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Zoning Master
Guys, seriously. If you don't enjoy the game, it's okay to sit this one out. Take example of @REO Don't try to fundamentally change what some of us actually enjoy. @M2Dave
I agree with you.

At this point in the game's lifespan, if you dislike the game, you will always dislike the game.

While I foresee no substantial gameplay changes that will inherently affect the meta of the game, there is no purpose in beating the dead horse for the fiftieth time.

I still believe that the core gameplay of Mortal Kombat 1 is OK, but I would not play the game over Tekken 8 or Street Fighter 6.

For those players who would, leave them and their community in peace.


For those players who would, leave them and their community in peace.
I truly respect you for saying that, because I know how passionate you are about MK. Believe me, I understand the feeling very well, but sometimes it is what it is.

Peacemaker is around the corner. Who knows? Maybe NRS manages to surprise us somehow.


Listening to the latest podcast and hearing suggestions like variations coming back in the next titles, run buttons, armoured launchers, and 50/50s made me realise I will not play any MK title that even remotely resembles MKX and doesn't have MK9 movement and pacing.

I don't know what the hell is wrong with TomBrady asking for such things, but I truly hope it never ever happens. At least MK1 is as close to MK9 as it gets, plus the Kameo system and with scrub mechanics kept to a minimum. I'll take that any day of the week.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
If NRS is hell bent on variations to enable "balance," then give every character a stance that opens up different moves. Would finally give utility to stand switch, and create some unique combo pathways.


If NRS is hell bent on variations to enable "balance," then give every character a stance that opens up different moves. Would finally give utility to stand switch, and create some unique combo pathways.
Something like the 3D MKs mixed with variations from MKX would be interesting for sure. Specially if you could change stances mid-combo. Like, imagine Kitana - one stance has long reaching combo starters that are slow and launch enemies, with special moves focused on keeping the opponent in the air; another one has stubby, lightning fast strings that are good for pressuring where she uses her fans like daggers, with special moves like her Sharpen and her Parry from MKX.


Something like the 3D MKs mixed with variations from MKX would be interesting for sure. Specially if you could change stances mid-combo. Like, imagine Kitana - one stance has long reaching combo starters that are slow and launch enemies, with special moves focused on keeping the opponent in the air; another one has stubby, lightning fast strings that are good for pressuring where she uses her fans like daggers, with special moves like her Sharpen and her Parry from MKX.
Shang is kinda like this and he's a blast to play. Really helps increase the move set without locking moves behind an awkward stance or impractical setup.

A complete roster like this with no Kameos would be great.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Make those switch stance combos tight AF too. I'm talking 1-2 frame margin for error.

@Felipe, I would like this to be based completely off MK9 legacy moves as base. Bring back the whole roster, incorporate some MKX characters into this model, and let's go. Your Kitana reference could easily be 21 into fan lift combo pathway with a stand switch into windbomb set ups. Make the setup tight where you can get blown up with a wakeup attack for attempting unless it's frame tight.

Just talking out of my ass after brainstorm for 30 secs. Which is 30 secs more than NRS thinks about their cash grab.

Regarding run mechanic, I think X did it a disservice due to moronic 50/50s. Would be a good mechanic to apply pressure and allow Run Cancels which are always fun af to practice.


I like Tekken 8
Listening to the latest podcast and hearing suggestions like variations coming back in the next titles, run buttons, armoured launchers, and 50/50s made me realise I will not play any MK title that even remotely resembles MKX and doesn't have MK9 movement and pacing.

I don't know what the hell is wrong with TomBrady asking for such things, but I truly hope it never ever happens. At least MK1 is as close to MK9 as it gets, plus the Kameo system and with scrub mechanics kept to a minimum. I'll take that any day of the week.
Preach. But scrub mechanics kept to a minimum I’ll have to disagree with. MK1 is super scrubby.


I haven't seen a dedicated thread about it around here and after watching the latest episode(6), I decided to make one.
One of the reasons I'm making this thread is because M2Dave is hosting it and CrimsonThunder is a usual attendant, so it kind of feels appropriate in a way to have a thread about it for discussion.

