turn around and ask for special trearment and favors.

Example: I've seen Destroyer criticize plenty of things. But if you look at his Youtube, it's clear immediately that he uses his time to support our community and players anyway. For others to bash the events he creates while not spending one minute to help anybody else, and then complain that they aren't used as an official representative for the game, is ridiculous. I've sat through calls with some of these people and the hypocrisy is crazy.

If something negative happens, people who aren't part of our community suddenly jump into it to make content, but when something positive or exciting happens, they can't be found to talk about it.. Yet they want early access and invites to the media events? An agenda is clear.
I’m only a police officer in the field of cat fishing where my record is like 7 for 8. One huge strikeout but one we even busted in person.


Zoning Master
Hey BTW, remember that time he told me to duck out of the group photo at NRS? Guess that's why I still never hear from you. Even with me sick for years with bacterial infections, trigeminal neuralgia, not to mention all the psyche meds that you guys put me on since 2012, not once have you even spoke to me, after being best friends for years before you met your new clique.
You and I have talked on Facebook before, which I rarely use nowadays.

I have no new "clique". I talk to the same people whom I have always talked to.

If you have to take medications because of video games, you obviously have larger issues to address in your life.

I remain a friend, not a psychologist.

As for the original tweet everyone is butthurt about let me see if I can be clear.

Things that are acceptable:
critiquing Desyncs
Criticizing missing modes
Criticizing a game being force-released 9 months before it’s actually ready.

These are All valid criticisms

What I’m specifically talking about is the constant crying from people who hate the game, hate NRS isn’t funding their pockets or giving them a career, hates assist system and just can’t seem to stfu and move on. I played MKDC like 5 months maybe and quit because I didn’t like the game. I played mk11 maybe 3 months seriously and quit because it was more dull than the band Creed. You didn’t see me make 45 f ing videos of the same thing every day whining I don’t like the game.
I agree.

Also use your heads and realize why the game came out incomplete. Don’t blame NRS - blame the ones who forced their hand.

I don’t wanna be here all day posting so let me summarize.

-New engine
-Coding new engine from home couch for a next gen era AAA studios HATE making games for
-Company acquisition from Discovery
-Audit from discovery (likely a stop in development)
-Significant amount of employees in lead roles poached by other game companies. This in itself was a nutty phenomenon. So many leads changed companies during 2020, a lot of the time it was because remote availability but this was a crazy time in gaming.
I forget the exact year, but Street Fighter 5 received its biggest (and best) update during or shortly after COVID.

Tekken 7 was also receiving major updates.

I understand that the circumstances for Capcom and Namco are different, but if fans are not allowed to make comparisons and contrasts between NRS and its competitors, what are they allowed to do? Every company ought to be held to the same standards.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
You and I have talked on Facebook before, which I rarely use nowadays.

I have no new "clique". I talk to the same people whom I have always talked to.

If you have to take medications because of video games, you obviously have larger issues to address in your life.

I remain a friend, not a psychologist.

I agree.

I forget the exact year, but Street Fighter 5 received its biggest (and best) update during or shortly after COVID.

Tekken 7 was also receiving major updates.

I understand that the circumstances for Capcom and Namco are different, but if fans are not allowed to make comparisons and contrasts between NRS and its competitors, what are they allowed to do? Every company ought to be held to the same standards.
The biggest difference as we know is NAMCO and Capcom are its own bosses where as NRS probably can’t even tweet until it’s approved by HR at WB then that’s approved by HR at discovery.

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
The biggest difference as we know is NAMCO and Capcom are its own bosses where as NRS probably can’t even tweet until it’s approved by HR at WB then that’s approved by HR at discovery.
Yes...and what many don't realize is NRS is owned by WBD. And so many in the video game landscape are losing jobs. At least you have your fav Kenshi back! I just hope we all get out faves! and much QOL improvements.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
If anyone has any direct questions about this tweet ask now. First time logged in for 8 yeats

Brutha, I’m not Tom’s friend. If you want to support someone who has literally robbed community members and had more stains than anyone in NRS scene then be my guess. Idgaf about clout from this scene and the scene matters extremely little to me.
6 hour podcasts on the weekly from years back with references to phone calls on said podcasts is how I tenuously correlated a "friendship." This was corroborated by Brady on the latest podcast where he clearly considers you a "friend."