Considering the ongoing flavour of the month being "the game is dying", the participants touched upon the subject, the competition it faces from Tekken 8, and offered potential ways NRS could take to redeem or salvage the game, in their own words. There's quite a lot to unpack here.

Argument no.1: MK1 has no legacy systems/gameplay, it's a completely brand new game.

Being a player myself that skipped MKX and MK11 because I felt there was nothing compelling for me in terms of gameplay, while also both of these games being fundamentally different from the game I loved(MK9) I think I have a pretty good understanding where this argument is coming from. Let me explain why I feel this argument is completely wrong in this case.

1. Systems
a) Both players start the game with 1/3 bars of meter and the player that takes first hit gains 1 bar, exactly like MK9.
b) EX moves function exactly the same between MK9 and MK1, including armoured moves with the difference in MK1 only 1 move per character has armour.
c) The gameplay speed and general pacing of MK1 is extremely similar to MK9.
d) Movement, arguably the most significant aspect of a fighting game. Jumping, dashing, dash blocking, and moving around in general is again extremely similar between MK1 and MK9.
e) Pokes and footsies are again very similar between MK9 and MK1 resulting to a similar neutral game.
f) Sweeps and uppercuts are legacy in most MK titles.
g) Frame data in some characters is quite similar between MK9 and MK1, albeit a bit toned down.
h) Kameos I feel are a direct inspiration from MK9's Tag.

2. Graphics & Aesthetics
This is an area where I feel MK1 took directly out of MK9 in the most straight forward way possible. There's not much to say here, they share the same vibe.

Closing on the first argument. How can anyone seriously claim MK1 has no legacy is beyond me and I think they're straight up disingenuous. In fact, I'll as far to say MK1 is the spiritual successor of MK9. That's how strongly I feel about this.

Argument no.2: Tekken 8 is a better game than MK1 in almost every way and veterans love to come back to it.

Well, that's a good one. Maybe MKTomBrady was there on day 1 when OG MK1 was released but I was there when Tekken was released on PS1, it was my first game on that console and I've been playing Tekken all my life. I've played way more Tekken than MK in total, I've played them all on release.
Maybe I'm way too old, but I feel Tekken as a franchise after T5 has released nothing innovative since then. Tekken 6 was a downgrade compared to T5 in every possible way. Subpar graphics, awful aesthetic, bad gameplay with a million frames of input lag, etc. T7 was T6 all over again but with worse characters and even worse aesthetic. It took them years to lower the abhorrent input lag. And, welcome to 2024 where T8 is apparently a good game.
I think I have completely different standards for Tekken than the new generation of fans. I hold up T3, TTT, and T5 as what the franchise should aspire to. At least T8 managed to launch with decent input delay, it only took them 20 years to figure out how. Pathetic. The game overall is nothing new really. Same-same systems with same characters doing almost exactly the same stuff as 15 years ago. As a veteran, T8 is stale to me out of the box and it has nothing on MK1.

Argument no.3: The game doesn't have complete characters.

This argument has been a recurring thing for quite some time now and even members within the community share it. It's Kung Lao and Sub-Zero. Even though I sympathise with the players that love these 2 and to a lesser extent Reptile and Quan-Chi, I feel it's disingenuous to call the game dumbed down, watered down, or lacking complete characters just because these 2 are badly designed. It is what it is. They are bad, end of story. I've got to say that I remember MK9 Kung Lao with all his tools trivialising the whole game and I don't want that shit back. Say what you want, I'm glad they redesigned him. I just wish they did a better job at it. Also, Kung-Lao kameo shows how oppressive his main tools are, even as a kameo!!
Anyway, I hope NRS retools these characters and makes them awesome. There are badly designed characters, there are weak characters but please, let's stop with the watered down argument. Also, I'm hopeful we'll get a character buff patch. Hopefully, sooner than later.

Argument no4: The game is buggy and online is subpar and missing features.

Not much to say on this one. The fact ranked launched with no connection filter in place and no way to decline bad connections was nothing sort of shocking. Also, the constant state of newly found bugs. Totally unacceptable overall, absolutely true. NRS deserve the heat for it.

Argument no.5: Competitive scene and NRS communication

In terms of NRS' communication, there's again not much to be said other than completely unacceptable. They don't communicate at all with their fans or competitive scene and when they do, it's pure marketing. Awful. Totally deserve the criticism.

I apologize for the long post. I had to say these things since I feel there's a lot of hyperbole around this game.
FIrst and foremost, I love this post. This game is VERY inspired by MK9, in aesthetics, mechanics and gameplay. Speaking of gameplay, this is the most fun I've had with an MK game since MK9. You can pick a character/Kameo that allows you to play virtually any way that you wish. And you can win with that style.

As far as balance goes, it's not perfect, but it's VERY close. Virtually every other tier list concerning this game consists of only A, S- and S tiers, with the occasional person throwing in B-Tier. That's a far cry from what we experienced in MK9 or MKX; every character is able to place Top 8 in any tournament, not just because I said so, but because we've seen it ourselves. Literally all that NRS needs to do balance-wise is take those bottom-10 characters and give them the Quan Chi treatment and that's about all the balancing the characters need. The Kameos are another story, but some much-needed love to the least-used ones would fix them.

The real issues with this game stem from lack of previously common-place content, a bad Invasions mode, a lackluster-at-best netcode and a lack of new compelling offline modes. Not to mention, there's a disturbing lack of customization with character costumes, which when combined with the exorbitant prices of the add-on costumes in the Store, leave a bad taste in peoples' mouths.

But probably the biggest issue is that the game's stand-out feature - the Kameo System - is an addition that has been roundly rejected by the majority of casual/novice players, especially since people are forced to play with them rather than having the option to use them in a separate mode like in MK9. That one change might have spared the game from much of its criticism, even if not all of it.

Nonetheless, this game takes many steps in the right direction. The problem is that it was (and still is) an incomplete product in a field of FG competitors that are not only complete titles but also have taken the time to emulate past MK games in terms of netcode and offline modes.

This leaves players with a choice: either they stop with the excessive whining about problems that we are all keenly aware of and keep playing/enjoying the game. Or they stop playing the game altogether and enjoy those other titles.

I choose the former - wrapped up amongst all the noise and junk, there is a fun game to be had in MK1 and I will continue to play it, find tech and enjoy it. I wish that everyone else could do the same, but I can't blame them if they don't; the only thing that I ask is that anyone that is criticizing the game do so objectively, accurately and fairly.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
I've been really digging Mike Hollow. Seems like a dude I'd have a beer with in a heart beat. I don't get Pig's motives to shit on Brady while suckling off Boon. Let people vent and get the corporate teat out of your mouth. Only thing I can think of is he's doing really well at MK1 and is chasing some EVO gold. Need to silence all the doubters to give credibility to any forthcoming accolades. I mean shit, he's a 40 yr old man grinding setups at an airport at 4am ffs.

Anyhow, Mike Hollow's response.

Lord Brady's response

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Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
The move on mentality is exactly what is wrong with MK these days, anyway variations it's not the way to go.

Shania Twain

That Don't Impress Me Much
All anyone from NRS has to do is do a youtube search and see who they are and well not invite them or have them test or whatever. Video game layoffs are going on across all companies right now unless ur a senior engineer or something who has shipped a game or several games. A lot of what I think this Boomer generation does not realize that holds the cards is that the days of working for a job for 20 years is over. We can't afford to buy houses, inflation, insurance, etc. It puts a delay on starting a family, providing, and once you hit a millennial age a career change and lay off can be difficult. Even if single. The podcast/entrepreneur is also too much anymore. Regardless, I don't think the game will achieve anywhere near the sales/unites numbers for MK11. You can stilll login and play MK11 on PS5/XB Series X and the game load quickly and you can find matches. I hadn't played since MK1's launch and found the only thing I really had to unlearn was that I can't do breakers like MK1. I think they are going to either have massive trick up their sleeve with tons of free new Kameo dumps. Ways to earn crystals, and I kinda think they need to allow the ability to pick a new fighter if you lose in KL. not just the Kameo. And if they do another Aftermath type expansion, all new DLC characters and Kameos should be available.