It's probable that it's a one sided friendship in one person's mind.

@Check, sorry you've been in a bad state mate. Hope you're in a better physical/mental state nowadays.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
6 hour podcasts on the weekly from years back with references to phone calls on said podcasts is how I tenuously correlated a "friendship." This was corroborated by Brady on the latest podcast where he clearly considers you a "friend."

It's probable that it's a one sided friendship in one person's mind.

@Check, sorry you've been in a bad state mate. Hope you're in a better physical/mental state nowadays.
Correct we were friends but I’m not going to associate w someone who gladly gives a Holocaust denier and bigot a platform. Fate

I won’t go into any more detail other than I hope Tom grows up one day. 2010-2013 he was one of the most infectious and likable personalities you could ever have on a mic but now it’s constant….well this and I have no interest in that.


Zoning Master
The biggest difference as we know is NAMCO and Capcom are its own bosses where as NRS probably can’t even tweet until it’s approved by HR at WB then that’s approved by HR at discovery.
I am fully aware, and I am trying to be as empathetic as possible for someone who spent $120 on this game. LOL.

However, how is the infrastructure at a company the customers' fault? Or even their concern?

Capcom and Namco have set high standards with Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8, respectively, which benefits the consumers.

I do not believe that holding NRS, whatever the circumstances may be, to the same high standards is unfair.

Constructive feedback is how people and companies make changes.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I am fully aware, and I am trying to be as empathetic as possible for someone who spent $120 on this game. LOL.

However, how is the infrastructure at a company the customers' fault? Or even their concern?

Capcom and Namco have set high standards with Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8, respectively, which benefits the consumers.

I do not believe that holding NRS, whatever the circumstances may be, to the same high standards is unfair.

Constructive feedback is how people and companies make changes.
I’m saying you get what you got this game because of those circumstances, acquisitions and basically being 2 separate billion dollar companies’ child. When both of your billionaire daddys tell you release September 16 you release September 16 even if it’s because of them it’s incomplete.

Namco/Capcom don’t have daddy issues lol


PSN: B1G-Husker
If you want to support someone who has literally robbed community members and had more stains than anyone in NRS scene then be my guess.
This. It’s amazing to me that people overlook this because “he’s the mk grandfather” or whatever else dumb shit they come up. He rips kids off, and tries to cover it up only to get called out by the top player in this scene for the bs. It’s even more sad that he’s yours and my age. Pathetic.

To the context of the rest of your posts, amen. You don’t like the game? Don’t play. Simple. NRS doesn’t owe people a fucking job/career/money. Plenty of issues to be legitimately scrutinized.


As for the original tweet everyone is butthurt about let me see if I can be clear.

Things that are acceptable:
critiquing Desyncs
Criticizing missing modes
Criticizing a game being force-released 9 months before it’s actually ready.

These are All valid criticisms
This is exactly the stuff MikeHollow talks about and you threw him under the bus specifically by name. He's also said stuff that's good about the game and has offered constructive criticism about the game along with direct suggestions for what might improve things.

What I’m specifically talking about is the constant crying from people who hate the game, hate NRS isn’t funding their pockets or giving them a career, hates assist system and just can’t seem to stfu and move on.
So people are allowed to voice criticisms until you arbitrarily decide it's too much and that they need to move on? Grow up and ignore it. It isn't hard. Stop getting ass-blasted and defensive over a bad product. Cuz that's all it is...a shitty product people paid a lot of money for.