I've been really digging Mike Hollow. Seems like a dude I'd have a beer with in a heart beat.
Yup seems like a chill guy. Have chatted with him in comments a bit. Frankly, Pig's take is pathetic. Should change his name to PayPig instead and he can simp properly for NRS & Boon.

The move on mentality is exactly what is wrong with MK these days
When Pig said "Move on" I told him that I would right after he or NRS refunds my $110 wasted fucking dollars. Cuz then we'll be even. Otherwise I'll keep voicing my issues and feedback towards the product I bought. Simple as. If people like Pig don't like it? They can move on (cuz I don't owe them shit)

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Let's all move on, so the next wave of consumers can buy MK2/MK12/MKShit when it drops with 6 weeks of dev effort behind it. "Hey the last one looked fairly well received, this should be fun."

Look at the comments in the Fatal Fury thread, it's all "cautious optimism." Why? Because SNK has shat the bed time and time again re: QOL.


I'm somewhere on Pig's side on this topic. MK1 isn't going to get any major changes. if you don't like it, move on. If it's not 100% transparent to you that people like Brady and this Mike Hollow guy are just spewing garbage for clicks than idk what to tell ya. Probably need to move off social media

In general. I REALLY despise people that use terms like "critical thinking" or "freedom of speech" to defend incessant bitching or outright bad ideas. They have no clue what either means.
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Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Legend my brutha, Pig is a huge drama queen. There's always a motive behind what he says, and I doubt it's magnanimous.

One day he's Brady's bestie, the next he's dragging him through the muck bringing up old grifts. (That's friendship?) If your hamie is ranting and raving, let him rant to preserve the relationship. Just shows how tenuous and fraudulent some of these cats are on a personal level. Fooqs just want clout and some false kudos from the nameless masses, and have no desire to build a tangible community via interpersonal relationships with the game being the glue.

If Kenshi was dog shit, he'd be shitting on the product AND THEN MOVING ON.

Not going to dispute the Brady/Hollow click view remark. Often times the same thoughts are repeated over multiple videos.Nevertheless, I find the Brady "character" to be extremely entertaining.

On the Move On topic, trying to do myself. Hence most of my posts as of late are about other games lulz.


Legend my brutha, Pig is a huge drama queen. There's always a motive behind what he says, and I doubt it's magnanimous.

One day he's Brady's bestie, the next he's dragging him through the muck bringing up old grifts. (That's friendship?) If your hamie is ranting and raving, let him rant to preserve the relationship. Just shows how tenuous and fraudulent some of these cats are on a personal level. Fooqs just want clout and some false kudos from the nameless masses, and have no desire to build a tangible community via interpersonal relationships with the game being the glue.

If Kenshi was dog shit, he'd be shitting on the product AND THEN MOVING ON.

Not going to dispute the Brady/Hollow click view remark. Often times the same thoughts are repeated over multiple videos.Nevertheless, I find the Brady "character" to be extremely entertaining.

On the Move On topic, trying to do myself. Hence most of my posts as of late are about other games lulz.
just to clarify, I was making a general post on the topic brought up on twitter. Nothing targeted.

I'm agreeing with Pig's sentiment and his original post. Probably not how I would handle the whole thing, but w/e. TBH, I think the FGC should be long past the acceptance of toxic people like Brady just because they happen to be entertaining. I think Pig would probably fit in this category as well if he was active in the community doing some of the things he did/said a decade ago. More recent examples may exist, but I was completely checked out from 2016 - 2023.


I like Tekken 8
Legend my brutha, Pig is a huge drama queen. There's always a motive behind what he says, and I doubt it's magnanimous.

One day he's Brady's bestie, the next he's dragging him through the muck bringing up old grifts. (That's friendship?) If your hamie is ranting and raving, let him rant to preserve the relationship. Just shows how tenuous and fraudulent some of these cats are on a personal level. Fooqs just want clout and some false kudos from the nameless masses, and have no desire to build a tangible community via interpersonal relationships with the game being the glue.

If Kenshi was dog shit, he'd be shitting on the product AND THEN MOVING ON.

Not going to dispute the Brady/Hollow click view remark. Often times the same thoughts are repeated over multiple videos.Nevertheless, I find the Brady "character" to be extremely entertaining.