I played MKDC like 5 months maybe and quit because I didn’t like the game. I played mk11 maybe 3 months seriously and quit because it was more dull than the band Creed. You didn’t see me make 45 f ing videos of the same thing every day whining I don’t like the game.
Yeah how dare someone make videos that people have interest in right? God forbid. Maybe stop making 45 posts of the same thing whining that you don't like people criticizing the game? Wait I'm sure that's somehow different...

MikeHollow made vids, he got some traction with them and has been also branching out into other stuff as he finds his groove in making vids. The market spoke and said "We'd like to watch videos taking NRS to task for their garbage product". Simple as. The fuck is the harm in that to cause you to swoop in and take the biggest fucking lick I've seen in a long time of NRS corporate boot to say they should be blacklisting people? Holy shit no wonder video game journalism is in the state it's in when one of the worst releases of the year (the worst release of a series entire 40 year life span, mind you) has people coming to suggest lists be made of Youtubers to make persona non grata over light criticism of a verifiably garbage product.

NRS shit the bed. People are still complaining because we're still gagging on the fumes we paid $110 to huff. Want people to shut up about the fact that they're unhappy about it? A valiant goal to alleviate their unhappiness. I'm one of those people. You can get me to shut up about MK1 forever by paying me back the money I wasted on it.

Paypal work for you?

Otherwise, I'll keep giving my feedback (which will remain negative so long as NRS keeps fucking up) as a customer. I imagine other people will too.


Constructive feedback is how people and companies make changes.
This is exactly the stuff MikeHollow talks about
I'm sorry guys but I just cannot see how someone reasonable can view, let alone say this guys' content as constructive. He's spewing vitriol on anything MK1 and openly admitted he hates the game and wants it to be like MKX. Completely unhinged. Not even MKTomBrady is saying this kind of nonsense.


Completely unhinged.
Can people please not be so absurdly hyperbolic? "Completely unhinged". Yeah I remember him saying he wanted to dismember people and drink their blood, right?


Good god, how soft can someone be?

"Guys! Guys! He said this game is bad! He said a lot of stuff in it doesn't work right! He's UNHINGED!"


An entire third of a podcast talking about stuff like how to potentially use variations, incorporating things like counter hits, rounding out move-sets both to create good tools AND to improve identity...and other stuff to help MK1...

Yeah. NOTHING constructive in there. Nope. Just "unhinged". I literally heard MikeHollow call in a bomb-threat to NRS headquarters before he bored a hole through his own feet with a hand-crank drill while shrieking that it was all Ed Boon's fault that he was doing it. TOTALLY UNHINGED behavior. Source: Trust me.
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What a day. What a lovely day.
If people (and by people, I mean shills such as trueunderdog, uncaged, etc.) can make videos about how good the game is, constantly glossing over how shitty things are overall, then people are allowed to make the opposite of that as well.

To allow one but not the other is completely hypocritical.


Good god, how soft can someone be?
  1. Nothing to do with being soft. It's completely unhinged in the context of a game, not in general real life situations.
  2. Why are you going to the extent to defend a person like that? Even if you share a similar sentiment with the guy, why are you doing it? Do you feel he represents you?
To allow one but not the other is completely hypocritical.
As far as I'm aware of, only PigoftheHut suggested something like that and everyone including me, called him out for it. The vast majority has no desire to silence or blacklist anyone. Everyone's free to voice their crappy opinion online and get (respectfully) called out for it.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
As far as I'm aware of, only PigoftheHut suggested something like that and everyone including me, called him out for it. The vast majority has no desire to silence or blacklist anyone. Everyone's free to voice their crappy opinion online and get (respectfully) called out for it.
He hasn't said anything vitriolic, and speaks in a very calm manner. Can you cite specifics comments that you find "unhinged?" Waxing nostalgic for MKX isn't unhinged, even in the sense of a gaming review. What's the biggest complaint towards NRShit that they have complete control over? Legacy or the lack there of.

Rude is that you?