On the Move On topic, trying to do myself. Hence most of my posts as of late are about other games lulz.
Many people in the NRS scene would backstab their own mother for money, clout, or an opportunity. There’s a reason the community is so fragmented.

Behind the fake grins, is a bunch of people out for personal gain. Then when the well dries up, “What happened to our community? :(
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Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
just to clarify, I was making a general post on the topic brought up on twitter. Nothing targeted.

I'm agreeing with Pig's sentiment and his original post. Probably not how I would handle the whole thing, but w/e. TBH, I think the FGC should be long past the acceptance of toxic people like Brady just because they happen to be entertaining. I think Pig would probably fit in this category as well if he was active in the community doing some of the things he did/said a decade ago. More recent examples may exist, but I was completely checked out from 2016 - 2023.
My whole pulse on the "community" is this site. Perhaps if I had social media I'd have a different view of certain people. Hell if Sub Zero were top tier maybe Brady would be playing the Pig role. Who is to really say at this point? They're all grifters at the end of the day. The grift being self validation from an external source.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I feel a little compelled to speak about this, because I’m probably the person who talks to Pig most in the community.

Some of the comments don’t reflect at all who he is. I’ll say it up front: Pig is not afraid to criticize the game.. Never has been. If you believe that, you haven’t been paying attention. We did a podcast where we intentionally gave voice to people on all sides, and we’ve had a million conversations about both likes and dislikes.

What Pig is upset about, is the intentional weaponizing of hate, the self-destructive attitudes of people who profit off of destroying their own community for views, and the total lack of balance.

There’s a way to criticize constructively, and to air legitimate grievances while still admitting the good points and allowing the people who like or play something to have room to thrive. That’s not what’s happening here. It’s people intentionally torching everything because it’ll boost their Youtube revenue. And people who can’t bring themselves to say one constructive and positive thing about the competitive scene because they want to discourage others from participating. That’s extremely unhealthy for the community, regardless of who likes/dislikes the game.

MKX was not my cup of tea meta-wise, and I spoke up about why (the constant 50/50s, effects of the run button on neutral, 60% screen strings), but one thing I did not do was take a tournament that had people going nuts in the crowd/stream chat and downplay the attendance or excitement of the event because I personally disliked the meta and balance. That kind of attitude is what we’re seeing now, and the people who gave tons of their own money and time to help others, rather than just to boost their own ego, should speak up about it.

Pig literally organized and ran an EVO tournament for MK9, a broken game that had not received a last patch, after EVO dropped it. I watched him use his cell phone internet on his own dime to prop up someone else’s tournament stream after the venue internet went down. That is how you build a community, even when a game is broken or there’s less developer support. I will always stand by those people over the ones who only live to tear others down.. Because if we destroy our community over one game or another, eventually there will be nothing left.


MikeHollow, TomBrady, PigoftheHut. There's a lot of pettiness going around at the moment, and these guys are in the center of it.

I'm extremely disappointed with TomBrady since he is a legendary MK figure, either we like it or not. It's a fact. I've been following him these days since MK1 launched on Twitch and youtube and his content has been deteriorating exponentially. It's truly sad, at least I feel sad about it. I'm going to say something that may sound bizarre but I feel it's true. If Sub-Zero was a top10 character in MK1, TomBrady would've probably loved the game. I think he is like that as a person.

Personally, I have little to no interest about Hollow. I think he's farming hate watchers, and his content reflects that. There may have been a point in time were he gave constructive critisim about the game, but the fact is he is just harvesting toxicity right now. TomBrady and him are feeding of off each other in a miserable and sad symbiotic relationship.

PigoftheHut came in the picture lately because I guess he felt tired of those guys' toxicity. But the way he goes about it is completely wrong. He is feeding the monster even more by presenting himself as some kind of righteous figure. He is chasing a fools path.

95% of all this stuff is clout and completely unnecessary. It's soap opera drama and although it may be fun watching it unfold, we should take it for what it truly is.

Ps. I'm glad the podcast is not heading down that road and even though @M2Dave is critical about the game, he doesn't seem interested to chase unnecessary drama... like a fool.